COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


710 Corporate body name – primary intellectual responsibility

This field contains the name of the corporate body considered to have primary intellectual responsibility for a work described in the bibliographic record. The name is entered in the form defined as the uniform corporate heading.

Subfields & repeatability

710Corporate body name – primary intellectual responsibilitynr
aEntry elementnr
cAddition to name or qualifierr
dNumber of meetingnr
eLocation of meetingr
fDate of meetingnr
gInverted elementnr
hPart of name (not entry or inverted element)nr
3Authority record numbernr
4Relator coder
8Institution/organization code*nr


1Corporate body type
0Corporate name
2Form of name indicator
0Name in inverted form
1Name entered under place or jurisdiction
2Name entered under name in direct order

Indicator 1 specifies whether the corporate body is a meeting (conference, symposium, etc.) or not. If the name of the meeting is a subdivision of the name of a corporate body, the name is regarded as that of a corporate body (see examples 8, 9).

Indicator 2 denotes the form of the corporate name. The indicator signifies whether the name is entered in an inverted form (used when the first word of a corporate name or a meeting is not selected for the entry word; see example 12), under the name of the place or jurisdiction (used for corporate bodies relating to governments or other agencies of jurisdiction that are entered under the name of the place; see example 14) or under the name in direct order (used for all other corporate bodies).


710a Entry element

The portion of the name used as the entry element in the heading that enables both search and sort within the catalogue. If field 710 is entered a subfield a may also be entered.

710b Subdivision

The name of the lower level in a hierarchy when the name includes a hierarchy (see example 13) or the name of the corporate body when it is entered under place or jurisdiction (see example 11) (see example 14). This subfield excludes any additions to the name added by the cataloguer to distinguish it from other institutions of the same name (see subfield c). Subfield is repeatable if there is more than one lower level in the hierarchy.

710c Addition to name or qualifier

Any addition to the name of the corporate body added by a cataloguer, other than number, place and date of conference (see example 12). Subfield is repeatable if there is more different additions. If there are more additions (being on the same level) they are all entered in the same subfield separated from each other by the punctuation mark " / ".

710d Number of meeting

The number of a meeting when the meeting belongs to a number series (see examples 9, 15, 16). Arabian numerals are entered.

710e Location of meeting

The place where a meeting was held (see examples 8, 9, 15, 16).

710f Date of meeting

The date of a meeting (see examples 8, 9, 15, 16).

710g Inverted element

Any part of the name of the corporate body which is removed from the beginning of the name in order to enter the body under a word which is more likely to be sought (see example 12).

710h Part of name (not entry or inverted element)

In headings with inverted element the part of the name which is not the entry element is entered in subfield h (see example 12).

710s Script*

This subfield contains the base heading script code.

7103 Authority record number

An authority record ID of the corporate name is entered in this subfield (see examples 7 to 9).

7104 Relator code

It is used to designate the relationship between the corporate body named in the field and the item to which the record refers (see example 11). The global code list is used (see Appendix H).

7108 Institution/organization code*

This subfield is designated for maintaining institutions' bibliographies within the COBISS systems. It is mandatory in the records that the institution wants to include in its own bibliography (see example 9). The global institutions/organizations' code list is used (see Appendix F.7).


This field contains the uniform corporate heading appearing as the heading of the main catalogue card.

Field 710 should not appear in the record together with field 700 – Personal name – primary intellectual responsibility, because a corporate and a personal heading of the main catalogue card can not be defined simultaneously.

Punctuation marks between subfields are generated automatically on outputs. Entry word should be entered with small letters, because capital letters are displayed automatically.


200fTITLE AND STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY, First statement of responsibility
Data in field 200 are recorded as it appears on the item. The name of the corporate body mentioned in subfield f, to whom is attributed primary responsibility for the item will be entered in field 710.
The name of the corporate body having alternative intellectual responsibility is entered in field 711.
The name of the corporate body having secondary intellectual responsibility is entered in field 712.
A parallel or other form of the corporate name having primary intellectual responsibility is entered in field 910.
The form of the corporate body or meeting name, which is obtained from the source and is not yet in the authority record linked to the field 710, is entered in field 916.


  1. 71002aLight Railway Transport League
    (The Light Railway Transport League has primary responsibility for a book entitled "Johannesburg tramways". The cataloguing rules used generally stipulate the removal of initial articles from all corporate body headings.)
  2. 71002aBell and Howell. bMicro Photo Division
    (This entry mode is suitable for systems that do not have punctuation marks generated automatically on outputs. Within the COBISS systems punctuation marks between subfields is not entered strictly.)
  3. 71001aUnited States. bFarm Credit Administration. bPublic Affairs Division
    (The division responsible for the document is a subordinate body of a subordinate body.)
  4. 71001aEssex c(County). bAdvisory Unit for Computer Education
    (A local government body has a qualification entered in subfield c and indicating the level of government of the body.)
  5. 71002aNational Conference of Catholic Bishops c(United States)
    (A qualifier consisting of place name may be entered in order to distinguish between organizations of the same name in different countries.)
  6. 71012aNASECODE II c(Conference) f(1981 : eTrinity College, Dublin)
    (Names of conferences are entered as headings in a formalised form. On the title page: "proceedings of the NASECODE II conference held at Trinity College Dublin from 17th to 19th June 1981". Conference is added as a qualifier to explain the term NASECODE II. Indicator 1 is set to "1".)
  7. *

    2000⊔a30 let Univerze v Mariboru f[glavni urednik Ivan Rozman gfotografije Arhiv UM,]
    710023289533539 aUniverza v Mariboru
  8. *

    2000⊔aSlikovne metode v odkrivanju in zdravljenju žilnih bolezni f[Letno srečanje Združenja za žilne bolezni SZD, Šmarješke Toplice, 20. in 21. maj 2005 guredniki Aleš Blinc, Matija Kozak, Mišo Šabovič]
    710023289165923 aSlovensko zdravniško društvo bZdruženje za žilne bolezni bLetno srečanje f2005 eŠmarješke Toplice
    (The conference subordinate to a corporate body. For corporate body conference that has no particular name (e.g. annual meeting, conference), the indicator 1 is set to "0".)
  9. *

    2000⊔aManagement v evropskem okolju ezbornik 1. strokovnega posveta Visoke šole za management v Kopru, Bernardin, 10.-11. november 2000 f[risbe Alen Ježovnik]
    710023289588323 aVisoka šola za management bStrokovni posvet d1 f2000 eBernardin 83-402
    (The conference subordinate to a corporate body. The institution/organization code is entered in subfield 8.)
  10. *

    2000⊔aFotografska razstava Društva ljubiteljev fotografije Maribor f[uredila Marjan Laznik, Mihael Elvič]
    71002aDruštvo ljubiteljev fotografije Maribor
    (There is no authority record for the corporate body name in the database, so there is no subfield 3.)
  11. *

    2000⊔aBolj pravljica kot res bZvočni posnetek fMladinski pevski zbor Maribor gdirigent[ka] Karmina Šilec g[klavir Olga Peceny]
    71002aMladinski pevski zbor Maribor 4590
    (The relator code in subfield 4 specifies the responsibility of the corporate body entered in field 710.)
  12. *

    2000⊔aPopis igrokaza za diletantska društva euposlena muška i ženska lica navedena su kod svakog igrokaza
    71000aKugli gSt. hknjižara cZagreb
    91001aSt. Kugli knjižara cZagreb
    (The corporate name is entered in inverted form.)
  13. *

    2000⊔aŠirjave krajine 2004 bElektronski vir erazstava študentov Oddelka za likovno umetnost, februar/marec 2005 fmentorja Anka Krašna, Oto Rimele g...
    71002aUniverza v Mariboru bPedagoška fakulteta bOddelek za likovno umetnost
    (The subordinate corporate body is entered in subfield 710b as subdivision. Subfield b is repeated for subordinate corporate body.)
  14. *

    2000⊔aUstavno sodišče Republike Slovenije d≠The ≠Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia f[besedilo Jadranka Sovdat, Ivan Biščak gfotografije Miran Kambič, Stane Klemenc, Tone Stojko gprevod Marko Novak, Dean De Vos]
    71001aSlovenija bUstavno sodišče
    (The corporate body is entered under the place or jurisdiction.)
  15. *

    2001⊔aMehanizacija i automatizacija u rudarstvu i energetika ezbornik radova fVI Međunarodni simpozijum povodom 40 godina Smera za mehanizaciju u rudarstvu g[glavni urednik Vojin Čokorilo] dMechanization and automatization in mining and energetics eproceedings fVI International Symposium on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of department of Mining Mechanization Engineering
    71012aMeđunarodni simpozijum Mehanizacija i automatizacija u rudarstvu i energetika d6 f2002 eBeograd
    (The conference that is specified by a number, date and place of meeting. The record was created in a system, in which they make catalogue slips. Because of an added entry the first indicator in field 200 is set to "1". )
  16. *

    2001⊔aŽivot i delo akademika Pavla Ivića ezbornik radova sa trećeg međunarodnog naučnog skupa Život i delo akademika Pavla Ivića, Beograd, Novi Sad, Subotica, 17-19. septembar 2001 f[organizatori] Gradska biblioteka Subotica … [i dr.] gglavni urednik Judita Plankoš
    71012aMeđunarodni naučni skup Život i delo akademika Pavla Ivića d3 f2001 eSubotica eBeograd eNovi Sad