COMARC/B | December | 2024 |
This field contains the name of a corporate body considered to have an alternative intellectual responsibility for a work described in the bibliographic record. The name is entered in the form defined as the uniform corporate heading.
711 | Corporate body name – alternative intellectual responsibility | r | |
a | Entry element | nr | |
b | Subdivision | r | |
c | Addition to name or qualifier | r | |
d | Number of meeting | nr | |
e | Location of meeting | r | |
f | Date of meeting | nr | |
g | Inverted element | nr | |
h | Part of name (not entry element) | nr | |
s | Script* | nr | |
3 | Authority record number | nr | |
4 | Relator code | r | |
6 | Linking data | nr | |
8 | Institution/organization code* | nr |
1 | Corporate body type | |
0 | Corporate name | |
1 | Meeting | |
2 | Form of name indicator | |
0 | Name in inverted form | |
1 | Name entered under place or jurisdiction | |
2 | Name entered under name in direct order |
The indicator 1 specifies whether the corporate body is a meeting (conference, symposium etc.) or not. If the name of the meeting is a subdivision of the name of a corporate body, the name is regarded as that of a corporate body.
The indicator 2 specifies the form of the corporate name. The indicator signifies whether the name is entered in an inverted form (used when the first word of a corporate name or a meeting is not selected for the entry word), under the name of the place or jurisdiction (used for corporate bodies relating to governments or other agencies of jurisdiction that are entered under the name of the place) or under the name in direct order (used for all other corporate bodies).
Instructions described at field 710 are also valid for all other subfields (see field 710).
Subfield 7116 is used only when the corporation is not linked to the authority record with field 7113.
Same guidelines for entering field 711 are applied as for field 710.
200f | TITLE AND STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY, First statement of responsibility |
Data in field 200 is recorded as it appears on the item. If two or three names are entered in the first statement of responsibility, all of them except the first one are often names with alternative responsibility; in a case of a corporate body name, it should be entered in field 711 in the form of an access point. | |
A corporate body name with primary intellectual responsibility should be entered in field 710. | |
Corporate body names having less responsibility than corporate body names entered in fields 710 and 711 should be entered in field 712. | |
A parallel title or other form of a corporate body name with alternative intellectual responsibility should be entered in field 911. | |
The form of the corporate body or meeting name, which is obtained from the source and is not yet in the authority record linked to the field 711, is entered in field 916. |
710 01 aPennsylvania. bState University bDept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology 711 01 aPennsylvania. bAgricultural Experiment Station, University Park (Both corporate bodies are sharing responsibility for a continuing resource. The name, entered first, belongs to the corporate body with primary intellectual responsibility, while the name in the second position belongs to the corporate body with alternative intellectual responsibility.) *
200 0⊔ aČlovek in velike zveri ezbornik referatov s strokovnega posveta Ekološkega foruma Liberalne demokracije Slovenije in Društva Kočevski naravni park, [14. marca 2000, Kočevje] f[urednik Božidar Flajšman] 710 02 aLiberalna demokracija Slovenije bEkološki forum bStrokovni posvet f2000 eKočevje 711 02 aDruštvo Kočevski naravni park bStrokovni posvet f2000 eKočevje (There are no authority records for both meetings yet, so there is no subfield 3 in fields710 and 711.) *
200 1⊔ aVloga specialnih in visokošolskih knjižnic v procesu evropske integracije ezbornik referatov dThe role of special and academic libraries in the process of European integration eproceedings f10. strokovno posvetovanje specialnih knjižnic in 3. strokovno posvetovanje visokošolskih knjižnic z mednarodno udeležbo, Ljubljana, 18.-19. november 2004 f= 10th Slovenian Conference of Special Libraries and 3rd Slovenian Conference of Academic Libraries with International Attendance, Ljubljana, November 18-19, 2004 g[urednici Anamarija Rožić-Hristovski, Kristina Hacin-Ludvik] 710 12 aStrokovno posvetovanje specialnih knjižnic d10 f2004 eLjubljana 711 12 3289395299 aStrokovno posvetovanje visokošolskih knjižnic z mednarodno udeležbo d3 f2004 eLjubljana 910 12 aSlovenian Conference of Special Libraries d10 f2004 eLjubljana 911 12 3289395299 aSlovenian Conference of Academic Libraries with International Attendance d3 f2004 eLjubljana (There is only a record for the faculty libraries meeting in the authority database, so only filed 711 has subfield 3.) *
200 0⊔ aStrokovno srečanje in 70. občni zbor DMFA Slovenije, Vipava, 20. oktober 2017 f[uredila Nada Razpet] g[izdalo] Društvo matematikov, fizikov in astronomov Slovenije 710 02 aDruštvo matematikov, fizikov in astronomov Slovenije bStrokovno srečanje f2017 eVipava 711 02 aDruštvo matematikov, fizikov in astronomov Slovenije bObčni zbor d70 f2017 eVipava 601 910 02 aDMFA Slovenije bStrokovno srečanje f2017 eVipava 911 02 aDMFA Slovenije bObčni zbor d70 f2017 eVipava 601