COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


607 Geographical name used as subject

This field contains a geographical name used as a subject heading.

Subfields & repeatability

607Geographical name used as subjectr
aEntry elementnr
xTopical subdivisionr
yGeographical subdivisionr
wForm subdivisionr
zChronological subdivisionr
2System codenr
3Authority record numbernr
6Linking datanr
9Previous authority record number*nr


1Name display indicator*
No value
0Not displayed**
1Displayed in catalogues**
2Displayed in bibliographies**
3Displayed in catalogues and bibliographies**
2Not defined


607a Entry element

The geographical name in the form prescribed by the subject system used.

607x Topical subdivision

A term added to further specify the geographical name that the subject heading represents.

607y Geographical subdivision

A term to further specify the geographical name that the subject heading represents (see example 5).

607z Chronological subdivision

A term to further specify the time period in relation to the geographical name that the subject heading represents (see examples 1, 2, 4, 9, 10).

607w Form subdivision

A term to further specify the kind or genre of the material (see examples 5, 6).

6072 System code

Code of the system or subject heading list (thesaurus) from which the subject heading is derived. It is recommended that this subfield is always filled in in a field 607.

6073 Authority record number

Identification number of an authority record for a geographical name (see examples 7, 8).

6076 Linking data

A two-digit number (01–99) for linking the 607 fields with the corresponding 967 fields (see example 9).

6079 Previous authority record number*

This subfield is generated automatically in the compatibility process of bibliographic and authority records that are marked to be deleted.

If field 607 is linked to such authority record, the identification number of the authority record, that is used instead of the "deleted" record, is entered automatically in subfield 3 during the compatibility process; the former content of subfield 3 is transferred into subfield 9.


This field contains data entered in accordance with the subject system used.

Names of political entities in the form of geographical names are entered in this field if they appear alone or are subdivided only by subject subdivisions (see examples 2, 4). Names of political entities subdivided by names of subordinate bodies are entered in field 601.

Subfield 6076 is used only when a geographical name is not linked to an authority record via subfield 6073.


Subject headings in the form of names of political entities subdivided by names of subordinate bodies are entered in field 601.


  1. 607⊔⊔aEurope xHistory z476-1492 2lc
    607⊔⊔aEurope, Western xHistory 2lc
    (Geographical subject headings assigned to the record for Froissart's Chronicles.)
  2. 607⊔⊔aGreat Britain xPolitics and government z1660-1714 2lc
    (A geographical subject heading assigned to the record for Macaulay's History of England.)
  3. 607⊔⊔aExmouth, Eng. xSocial life and customs 2lc
    (A geographical subject heading assigned to the record for Mrs Beer's House by Patricia Beer.)
  4. 607⊔⊔aRome xPolitics and government z510-30 B.C. 2lc
    (A geographical subject heading assigned to the record for A short guide to electioneering: Quintus Cicero's 'Commentariolum petitionis'.)
  5. 607⊔⊔aUnited States xBoundaries yCanada wPeriodicals 2lc
  6. 607⊔⊔aEurope wRoad maps 2lc
  7. *

    607⊔⊔32340200 aTihi ocean 2SGC
  8. *

    607⊔⊔310786408 aTabor (Občina Nova Gorica, Slovenija) 2SGC
  9. *

    607⊔⊔aZdružene države Amerike xZgodovina z18.-20. st. 2NUK 601
    967⊔⊔aZDA 2NUK 601
    (A subject heading in the record for the book America as second creation: technology and narratives of new beginnings.)
  10. *

    607⊔⊔aБеоград xПозоришни живот z1920-1940