COMARC/B | December | 2024 |
This field contains the name of the corporate body considered to have secondary responsibility for a work in the bibliographic record. The name is entered in form defined as the uniform heading.
712 | Corporate body name – secondary intellectual responsibility | r | |
a | Entry element | nr | |
b | Subdivision | r | |
c | Addition to name or qualifier | r | |
d | Number of meeting | nr | |
e | Location of meeting | r | |
f | Date of meeting | nr | |
g | Inverted element | nr | |
h | Part of name (not entry element) | nr | |
s | Script* | nr | |
3 | Authority record number | nr | |
4 | Relator code | r | |
5 | Institution to which field applies | nr | |
6 | Linking data | nr | |
8 | Institution/organization code* | nr |
1 | Corporate body type | |
0 | Corporate name | |
1 | Meeting | |
2 | Form of name indicator | |
0 | Name in inverted form | |
1 | Name entered under place or jurisdiction | |
2 | Name entered under name in direct order |
Indicator 1 specifies whether the corporate body is a meeting (conference, symposium, etc.) or not. If the name of the meeting is a subdivision of the name of a corporate body, the name is regarded as that of a corporate body.
Indicator 2 denotes the form of the corporate name. The indicator signifies whether the name is entered in an inverted form (used when the first word of a corporate name or a meeting is not selected for the entry word), under the name of the place or jurisdiction (used for corporate bodies relating to governments or other agencies of jurisdiction that are entered under the name of the place) or under the name in direct order (used for all other corporate bodies).
Name of institution in coded form. A numerical library code should be entered.
A two-digit number (01–99) may be entered for connecting fields 712 to corresponding fields 912 (see example 6).
Instructions described at field 710 are also valid for all other subfields (see field 710).
Subfield 7126 is used only when the corporation is not linked to the authority record with field 7123.
Same guidelines for entering field 712 are applied as for field 710.
200fg | TITLE AND STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY, First statement of responsibility, Subsequent statement of responsibility |
Data in field 200 is recorded as it appears on the item. The uniform heading for person mentioned in subfield f or g, to which is attributed secondary intellectual responsibility for the item will be entered in field 712. | |
Corporate body name with primary intellectual responsibility should be entered in field 710. | |
Corporate body name with alternative intellectual responsibility should be entered in field 711. | |
Parallel or other form of the corporate body name with secondary intellectual responsibility should be entered in field 712. | |
The form of the corporate body or meeting name, which is obtained from the source and is not yet in the authority record linked to the field 712, is entered in field 916. |
712 02 aIEA Coal Research (On title page: Coal research projects, United Kingdom, London, IEA Coal Research. IEA Coal Research is given as publisher, but clearly has a greater degree of responsibility for the item than a publisher usually has, for example he organized a meeting or prepared a publication.) 712 02 aNacionalna i sveučilišna biblioteka bKnjigoveznica 55ciZaNSB : R IV-4º -5b (Copy of the book Slava vojvodine Kranjske by J. V. Valvasor from 1689 was rebinded on 23. 5. 1991 in the binding department of the National and university library in Zagreb.) *
200 1⊔ aZobozdravstvena oskrba otrok in mladostnikov s kroničnimi boleznimi in zmanjšanimi zmožnostmi f10. slovenski pedontološki dnevi, Ljubljana, 27. – 28. september 2013 g[organizirala] Sekcija pedontologov Slovenskega zdravniškega društva v sodelovanju s Katedro za otroško in preventivno zobozdravstvo Medicinske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani in Centrom za otroško in preventivno zobozdravstvo Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Ljubljana g[urednik Rok Kosem] 712 02 3289143395 aSlovensko zdravniško društvo bSekcija pedontologov 712 02 aUniverza v Ljubljani bMedicinska fakulteta bKatedra za otroško in preventivno zobozdravstvo 712 02 3289549667 aUniverzitetni klinični center Ljubljana bStomatološka klinika bCenter za otroško in preventivno zobozdravstvo (There are only two records for Slovensko zdravniško društvo and Univerzitetni klinični center, so only two fields 712 contain subfield 3.) *
200 1⊔ aSlovensko pripovedništvo eo čem, zakaj in kako ga razumeti? e(zbornik povzetkov) e[znanstvena konferenca], 4. april 2014, Cankarjev dom, dvorana Lily Novy f[urednik zbornika povzetkov Ambrož Kvartič] 300 ⊔⊔ a"17. pripovedovalski festival Pravljice danes" → kolofon 712 12 aPripovedovalski festival Pravljice danes d17 f2014 eLjubljana (When the name of the meeting is not quoted in the data source, but between the text (for example in colophon), it should be entered in field 712.) *
200 0⊔ aPrimorska poje 2013 eposvečeno 300-letnici Tolminskega punta forganizatorji revije Primorska poje 2013 Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti … [et al.] g[uredniški odbor Ivan Tavčar … et al.] 710 12 aRevija Primorska poje f2013 712 02 3287557475 aJavni sklad Republike Slovenije za kulturne dejavnosti 912 02 3287557475 aJavni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti 912 02 3287557475 aJavni sklad za kulturne dejavnosti 912 02 3287557475 aJSKD *
200 1⊔ aRehabilitacija po poškodbi in okvari upogibalk roke ezbornik predavanj eVIII. interdisciplinarno strokovno srečanje, Celje, 17. november 2011 f[organizator] Slovensko društvo za rehabilitacijo roke – SDRR in [soorganizator] Splošna bolnišnica Celje, Oddelek za medicinsko rehabilitacijo g[urednica zbornika Mojca Kobal Petrišič] 712 02 aSlovensko društvo za rehabilitacijo roke 601 712 02 aSplošna bolnišnica Celje bOddelek za medicinsko rehabilitacijo 912 02 aSDRR 601