COMARC/A | April | 2020 |
This field contains the access point for an authorized form of a topical subject as subject that is related to the access point in field 2XX.
Subfield a is described at field 250, subfields x, y and z in the Subdivisions chapter, and subfields 3, 5 and 9 in the Control Subfields chapter.
This field contains a topical subject formulated in accordance with the subject system and related to the access point in field 2XX.
250 ⊔⊔ aElectronic data processing xData preparation 550 ⊔⊔ aInput design, Computers *
152 ⊔⊔ bsgc 250 ⊔⊔ aStarodavna likovna umetnost 550 ⊔⊔ 3<nnn> 5g aStarodavne civilizacije 550 ⊔⊔ 3<nnn> 5g aZgodovina likovne umetnosti 550 ⊔⊔ 3<nnn> 5z aArheološke ostaline (Record with a related term and two broader terms.) *
152 ⊔⊔ bsgc 220 ⊔⊔ aHabsburžani (vladarska rodbina) 550 ⊔⊔ 3<nnn> 5g aVladarji (Avstrija) (Record for a royal family with a broader term that is a topical subject.) *
152 ⊔⊔ bsgc 250 ⊔⊔ aSlovanski jeziki 515 ⊔⊔ 3<nnn> 5z aSlovanske države 550 ⊔⊔ 3<nnn> 5g aBaltoslovanski jeziki 550 ⊔⊔ 3<nnn> 5g aIndoevropski jeziki 550 ⊔⊔ 3<nnn> 5z aCirilica 550 ⊔⊔ 3<nnn> 5z aGlagolica 550 ⊔⊔ 3<nnn> 5z aPanslavizem 550 ⊔⊔ 3<nnn> 5z aSlavistika 550 ⊔⊔ 3<nnn> 5z aSlovanska imena 550 ⊔⊔ 3<nnn> 5z aSlovanska književnost 550 ⊔⊔ 3<nnn> 5z aSlovanski rokopisi (Fields 515 and 550 contain seven related terms and two broader terms for the term Slovanski jeziki.)