COMARC/A Format for Authorities Data


Subfield 5 – Relationship Control

This subfield is used in 4XX and 5XX fields. It may contain a code indicating a relationship between an access point in 4XX or 5XX field and the authority access point in field 2XX.

The relationship code is used to generate the instruction phrase or reference when displaying the reference traced in the field (as indicated in the table below). The relationship expressed is thus semantically the obverse of the instruction phrase for the reference (see examples 2, 3). The use of the special phrase is optional. It is not incorrect to use the ">" or ">>" instruction alone.

The meaning of the relationship code may be used directly when displaying the reference traced, and it is displayed next to the variant or related access point (see examples 2, 3, 9).

For more detailed instructions see Introduction, Guidelines for Use, Display of Reference and Authority Records.

The following data elements are defined for subfield 5:

aearlier name
blater name
cofficial name
freal name
gbroader term
hnarrower term
iname in religion
jmarried name
kname before marriage
lshared pseudonym
msecular name
ndifferent rule form
xxxcdescendants family relationship
xxxdprogenitor family relationship
xxxerelationship in marriage
xxxjsibling relationship
xxxgparent relationship
xxxhchild relationship
xxxkmember (is member of)
xxxlhas member
xxxmfounder (has founded)
xxxnfounded by
xxxpsubordinate corporate body's name
xxxqlarger corporate body's name
xxxsowner's name
xxxtowned by

Agents relationship.


Related term or names relationship.

Example of instructional phrases generated from relationship codes:

Relationship code and relationship informationReference display instruction phrase from 4XX field Reference display instruction phrase from 5XX field
a earlier name See under later name: See also under later name:
b later name See under earlier name: See also under earlier name:
cofficial nameSee under real name:See also under real name:
dacronymSee under expanded form:See also under expanded form:
epseudonymSee under real name:See also under real name:
freal nameSee under pseudonym:See also under pseudonym:
gbroader termSee under narrower term:See also under narrower term:
hnarrower termSee under broader term:See also under broader term:
iname in religionSee under secular name:See also under secular name:
jmarried nameSee under name before marriage:See also under name before marriage:
kname before marriageSee under married name:See also under married name:
lshared pseudonymSee under authors' real names:See also under authors' real names:
msecular nameSee under author's name in religion:See also under author's name in religion:
ndifferent rule formSee under valid rule form:See also under valid rule form:
xxxcdescendants family relationship/See also under progenitor family name:
xxxdprogenitor family relationship/See also under descendant family name:
xxxerelationship in marriage/See also under spouse name:
xxxjsibling relationship/See also under sibling's name:
xxxgparent relationship/See also under child's name:
xxxhchild relationship/See also under parent's name:
xxxkmember (is member of)/See also under corporate body's name or family name:
xxxlhas member/See also under person's name:
xxxmfounder (has founded)/See also under name:
xxxnfounded by/See also under founder's name:
xxxpsubordinate corporate body's name/See also under larger corporate body's name:
xxxqlarger corporate body's name/See also under subordinate corporate body's name:
xxxsowner's name/See also under name:
xxxtowned by/See also under owner's name:


  1. 200⊔1aOrwell bGeorge
    400⊔15f aBlair bEric Arthur
    (Eric Arthur Blair wrote under pseudonym George Orwell.)
  2. 200⊔0aMarie de la Trinité cdominicaine f1904-....
    3000⊔aNom en religion de : Rosa Boiral. - Dominicaine au Monastère Sainte-Catherine de Langeac (43300, Haute-Loire)
    400⊔15m aBoiral bRosa

    Authority record display:

    Marie de la Trinité, dominicaine, 1904

    Nom en religion de : Rosa Boiral. - Dominicaine au Monastère Sainte-Catherine de Langeac (43300, Haute-Loire)

    < Boiral, Rosa (светско име)

    Reference display:

    Boiral, Rosa

    See under name in religion: > Marie de la Trinité, dominicaine, 1904

  3. 21002aDunedin Savings Bank
    510025a aOtago Savings Bank

    Authority record display:

    Dunedin Savings Bank

    << Otago Savings Bank (earlier name)

    Reference display:

    Otago Savings Bank

    See also under later name: >> Dunedin Savings Bank

  4. 21002aCoopération et aménagement cFrance
    510025a aSecrétariat des missions d'urbanisme et d'habitat cFrance

    Reference display:

    Secrétariat des missions d'urbanisme et d'habitat (France)

    See also under later name: >> Coopération et aménagement (France)

  5. 152⊔⊔aAFNOR
    200⊔0aMarie et Joseph
    3000⊔aAuteurs de romans policiers (pour adultes et enfants). - Pseudonyme collectif de Corinne Bouchard (qui écrit aussi sous lenomme Corinne Arbore) (pseudonyme Marie), née le 4 novembre 1958 et de Pierre Mezinski (pseudonyme Joseph), né le 1er juillet 1950; commencent à écrie en 1990 séparément sous leurs patronymes, mais n'ont à ce jour jamais écrit séparément sous le prénom choisi par chacum comme pseudonyme.
    500⊔15f aBouchard bCorinne f1958
    500⊔15f aMezinski bPierre f1950-
  6. 200⊔1aGrimm bJacob
    3000⊔aPisao i u suradnji s bratom Wilhelmom Grimmom
    340⊔⊔aGrimm, Jakob, njemački filolog i književnik, 1785.-1863.; Grimm, Wilhelm, njemački filolog, brat Jakoba Grimma, 1786.-1859
    400⊔0aGrim cBraća
    400⊔0aGrimm cBrothers
    400⊔0aGrimm cFratelli
    400⊔0aGrimm cFreres
    400⊔0aGrimm cGebrueder
    400⊔0aGrimm cVellezerit
    400⊔1aGrimm bJacob
    500⊔15xxxj aGrimm bWilhelm
    (Also wrote in collaboration with brother Wilhelm Grimm.)
    200⊔1aGrimm bWilhelm
    3000⊔aPublikacije svih djela što ih je Wilhelm Grimm pisao zajedno sa svojim bratom treba tražiti pod imenom Jakoba Grimma
    400⊔1aGrimm cWilhelm
    500⊔15xxxj aGrimm bJakob
    (Publications, which Wilhelm Grimm wrote in collaboration with his brother, see under the name Jacob Grimm.)
  7. 220⊔⊔aPicot de Gouberville cfamille
    500⊔15xxxk aGouberville bGilles de f1521?-1578
    200⊔1aGouberville bGilles de f1521?-1578
    520⊔⊔5xxxl aPicot de Gouberville cfamille
  8. 152⊔⊔bnlr_sh
    200⊔0aВиктория Федоровна cвеликая киягиня f1876-1936
    400⊔05k aВиктория Meлита f1876-1936
    500⊔03RU\NLR\AUTH\661269264 5xxxe aКирилл Владимирович cвеликий киязь f1876-1936
    520⊔⊔3RU\NLR\AUTH\661238026 5xxxl aРомановы cсемья
    520⊔⊔3RU\NLR\AUTH\66193735 5xxxl aГанноверская cдинастия английских королей f1714-1901
  9. *

    200⊔1aBor bMatej
    400⊔15f aPavšič bVladimir

    Authority record display:

    Bor, Matej

    <Pavšič, Vladimir (real name)

  10. *

    250⊔⊔aStarodavna likovna umetnost
    550⊔⊔3<nnn> 5z aArheološke ostaline
    550⊔⊔3<nnn> 5g aStarodavne civilizacije
    550⊔⊔3<nnn> 5g aZgodovina likovne umetnosti
    (The term Arheološke ostaline is a related term to the term Starodavna likovna umetnost, whereas Starodavne civilizacije and Zgodovina likovne umetnosti are its broader terms.)
  11. *

    450⊔⊔2lc 3sh 85020377 5n 8eng aCarnival
    450⊔⊔2ram 3FRBNF11936675 5n 8fre aCarnavals
    450⊔⊔2sears 3SSEA93000244 5n 8eng aCarnival
    550⊔⊔3<nnn> 5g aFestivali
    (Record from the General List of Subject Headings (SGC). In fields 450, the access point for the term from the field 250 is entered and formulated according to the LCSH, RAMEAU and SEARS rules. Subfield 5 indicates that this is the same term but that the access point was formulated according to different rules.)