COMARC/B | February | 2021 |
This field contains the name of the corporate body, which is one of the subjects of the resource, in access point form, with the optional addition of extra subject information.
601 | Corporate body name used as subject | r | |
a | Entry element | nr | |
b | Subdivision | r | |
c | Addition to name or qualifier | r | |
d | Number of meeting | nr | |
e | Location of meeting | r | |
f | Date of meeting | nr | |
g | Inverted element | nr | |
h | Part of name (not entry element) | nr | |
x | Topical subdivision | r | |
y | Geographical subdivision | r | |
w | Form subdivision | r | |
z | Chronological subdivision | r | |
2 | System code | nr | |
3 | Authority record number | nr | |
6 | Linking data | nr | |
9 | Previous authority record number* | nr |
1 | Corporate body type | |
0 | Corporate name | |
1 | Meeting | |
2 | Form of name indicator | |
0 | Name in inverted form | |
1 | Name entered under place or jurisdiction | |
2 | Name entered under name in direct order |
The first indicator specifies whether the corporate body is a meeting (conference, symposium, etc.) or not. If the name of the meeting is a subdivision of the name of a corporate body, the name is regarded as that of a corporate body (see example 10).
The second indicator denotes the form of the corporate name.
Portion of the name used as the entry element in the subject heading that enables sorting and searching in the catalogue. Subfield is mandatory.
The name of a lower level in a hierarchy when the name includes a hierarchy, or the name of a corporate body subordinate to a political entity (see example 9). This subfield excludes any additions to the name added to distinguish between institutions with the same name (see subfields c, g and h). Subfield is repeated when there are more than two levels in the hierarchy.
Any addition added to the name of the corporate body by the cataloguer, other than number, year and place of the meeting (see examples 4, 5, 7, 8, 11).
The number of a meeting (see example 10).
The place where a meeting was held when it is required as part of the subject heading (see example 10).
The date of a meeting when it is required as part of the subject heading (see example 10).
Any part of the name of the corporate body which is removed from the beginning of the name in order to enter the body under a word which is more likely to be sought.
With the inverted form of the name, use this subfield to enter the part of the name, which is not the entry or inverted element.
A term added to further specify the topic that the subject heading represents (see examples 2, 5, 6, 8, 14).
A term to further specify a place in relation to the corporate body that the subject heading represents (see example 6).
A term to further specify the time period in relation to the corporate body that the subject heading represents (see examples 9, 12).
Code of the system or subject heading list (thesaurus) from which the subject heading is derived. It is recommended that this subfield is always filled in in a field 601.
Identification number of an authority record for a corporate body name (see example 11).
A two-digit number (01–99) for linking the 601 fields with the corresponding 961 fields (see examples 12, 13).
This subfield is generated automatically in the compatibility process of bibliographic and authority records that are marked to be deleted.
If field 601 is linked to such authority record, the identification number of the authority record, that is used instead of the "deleted" record, is entered automatically in subfield 3 during the compatibility process; the former content of subfield 3 is transferred into subfield 9.
This field is intended for entering corporate body names used as subject headings. These headings are structured in the same way as the headings for corporate bodies responsible for the content of the bibliographic resource. Subfields a, b, c, d, e, f, g and h follow the same form as in field 710 where you can also find further explanation on the scope and content of these subfields.
Unlike field 710, field 601 can include more than just the name of the corporate body and additions to the name. Terms may be added to a subject heading to further specify the form, topic, place or time. Subfields are formulated in accordance with the subject system.
This field is used to enter the names of political entities followed by a subdivision for a subordinate body (see example 9). If the name of a political entity appears alone or is subdivided only by subject terms, it is entered in field 607.
Subfield 6016 is used only when a corporate body name is not linked to an authority record via subfield 6013.
When a person rather than a corporate body is the subject, field 600 is used. | |
When a family rather than a corporate body is the subject, field 602 is used. | |
When the subject is an author/title, field 604 is used. | |
Political entities represented by geographical names are entered in field 607 if they appear alone or subdivided only by subject terms. |
601 02 aHardy Heating Co Ltd 2lc (A subject heading assigned to the record for Hardy Developments Ltd: test and cases in management accounting.) 601 02 aChurch of England xClergy. wBiography 2lc (A subject heading assigned to the record for Charles Lowder and the ritualistic movement (punctuation is retained in the example).) 601 02 aStrategic Arms Limitation Talks wJuvenile literature 2lc (A subject heading assigned to the record for a book for children entitled The nuclear arms race.) 601 02 aBeagle Expeditions c1831-1836 2lc (A subject heading assigned to the record for The adventures of Charles Darwin: a story of the Beagle voyage.) 601 02 aEgba cAfrican tribe xHistory 2lc (A subject heading assigned to the record for Lugard and the Abeokuta uprising: the demise of Egba independence.) 601 02 aCatholic Church yScotland xGovernment 2lc (A subject heading assigned to the record for Scotia pontificia: papal letters to Scotland before the Pontificate of Innocent III.) 601 02 aSpray cShip 2lc (A subject heading assigned to the record for In the wake of the Spray (the qualifier "Ship" has been added since the name Spray is not distinctive).) 601 02 aTemplars cOrder of chivalry xHistory 2lc (A subject heading assigned to the record for The Knights Templar.) 601 01 aGreat Britain bManpower Services Commission z1981-1985 2lc (A subject heading assigned to the record for MSC corporate plan 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985.) 601 02 aUnited Nations bConference on the Law of the Sea d3rd f1973-1975 eNew York, etc. 2lc (A subject heading assigned to the record for documents on the third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea.) *
601 02 39503592 aBlejski grad cBled, Slovenija 2SGC *
601 02 aProstovoljno gasilsko društvo Gorenje pri Zrečah z1990-2020 2NUK 601 961 02 aPGD cGorenje pri Zrečah 2NUK 601 (A subject heading assigned to the record for the book 30 let prostovoljnega gasilskega društva Gorenje pri Zrečah.) *
601 02 aUnited Nations 2LC 601 601 02 aNations Unies 2CAF 961 02 aZdruženi narodi 601 (A subject heading assigned to the record for the book Basic facts about the United Nations.) *
601 02 aGrupa Irwin xLikovna umjetnost wIzložbeni katalozi 2BH