COMARC/A Format for Authorities Data


400 Variant access point – personal name

This field contains the variant access point for a form of personal name referred from

Subfields & repeatability

400Variant access point – personal namer
aEntry elementnr
bPart of name (not entry element)nr
cAdditions other than datesr
dRoman numeralsnr
gExpansion of initials of forenamenr
jForm subdivisionr
xTopical subdivisionr
yGeographical subdivisionr
zChronological subdivisionr
2System codenr
3Record numbernr
5Relationship controlnr
7Script of the base access pointnr
8Language of cataloguingnr
9Language of the base access pointnr


1Not defined
2Form of name indicator
0name entered under forename or direct order
1name entered under surname

The indicator signifies whether the name is entered in direct order (only a forename or a forename and a surname) or under a surname (a surname and a forname).


Subfields from a to f are described at field 200, subfields j, x, y and z in the Subdivisions chapter, and subfields 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 9 in the Control Subfields chapter.

400g Expansion of initials of forename

Complete forenames when subfield b contains initials as the preferred form and when both forms, the initials and the complete form, are required.


The access point in field 400 is a variant or non-preferred form of the access point in field 2XX, formulated in accordance with the national descriptive cataloguing rules or subject system .

In records for authority control for authors, the subfield 9 in field 400 is used to define the display of see references for particular bibliographic records. Entering this field prevents the display of certain see references. For certain authors from the 70X fields in the bibliographic record, only the see references for those variant access points will be displayed, for which the field 400 in a corresponding authority record either does not contain subfield 9 or it contains the same language code as the bibliographic record in subfield 101a – Language used by the entity (see example 5). This way you can avoid displaying the see references for those forms of the name, which are a result of translating the author's works into different languages.




  1. 200⊔1aDu Maurier, cDame bDaphne
    400⊔1aMaurier, cDame bDaphne du
  2. 200⊔1aWaterman, bAnthony M.C., f1931-
    400⊔1aWaterman, bA.M.C.
  3. 200⊔1aRolfe, bFr.
    400⊔0aCorvo, cBaron
    400⊔1aRolfe, bFrederick William
  4. *

    200⊔1aBor bMatej
    400⊔15f aPavšič bVladimir

    Authority record display:

    The ISBD entry appears as:

    Bor, Matej

    <Pavšič, Vladimir (real name)

  5. *

    200⊔1aShakespeare bWilliam
    400⊔19scr aŠekspir bViljem
    (A see reference for "Šekspir, Viljem" will be displayed only for bibliographic records which contain the code "scr" – * Croatian == see HRV in subfield 101a.)
  6. *

    200⊔1aPavlin bStanka
    400⊔15k aJančar bStanka
  7. *

    200⊔1aArnež bZoran M. r04917
    400⊔1aArnež bZoran
    400⊔1aArnež bZoran Marij
    400⊔1aArnež bZ.
  8. *

    200⊔1aRužič bErnest
    400⊔05z aE. R.
    400⊔05z aER
  9. *

    200⊔0aJanez Svetokriški
    400⊔15f aLionelli bTobija
    400⊔0aIoannes Baptista a Santa Cruce
    400⊔0aJoannes Baptista a Sancta Cruce
  10. *

    200⊔1aLahovnik bMatej r18935
    400⊔15z aLahkovnik bMatej
    810⊔⊔aRešeni primeri, naloge in pojasnila za predmet Ekonomika podjetja 2 : vaje / Matej Lahkovnik[!]. - 2001 bMatej Lahkovnik
    830⊔⊔aOblika imena Lahkovnik, Matej je posledica tipkarske napake.
    (If the author's name is wrongly written on the publication, the see reference is also made for that form of the name.)
  11. *

    200⊔17ca aПрокофьев bСергей Сергеевич f1891-1953
    200⊔17ba aProkof'evbSergej Sergeevicf1891-1953
    400⊔07ca aПрокофиев f1891-1953
    400⊔17ba aProkofiev bSergej f1891-1953
    400⊔17ca aПрокофиев bСергей f1891-1953
  12. *

    200⊔07cb aГргур dI cпапа fоко 540-604
    200⊔07ba aGregorius dI cpapa foko 540-604
    400⊔07cb aГригорије Двојеслов fоко 540-604 cсвети
    400⊔07ba aGrgur Veliki foko 540-604
  13. *

    200⊔0aMarija cSveta Devica
    400⊔0aBlažena Devica Marija
    400⊔0aDevica Marija
    400⊔0aMati Božja
    400⊔0aNaša Gospa
    400⊔02ram 3<nnn> 5n 8fre aMarie cSainte Vierge
    400⊔02sears 3<nnn> 5n 8eng aMary cBlessed Virgin, Saint
    (Record from the General List of Subject Headings (SGC).)
  14. *

    200⊔0aZevs cgrško božanstvo
    400⊔12ram 3FRBNF11950542 5n 8fre aZeus (divinité grecque)
    450⊔⊔2lc 3sh 85149769 5n 8eng aZeus (Greek deity)
    450⊔⊔2sears 3sh 85149769 5n 8eng aZeus (Greek deity)
    (Record from the General List of Subject Headings (SGC). Authorized access points for the same person, formulated in accordance with the rules from other subject systems, are also entered in fields in the 4XX block. The RAMEAU system treats names of deities as personal names, which is why the access point is entered in field 400. LCSH and Sears treat names of deities as topical subjects, which is why the access points are entered in field 450.)
  15. *

    200⊔0aEgerija f3..-3..? cavtorica potopisnega dnevnika
    400⊔09lat aAetheria f3..-3..? cavtorica potopisnega dnevnika
    400⊔09lat aEgeria f3..-3..? cavtorica potopisnega dnevnika
    400⊔09fre aÉgérie f3..-3..? cavtorica potopisnega dnevnika
    400⊔09lat aEterija f3..-3..? cavtorica potopisnega dnevnika
    400⊔09lat aEtheria f3..-3..? cavtorica potopisnega dnevnika
    400⊔09fre aÉthérie f3..-3..? cavtorica potopisnega dnevnika
    (Record from the General List of Subject Headings (SGC).)
  16. *

    200⊔1aKolumb bKrištof f1451-1506
    400⊔19fre aColomb bChristophe f1451-1506
    400⊔19ita aColombo bCristoforo f1451-1506
    400⊔19por aColomb bCristóvão f1451-1506
    400⊔19spa aColón bCristóbal f1451-1506
    400⊔19spa aColón y Fontanarrosa bCristóbal f1451-1506
    400⊔19spa aFontanarrosa bCristóbal Colón y f1451-1506
    400⊔19eng aColumbus bChristopher f1451-1506
    400⊔19lat aColumbus bChristophorus f1451-1506
    400⊔19rus aKolumb bHristofor f1451-1506
    400⊔19pol aKolumb bKrzysztof f1451-1506
    400⊔19srp aKolumbo bKristofor f1451-1506
    400⊔19ger aKolumbus bChristoph f1451-1506
    (Record from the General List of Subject Headings (SGC).)
  17. *

    200⊔0aSmrkci cizmišljeni liki
    400⊔09eng aSmurfs cizmišljeni liki
    (Record from the General List of Subject Headings (SGC).)