COMARC/A Format for Authorities Data




The COMARC/A machine-readable format for authority records description and data exchange within the COBISS system is based on the UNIMARC/A Authorities Format. The latter is an international standard which is maintained by the IFLA UNIMARC Core Activity secretariat (UCA).

In addition to COMARC/A there are two other formats being used within the COBISS system: COMARC/B for bibliographic data and COMARC/H for holdings data; both formats support functions of shared and local catalogues and also these of maintaining bibliographies. They are presented in separate manuals.

The COMARC/A manual has been prepared according to COMARC/B manual. It includes primarily fields/subfields of the UNIMARC/A format with additional specificities of authority records structure within the COBISS system. The manual will be modified gradually following the future changes to the format, i.e. implementation of new areas of the authority control within the COBISS system.

The text of the manual is based on the publication UNIMARC/Normativni podatki (Institut informacijskih znanosti, Maribor 1994) which is the translation of the publication UNIMARC/Authorities from 1991; some updates from later editions of UNIMARC/Authorities are also taken into account.

At the moment the manual contains the description of fields and subfields relating to the authority control of authors and subject headings in the General List of Subject Headings COBISS (SGC). Instructions and examples that are not connected to the authority control in the COBISS systems are excluded. The exception is the chapter Introduction and the subchapters Definitions and Guidelines for use that also include the options from the UNIMARC/Authorities manual that are not used in COBISS systems.

Fields/subfields being contained by COMARC/A format, and also not by UNIMARC/A format, are marked by an asterisk "*".

COMARC/A format is prepared for the COBISS shared cataloguing system which is described in the COBISS3/Cataloguing manual. It is used in the CONOR and SGC databases.

For easier data entry within the COBISS shared cataloguing system input masks are implemented which include a selection of fields and subfields being used frequently while entering an authority record. All other fields may be used only if they are provided in a sample directory of the particular input mask. In the CONOR database, the following input masks are implemented: PN – personal names and CB – corporate bodies, and the following input masks are implemented in the SGC database: PN – personal names, CB – corporate bodies, GN – geographical names, FN – family names, UT – titles, NT – name/title, ET – conventional name/title for legal and religious texts, TN – topical subjects, FS – forms, genres or physical characteristics, CBR – corporate bodies (reference records), GNR – geographical names (reference records), TNR – topical names (reference records), FSR – forms, genres or physical characteristics (reference records) and GER – general explanatory records.

There is a list of subfields with a designation at the beginning of each field description indicating whether the field is repeatable (r) or not repeatable (nr).

Punctuation marks between subfields should not be entered strictly, because they are generated automatically.

The manual contains two types of examples. Examples not specially marked were taken from the manual UNIMARC Manual. Authorities Format. They are all prepared according to different cataloguing rules and in different languages. That is why they do not always correspond to our cataloguing practise. Marked with an asterisk "*" are added Slovenian examples and examples from other libraries from the network. The latter examples also contain the designation.

Experts from different institutions have participated, and still are participating with their suggestions in the development of COMARC/A format. That is why, we are grateful to them for their work.

All current and future users of this manual are invited to submit their suggestions and, in this way contribute and further improve solutions that have already been developed.


The terms defined below are those used in special sense in COMARC/A manual; terms used in theirs normal bibliographic sense are not defined. A more complete listing of definitions relating to parts of an authority record are contained in Guidelines for Authority and Reference Records (GARR), Guidelines for Subject Authority and Reference Entries (GSARE), Functional Requirements for Authority Data (FRAD) and Statement of International Cataloguing Principles (ICP) i.e. in corresponding translations in Slovenian.

Record Types

Authority record – A machine-readable record for which the initial element is the authorized access point for a person, corporate body, work, trademark, printer/publisher device, topical subject, place access or form, genre, or physical characteristics, as established by the cataloguing agency responsible. In addition to the authorized access point, the record contains, as applicable: information notes; a record of all variant and related access points from which references have been made; authorized access points in other language or script; classification and entry history information; notes recording sources consulted, etc.; an identification of the cataloguing agency responsible for the entry.

General explanatory record – A machine-readable record for which the initial element normally consists of a truncated or otherwise stylized or exemplary form, from which the user is directed to a general class or defined category of access points. It serves to inform the user of the list, catalogue, bibliography etc., of a convention that applies either generally or to a defined category of access points, and to provide guidance in locating such access points.

Reference record – A machine-readable record for which the initial element is the variant access point. It is designed to direct the user of the list, catalogue, bibliography etc., from the variant access point to the appropriate authorized access point (i. e. a see reference). Reference records are defined only for variant access points, because the references from authorized access points to related authorized access points (i.e. a see also reference) can always be generated from authority records.

Access Point Types

Access point

  1. The initial element of an entry used as the principal filing element when the entry is arranged in an alphabetical listing. See also authorized access point, reference access point and general explanatory access point.

  2. The word "access point" may also be used in terms such as "authorized access point", "variant access point ", etc., to refer to the status of an element as it relates to other similar elements and in those cases is used independently of its function within the authority or reference record. See also authorized access point, authorized access point in other language or script, related access point, variant access point and alternative script access point.

  3. Terms such as "corporate name access point", "personal name access point" and "title access point" may be used to designate the type of access point by reference to the type of name or title on which the access point is based, without regard to its function or relationship to other access points.

Base access point – The base access point is that part of the access point that identifies the name of the entity, excluding any qualifying data. For example, in the access point "aNicolini da Sabbio bDomenico f15-- to 160-? cimprimeur-libraire", the base access point is "aNicolini da Sabbio bDomenico" in Italian. The language of cataloguing being French, the qualifiers are expressed in French, i. e. "cimprimeur-libraire".

Controlled access point – An access point recorded in an authority record. Controlled access points include authorized forms of names as well as those designated as variant forms.

Access points categorized by function within a record:

Authorized access point – The access point for an authority record.

Reference access point – The access point for a reference record.

General explanatory access point – The access point for a general explanatory entry.

Access points categorized by relationship to other access points:

Authorized access point – An access point constructed using the preferred name as the basis of the form to be followed without variation.

Authorized access point in other language or script – An alternative form of the authorized access point based on another language or script form of the name, title or subject.

Related access point – One of two or more authorized access points for name of the same or related entities, each of which is bibliographically related to the other(s).

Variant access point – An access point in a form other than that established as the authorized access uniform access point. Generally such an access point is either based on a variant name sometimes used by the person, corporate body or family itself, or sometimes used by others to identify the person, corporate body, trademark, family, printer/publisher device or work; or constructed on a pattern different from that used to establish the authorized access point. In the case of a subject access point this is usually the variant form, which is not the same as the entry element of the authorized subject access point.

Alternative script access point – An authorized access point represented in another script.

Record Components

Tracing – The identification within the authority record of the variant or related access point from which a reference is to be made directing the user of the list, catalogue, bibliography etc., to the appropriate authorized access point. The tracing is designed to provide for the generation of references and assist the cataloguer in readily determining what references have been made.

Information note – A note of the type that is generally given in catalogues, bibliographies, etc., under an authorized access point, a reference access point, or a general explanatory access point for the purpose of explaining the relationship between that access point and other access points that are referenced from it.

Primary entity – The entity, named in the 2XX block, for which the record was created. Data in the 1XX block generally pertain to characteristics of the primary entity.


Mandatory Fields

In addition to the System Field 000, which is entered automatically, a record must contain the following fields:

001 – Record label
100 – General processing data
2XX – Authorized Access Point Block

Field and Subfield Repetition

If the designation "r" (repeatable) is associated with a field, i.e. subfield, then that field, i.e. subfield, may occur more than once in a record. The designation "nr" indicates that field, i.e. subfield may not be repeated.


The punctuation prescribed by GARR is not entered strictly because it is generated automatically. GARR prescribed punctuation consists of "=" (used with parallel access points), "<", ">", "<<", and ">>" symbols (used with tracings), ";" and "," (used in the source area – 8XX block). All other punctuation between subfields (in access points, notes, etc.), are generated automatically within the COBISS systems.

Fill character

Generally, all required data needs to be entered in the records, but this is not always possible if the data is not available. In such cases, the fill character "|" is used when the value of the indicator or the coded data cannot be determined.

Format Use

Authority Records

This format is designed to support primarily the communication of authority records for authorized access points. These records may also carry tracings of variant or related authorized access points (as outlined in GARR, 0.3.1), i.e. variant or related access points from which reference records are generated for display. A 4XX field is used for a "see from" reference tracing containing a variant form of the authorized access point. A 5XX field is used for a "see also from" reference tracing containing a related authorized access point. See examples 1, 6 and 9.

In exceptional cases, references can be added to authority records in note form: field 305 – Textual see also reference note. Reference notes are used when a reference is too complex to be adequately generated from one or more related access points. The 2XX access point is also generally traced as a see reference tracing in a 5XX field of each of the records for access points mentioned in the 305 note. Such tracings would usually have the Reference Supression Code in the subfield 5 set to suppress automatic generation of a simple reference, since the reference record provides the reference. See example 2.

Reference Records

Reference records for variant access points are only made when see references are too complex to be adequately generated from 4XX fields in authority records. The reference record contains the variant access point in the 2XX field and a 310 – Textual see reference note. The 2XX access point is also generally traced as a see reference tracing in a 4XX field of the authority record for each of the authorized access points referred to in the 310 note. These tracings would generally have the Reference Supression Code in the subfield 5 set to suppress automatic generation of a simple reference, since the reference record provides the reference. See examples 3, 10 and 11.

General Explanatory Records

General explanatory records are made when see references from explanatory access points are needed. The general explanatory record contains an explanatory access point in the 2XX field and a 320 General Explanatory Reference Note. The 2XX explanatory access point is not traced on any authority record. See example 4.

Relationships Between Access Points

Parallel Data

Option 1

A general principle for creating a record using this format is that one form of one access point is entered and that access point is appropriate for a catalogue in the language designated by the 100 field. The reference tracings constitute the reference structure for that access point in that catalogue.

If a cataloguing agency needs to construct a parallel catalogue based on another language, the agency may want to transmit equivalent or parallel language forms of the fields 2XX access point and the notes and tracings appropriate to the parallel access points. It is not recommended that the notes and tracings for the parallel access points based on language differences be co-resident in a single authority record. In using this format, these parallel access points should have separate authority records in which they have a role of authorized access point and where their reference structure will be recorded in the 4XX and 5XX reference tracing and 3XX note fields.

Note that when these parallel access points are in a different script, not only in a different language, they are still encoded following the rules for parallel data. If the access points are in a different but the same language as their corresponding fields then the rules for alternative scripts should be followed.

The records for the different formulations of the access point designed for different language catalogues may be linked through the 7XX fields for authorized access points in other language or script. In each authority record, each parallel access point and its associated authority record identifier (subfield 3) may be recorded in 7XX field. See example 7.

Option 2

Alternatively, an agency may treat parallel forms of the 2XX authorized access point as simple variants or references: 4XX or 5XX reference tracings with or without specifying language. The reference structures of the parallel forms are not needed and are not included in the record. The choice of technique depends on the practices of the establishing agency.

It should be noted that a distinction is made for a given record between:

  1. the language of cataloguing, used for the quafifiers in the access points (2XX), variant access points (4XX), related access points (5XX), authorized access points in other language or script (7XX), and for notes (3XX);

  2. the language of the base access point, that is to say the part of the access point that identifies the entry excluding any qualifying data. For example: in the access point "aNicolini da Sabbio bDomenico f15-- to 160-? cimprimeur-libraire" the base access point is "aNicolini da Sabbio bDomenico" in Italian. The language of cataloguing is French, the qualifiers are expressed in French, i. e. "cimprimeur-libraire".

Alternative Script Data

The script of cataloguing (access point, notes, tracings, etc.) is identified in the 100 field of the record. Some agencies need to record access points, notes and tracings in more than one script form because of transliteration and alternative script orthographies used for a language (e. g. Cyrillic and Latin script). Alternative script representations of the access points, notes, and the tracings may be co-resident in an authority record or may reside in separate linked records. Note, however, that if the alternative script representations differ in language from their corresponding access points, then the rules for parallel data apply.

When the alternative scripts representations are co-resident, then the alternative script forms of the 2XX record access point are recorded in repeatable 2XX access point fields, with a subfield 7Script of the base access point that indicates the difference from the script defined in the 100 field. The alternative script forms of notes or tracings are carried as repeated tags in their respective blocks. See example 8.

If the alternative script representations reside in separate records, then the records are linked through 7XX authorized access point fields which contain the alternative script form of the 2XX field. The 7XX field contains a subfield 7Script of the base access point. The record control number of the authority record for the alternative script form of the access point may be recorded in the 7XX field.

Data generated according to different rules

Access points in an authority record are generated according to the principle that their form is controlled with one set of either descriptive cataloguing rules or rules for subject indexing found in the field 152 – Rules. However, for various reasons, the catalogue can include access points or complete authority records that were specified by different systems of rules. When these access points or authority records apply to the same entity, their relationship must be determined.

Some institutions record the access points constructed according to different rules in the same authority record or they record them in separate records that are connected with one another and supported by the entire structure of authority records (e.g. preferred access points, variant access points, notes, information on data resources). If the data generated according to different rules is in one single authority record, the forms specified according to different rules than the access point from the 2XX field are entered as variant access points into the repeatable 4XX and the relationship is indicated with the "n" code in the subfield 5 – Relationship control. If the data according to different rules is in separate authority records, other forms of access point from the 2XX field are entered as related access points into 5XX fields with the subfield 5 – Relationship control to indicate the relationship. See examples 5 and 12.


  1. 21002aPittsburgh Research Center
    41001aUnited States bBureau of Mines bPittsburgh Research Center
    510025a aPittsburgh Mining and Safety Research Center Center
    (Authority record with the authorized access point in field 210. There is a variant access point in field 410 as see reference tracing, and a related access point in field 510 as see also reference tracing.)
  2. 200⊔1aJapp bAlexander H.
    3050⊔aFor works of this author written under pseudonyms, see also bGray, E. Condor aand bPage, H.A.
    (Authority record containing a textual see also reference note in field 305.)


    200⊔1aGray bE. Condor
    500⊔15z0 aJapp bAlexander H.
    (Authority record containing a related access point as see also reference tracing with display suppressed in field 500.)


    200⊔1aPage bH.A.
    500⊔15z0 aJapp bAlexander H.
    (Authority record containing a related access point as see also reference tracing with display suppressed in field 500.)
  3. 200⊔1aKacew bRomain
    3100⊔aÉcrit sous deux pseudonymes bAjar, Émile bGary, Romain
    (Reference record containing a variant access point as reference access point in field 200 and a textual see reference note in field 310.)


    200⊔1aAjar bÉmile
    400⊔15z0 aKacew bRomain
    (Authority record containing a variant access point as see reference tracing with display suppressed in field 400.)


    200⊔1aGary bRomain
    400⊔15z0 aKacew bRomain
    (Authority record containing a variant access point as see reference tracing with display suppressed in field 400.)
  4. 21012aConference
    320⊔⊔aConference proceedings are entered under the name of the conference, etc., or the title of the publication if the conference, etc., lacks a name. Thus, see also: Symposium..., Workshop..., etc.,
    (General explanatory record with an explanatory access point in field 210 and a general explanatory reference note in field 320. )
  5. 152⊔⊔aPPIAK
    200⊔1aMirković bMijo
    400⊔15e aBalota bMate
    500⊔12uni-PPIAK 5n 5f aMirković bMijo
    500⊔12uni-PPIAK 5n 5e aBalota bMate
    (According to the Croatian rules for implementing PPIAK in an online catalogue with the UNIMARC Format for Authority Records the name Mijo Mirković and the pseudonym Mate Balota are treated as related access points. In PPIAK, the pseudonym Mate Balota is treated as a variant access point.)
  6. *

    21002aUniverza v Ljubljani bFakulteta za arhitekturo
    510023<nnn> 5a aUniverza v Ljubljani bFakulteta za arhitekturo, gradbeništvo in geodezijo
  7. *

    200⊔17cb aФром bЕрих f1900-1980
    200⊔17ba aFromm bErich f1900-1980
    (In the COBISS.SR system catalogues are maintained in both Cyrillic and Latin script. Therefore, authority records contain two 200 fields. In the first field the name is entered in Cyrillic script, and in the second field it is entered in Latin script. Both fields contain subfield 7 that shows the script of the base access point.)
  8. *

    200⊔17cb aНушић bБранислав f1864-1938
    200⊔17ba aNusic bBranislav f1864-1938
    700⊔13357 7ca 9bul aНушич bБранислав f1864-1938


    200⊔179bul aНушич bБранислав f1864-1938
    700⊔13613 7cb aНушић bБранислав f1864-1938
    700⊔13613 7ba aNusic bBranislav f1864-1938
    (In the COBISS.BG system three authorized access points are used for personal names. In first record the access points are entered in alternative scripts, the original name form in Cyrillic and the transcribed name form in Latin script. The second record contains the name entered in Bulgarian language. Records are linked through the 700 field.)
  9. *

    550⊔⊔5g aZoologi
    550⊔⊔5z aOrnitologija
    (Authority record with the authorized access point in field 250. There is a variant access point in field 450 and a related access point in fields 550.)
  10. *

    215⊔⊔aOsmansko cesarstvo z19. stoletje
    3101⊔aRabi kombinacijo bOsmansko cesarstvo a+ bZgodovina a+ z1800-1899
    (Reference record with the reference access point in field 215 and a reference note in field 310 that refers you to the appropriate authorized access points. Authority records are not used for chronological subdivisions. )
    215⊔⊔aOsmansko cesarstvo
    (Authority record for the authorized access point from field 310 in the first record.)
    (Authority record for the authorized access point from field 310 in the first record.)
  11. *

    250⊔⊔aAmeriške balade
    3101⊔aRabi kombinacijo bAngleške balade a+ bZdružene države Amerike
    (Reference record with the reference access point in field 250 and a reference note in field 310 that refers you to the appropriate authorized access points.)
    250⊔⊔aAngleške balade
    (Authority record for the authorized access point from field 310 in the first record.)
    215⊔⊔aZdružene države Amerike
    (Authority record for the authorized access point from field 310 in the first record.)
  12. *

    450⊔⊔2lc 3sh 85020377 5n 8eng aCarnival
    450⊔⊔2ram 3FRBNF11936675 5n 8fre aCarnavals
    450⊔⊔2sears 3SSEA93000244 5n 8eng aCarnival
    (In the fields 450, the entered access point for the expression from field 250 is constructed according to the LCSH, RAMEAU and SEARS rules. It is evident from the code in the subfield 5 that this is an access point constructed according to different rules.)

Outline of Content of Records

Content of RecordAreas as Specified in GARR
Present in all types of records:
0XXIdentification BlockISADN Area (where applicable)
1XXCoded Information Block
8XXSource Information BlockCataloguer's Note Area, Source Area
Authority Record (type of record = x):
2XXAuthorized Access Point Block (authorized access point)Authority heading area
300Information noteInformation Note area
305Textual see also reference note
4XXVariant Access Point BlockSee Reference Tracing Area
5XXRelated Access Point BlockSee Also Reference Tracing Area
7XXAuthorized Access Point in Other Language and/or Script BlockAuthority Heading Area
Reference Record (type of record = y):
2XXAuthorized Access Point Block (variant access point)Reference Heading Area
300Information NoteInformation Note Area
310Textual See Reference NoteUniform Heading Area
7XXAuthorized Access Point in Other Language and/or Script BlockReference Heading Area
General Explanatory Entry Record (type of record = z):
2XXAuthorized Access Point Block (explanatory access point)Explanatory Heading Area
320General Explanatory Reference NoteInformation Note Area
7XXAuthorized Access Point in Other Language and/or Script BlockExplanatory Heading Area

Correspondence between COMARC/A and COMARC/B

COMARC/A Access Point FieldsAccess Point Usage in COMARC/B fields
200Personal Name700, 701, 702
4XX with embedded fields 700, 701, 702
210Corporate Name710, 711, 712
4XX with embedded fields 710, 711
215Tertitorial or Geographic Name710, 711, 712
4XX with embedded fields 710, 711
220Family name602
230Uniform Title500
4XX with embedded fields 500
243Conventional Name/Title for Legal and Religious Texts604
250 Topical Subject 606, 608
280 Form, Genre or Physical Characteristics 606, 609

Display of Reference and Authority Records

The following methods may be used in coding data to allow flexibility in displaying reference and authority records as is allowed in GARR:

  1. Tracings are divided into 4XX fields for variant access points and 5XX fields for related access points. The first character of these tags thus signals the need for the ">" or ">>" symbol for use in displays of reference records. For authority records, 4XX and 5XX signal that the symbols "<" and "<<" should be displayed or see and see also references as appropriate.

  2. The relationship code in the relationship control in subfield 5 – Relationship control may be used to indicate in coded form one of several standard relationships the tracings may have with the 2XX record access point. These codes allow systems to display specific relationship information in reference and authority records. Since the textual reference information generated as a result of the code is system dependent, the specific relationship or instruction may be in the language choice of the recipient. This relationship or instruction information is displayed in addition to, not in lieu of, the symbols ">", ">>", "<", and "<<".

  3. If the particular relationship between the 2XX record access point and a tracing is not one of those for which a code value is defined in the relationship code of the subfield 5, but is still a one-to-one relationship, subfield 0 – Instruction phrase is provided to supply the instruction. Since this instruction phrase is in textual form, institutions that cannot use the information in the language given can omit it in displaying authority and reference records since the less precise ">", ">>", "<", and "<<" symbols will also be generated from the field designation. If the subfield 0 occurs in addition to the relationship code in the subfield 5, the instruction in the subfield 0 should be preferred for display unless it is undesirable for language or other reasons.

  4. If a relationship between the reference and the referred to access point in several-to-one or has other complexities that make it desirable to transmit the reference as an information note (in addition to tracings), then the 3XX information notes may be used. Variant access points referred from and preferred access points referred to in information notes should also appear as tracings in appropriate authority records. This will allow an institution that cannot use the information note to still display (less precise) reference information from the tracings based on the 4XX and 5XX fields.