COMARC/A | September | 2018 |
This subfield is used in fields 2XX, 4XX, 5XX and 7XX. It contains a 3-character code for the language of the base access point. The base access point is that part of the access point that identifies the entity, excluding any qualifiers. The qualifiers are expressed in the language of cataloguing (see example 1).
100 ⊔⊔ ba cslv gba 200 ⊔1 aShakespeare bWilliam 400 ⊔1 9scr aŠekspir bViljem *
100 ⊔⊔ ba cslv gba 200 ⊔1 aPeroci bEla 400 ⊔1 9slo aPerocióva bEla (The form of female name expressed in Slovak language.) *
100 ⊔⊔ ba cslv gba 200 ⊔1 aŽižek bSlavoj r09979 400 ⊔1 9jpn aJijeku bSuravoi 400 ⊔1 9jpn aJijeku bSuravoj 400 ⊔1 9chi aQizeke bSilawore (Names that are transliterated from Japanese and Chinese.) *
100 ⊔⊔ ba cbul gca 200 ⊔1 7ca aСоловьев bВладимир Сергеевич f1853-1900 200 ⊔1 7ba aSolov'ev bVladimir Sergeevic f1853-1900 400 ⊔1 7ca aСоловьов bВладимир Сергеевич f1853-1900 700 ⊔1 31324645 7ca 9bul aСоловьoв bВладимир Сергеевич f1853-1900 (In field 700 the parallel access point is entered in Bulgarian language.) *