COMARC/A Format for Authorities Data


510 Related access point – corporate body name

This field contains the access point for an authorized form of corporate body name that is related to the access point in field 2XX.

Territorial names alone, which are used as author access points, are considered corporate body names (field 510). Territorial names, which are followed by a corporate body subdivision and which are used as author access points or as subject access points, are also considered corporate body names. Territorial names alone or only with subject subdivisions as additions, which are used as subject access points, are considered territorial names (field 515).

Subfields & repeatability

510Related access point – corporate body namer
aEntry elementnr
cAddition to name or qualifierr
dNumber of meetingnr
eLocation of meetingr
fDate of meetingnr
gInverted elementnr
hPart of name (not entry or inverted element)nr
3Record numbernr
5Relationship controlnr
7Script of the base access pointnr
9Language of the base access pointnr


1The kind of corporate body
0corporate name
2Form of name indicator
0name in inverted form
1name entered under place or jurisdiction
2name entered under name in direct order


Subfields from a to h are described at field 210, and subfields 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the Control subfields chapter.


This field contains a corporate body name formulated in accordance with the national descriptive cataloguing rules or subject system and related to the access point in field 2XX.




  1. 21001aGreat Britain. bBoard of Trade
    510015b aGreat Britain. bDepartment of Trade and Industry
    510015b aGreat Britain. bDepartment of Trade
  2. 21002aAmerican Material Handling Society
    510025b aInternational Material Management Society
  3. 21012aMeeting in the Matterof Pollution of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries
    510125a aConference in the Matterof Pollution of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries
  4. 21002aDunedin Savings Bank
    510025a aOtago Savings Bank
  5. *

    21002aInstitut informacijskih znanosti cMaribor
    5100236209123 5a aUniverza v Mariboru bInstitut informacijskih znanosti c1990-1992


    21002aUniverza v Mariboru bInstitut informacijskih znanosti c1990-1992
    5100236208099 5b aInstitut informacijskih znanosti cMaribor
  6. *

    21002aUniverza v Ljubljani bFakulteta za arhitekturo
    510023<nnn> 5a aUniverza v Ljubljani bFakulteta za arhitekturo, gradbeništvo in geodezijo
    21002aUniverza v Ljubljani bFakulteta za arhitekturo, gradbeništvo in geodezijo
    510023<nnn> 5b aUniverza v Ljubljani bFakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
    510023<nnn> 5b aUniverza v Ljubljani bFakulteta za arhitekturo
  7. *

    21002aUniverza v Ljubljani bPedagoška fakulteta
    510023<nnn> 5a aPedagoška akademija
    21002aPedagoška akademija
    510023<nnn> 5a aVišja pedagoška šola
    510023<nnn> 5b aUniverza v Ljubljani bPedagoška fakulteta
    21002aVišja pedagoška šola
    510023<nnn> 5b aPedagoška akademija
  8. *

    21002aCerkev Jezusa Kristusa svetih iz poslednjih dni
    510023<nnn> 5z aReorganizirana Cerkev Jezusa Kristusa svetih iz poslednjih dni
    550⊔⊔3<nnn> 5g aMormonska cerkev
    (Record from the General List of Subject Headings (SGC).)