COMARC/B | December | 2024 |
The following global code list is uniform in all COBISS systems within COBISS.Net.
005 | actor The person who principally exhibits acting skills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment. |
010 | adapter Writer who modifies a work to make it accessible to another audience, different from the one it was intended for. Includes rewriting for motion pictures or another audiovisual medium, or to adapt a written text into a new one. For one who reworks a musical composition, usually for a different medium, use "030" – arranger. |
018 | animator Person who uses technology to give their artwork the illusion of movement. |
020 | annotator Writer of manuscript annotations in a printed book. |
030 | arranger One who transcribes a musical composition, usually for a different instrument or medium from that of the original; in an arrangement the musical substance remains essentially unchanged. See also "010" – adapter. |
040 | artist Painter, sculptor, etc. of a work. |
050 | assignee The person or organization to which a license for printing or publishing has been transferred. See also "490" – licensee. |
060 | associated name General relator for a name associated with or found in a book, which cannot be determined to be that of a Former owner (code "390" – former owner) or other designated relator indicative of provenance. |
070 | author The person or corporate body chiefly responsible for the creation of the intellectual or artistic content of a work. When more than one person or body jointly bears such responsibility, this code may be used in association with as many headings as is appropriate. |
071 | co-author** (see 070) |
080 | author of introduction, etc. One who is the author of an introduction, preface, foreword, afterword, notes, other critical matter, etc., but who is not the chief author of the work. |
090 | author of screenplay, etc. The writer of dialogue or spoken commentary for a screenplay or sound recording. |
100 | bibliographic antecedent One who is the author of the work upon which the work reflected in the catalogue record is based in whole or in part. This relator may be appropriate in records for adaptations, indexes, continuations and sequels by different authors, concordances, etc. |
110 | binder |
120 | binding designer |
130 | book designer The person or corporate body responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process to be used. |
140 | bookjacket designer |
150 | bookplate designer |
160 | bookseller |
170 | calligrapher |
180 | cartographer |
190 | censor |
200 | choreographer |
206 | collector of field material Person who collects, in the field, elements of musical, oral or natural heritage related to a given territory, population or species, either by transcription or by sound or audiovisual recording. |
210 | commentator (1) The person who writes commentary or explanatory notes about a text. For the writer of manuscript annotations in a printed book, use the code "020" – annotator. (2) The person who provides interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, motion picture, or other audio-visual medium. |
220 | compiler One who produces a collection by selecting and putting together matter from works of various persons or bodies. Also, one who selects and puts together in one publication matter from the works of one person or body. |
230 | composer One who creates a musical work, usually a piece of music in manuscript or printed form. |
240 | compositor |
245 | conceptor Person or corporate body responsible for the original idea on which a work is based. This includes the author of an audio-visual item and the conceptor of an advertisement or slogan. |
250 | conductor The person directing the group performing a musical work. |
260 | copyright holder |
270 | corrector Scriptorium official who corrected the work of a scribe. For printed matter use "640" – proofreader. |
273 | curator of an exhibition Person responsible for conceiving and organising an exhibition, collection etc. |
275 | dancer The person who principally exhibits dancing skills in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment. |
280 | dedicatee The person or organization to whom a book or manuscript is dedicated (not the recipient of a gift). |
290 | dedicator The author of a dedication. The dedication may be a formal statement or it may be in epistolary or verse form. |
291 | name appearing in manuscript** |
292 | signer of the manuscript** |
293 | autograph** |
300 | director The person responsible for the general management of the work or who supervised the production of the performance for stage, screen, or sound recording. |
305 | dissertant Person who presents a thesis for a university or higher-level educational degree. |
310 | distributor Agent or agency that has exclusive or shared marketing rights for an item. |
320 | donor Donor of book to present owner. Donor to previous owner is designated as "390" – former owner. |
330 | dubious author One to whom the authorship of a work has been dubiously or incorrectly ascribed. |
340 | editor One who prepares for publication a work not his own. The editorial work may be either technical or intellectual. The code is used when the editorial work is not specifically determined. For more specific determination of the editorial work the codes "341" to "349" are used. |
341 | member of editorial board* |
342 | guest editor* Person who edits a part of an issue of a journal that covers a certain topic. |
343 | field editor* |
344 | editor in chief* |
345 | responsible editor* |
346 | editor in chief and responsible editor* |
347 | member of editorial council* |
348 | president of editorial council* |
349 | technical editor* |
350 | engraver |
360 | etcher |
370 | film editor |
380 | forger |
390 | former owner Person or organization owning an item at any time in the past. Includes a person or organization to whom the item was once presented as named in a statement inscribed by another person or organization. Person or body giving the item to present owner is designated as "320" – donor. |
400 | funder/sponsor Person or agencyresponsible for supporting financially a bibliographic resource or an exhibition or meeting which is associated with the bibliographic resource. |
410 | graphic technician Person responsible for the realization of the design in a medium from which an image (printed, displayed etc.) may be produced. If person who conceives the design (i.e. illustrator) also realizes it, codes for both functions may be used as needed ("440" – illustrator and "410" – graphic technician. |
420 | honoree Person in memory or honour of whom a book is donated. |
430 | illuminator |
440 | illustrator |
445 | impresario Manager or producer of a music or theatre production; also a director of an opera company. |
450 | inscriber Person who signs a presentation statement. |
460 | interviewee |
470 | interviewer |
480 | librettist Writer of the text of an opera, oratorio, etc. |
490 | licensee Original recipient of right to print or publish. See also "050" – assignee. |
500 | licensor Signer of license, imprimatur, etc. |
510 | lithographer Person who prepares the stone or grained plate for lithographic printing, including a graphic artist creating an original design while working directly on the surface from which printing will be done. |
520 | lyricist Writer of the text of a song. |
530 | metal-engraver |
540 | monitor/contractor Person or organization that supervises the compliance with the contract and is responsible for the report and controls its distribution. Sometimes referred to as the grantee, or controlling agency. |
545 | musician Person who performs music or contributes to the musical content of a work. Use when it is not possible or desirable to identify more precisely the person's function. |
550 | narrator Speaker delivering the narration in a motion picture, sound recording or other type of work. |
557 | organiser of meeting Body responsible for organising the meeting reported to the resource. |
560 | originator Author or agency performing the work, i.e. the name of a person or organization associated with the intellectual content of the work. Includes person named in the work as investigator or principal investigator. This category does not include the publisher or personal affiliation, or sponsor except where it is also the corporate author. |
570 | other Use whenever a relator or relator code in a national format has no equivalent in UNIMARC. |
580 | papermaker |
590 | performer The person or corporate body acting or otherwise performing in a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment. Use if more specific codes are not required, e.g. actor, dancer, musician, singer. |
600 | photographer (1) The person who took a still photograph. This relator may be used in a record for either the original photograph or for a reproduction in any medium (1). (2) The person responsible for the photography in a motion picture. |
605 | presenter Person who introduces and appears in a television or radio programme. |
610 | printer Printer of texts, whether from type or plates (e.g. stereotype). |
620 | printer of plates Printer of illustrations or designs from plates. |
630 | producer The person with final responsibility for the making of a motion picture, including business aspects, management of the productions, and the commercial success of the film. |
632 | production designer The person responsible for all the visual aspects of a production including lighting, scenary, costumes, etc. |
635 | programmer The person or corporate body responsible for the creation of computer program design documents, source code, or machine-executable digital files and supporting documentation. |
637 | project manager The person who manages a programme of work towards a predefined objective. |
640 | proofreader Corrector of printed matter only. For manuscripts use "270" – corrector. |
650 | publisher |
660 | recipient The person to whom letters are addressed. |
670 | recording engineer The person supervising the technical aspects of a sound or video recording session. |
675 | critic The person or corporate body responsible for the review of a book, motion picture, performance, etc. |
680 | rubricator The person who writes instructions, (liturgy) regulations in red ink for emphasis. |
690 | scenarist Author of a screenplay. |
700 | scribe Maker of penfacsimiles of printed matter and also an amanuensis or a writer of manuscripts proper. |
710 | secretary Redactor, or other person responsible for expressing the views of a body, being responsible for their intellectual content. |
720 | signer Use for signature which appears in a book without a presentation or other statement indicative of provenance. |
721 | singer The person who uses his or her voice or their voices with or without musical accompaniment to produce music. A singer's performance may or may not include actual words. |
730 | translator One who renders from one language into another, or from an older form of a language into the modern form, more or less closely following the original. |
740 | type designer The person who designed the type face used in a particular book. |
750 | typographer The person primarily responsible for choice and arrangement of type used in a book. If the person who selects and arranges type is also responsible for other aspects of the graphic design of a book, i.e. Book designer, codes for both functions may be needed ("130" – book designer and "750" – typographer). |
760 | wood-engraver |
770 | writer of accompanying material Writer of significant material which accompanies a sound recording or other audiovisual material. |
900 | author of dictionary** (see 080) |
901 | reviewer* |
902 | redactor** (see 010, 070, 340) |
903 | translation editor* |
904 | exhibitor* |
905 | discussant* |
906 | author of register** (see 080) |
907 | author of text at reproductions** (see 080) |
908 | music engraver* |
909 | the person whose work is reproduced** (see 040) |
910 | the person whose lecture is published** (see 070) |
911 | author of conversation** (see 080) |
912 | author of preface** (see 080) |
913 | author of resume* |
914 | resume translator* |
915 | editor** (see 340) |
916 | editor committee member** (see 341) |
917 | cooperator** (see 070) |
918 | bibliography composer** (see 080) |
919 | plastic editor* |
920 | author of drawings** (see 440) |
921 | vignette author** (see 440) |
922 | narrator** (see 550) |
923 | sung by** (see 721) |
924 | written down by** (see 070, 340) |
925 | consultant* The person engaged to provide an intellectual overview of a development research task or a project documentation. |
926 | copy-reader* |
927 | research coworker* The person which is formally stated on the document (usually article) as a research coworker. The code is entered only for scientific works in the case of coworkers which are not the authors of a document. |
928 | corresponding author* The person in a group of authors stated as the contact person responsible for communicating with the publisher and other authors in the manuscript revision and acceptance process. The code is only used for articles published in journals. The data source is either the article itself or an accompanying letter sent to the publisher with the article. |
929 | legacy holder* Author, collector; person, family or institution that created and/or collected items in a legacy collection. |
991 | mentor* |
992 | member of the commission* |
993 | member of the commission for defense* |
994 | comentor* |