COMARC/A | March | 2018 |
This field contains the access point for an authorized form of personal name that is related to the access point in field 2XX.
1 | Not defined | |
2 | Form of name indicator | |
0 | name entered under forename or direct order | |
1 | name entered under surname |
The indicator signifies whether the name is entered in direct order (only a forename or a forename and a surname) or under a surname (a surname and a forename).
Subfields from a to f are described at field 200, and subfields 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the Control subfields chapter.
The field contains a personal name formulated in accordance with the national descriptive cataloguing rules or subject system and related to the access point in field 2XX.
200 ⊔1 aEdwards, bP. 500 ⊔1 aEdwards, bPaul 200 ⊔0 aPseudo-Brutus 500 ⊔1 aBrutus, bMarcus Junius, f85?-42 B.C. 200 ⊔1 aRossi bJean-Baptiste 500 ⊔1 5e aJaprisot bSébastien 200 ⊔1 aMorris, bJohn 300 0⊔ aJoint pseudonym of Morris Cargill and John Hearne 500 ⊔1 5f aCargill, bMorris 500 ⊔1 5f aHearne, bJohn, f1925- 200 ⊔0 aKumbel 500 ⊔1 5f aHein, bPiet *
200 ⊔0 aTrio TriRitke 300 0⊔ aTrio TriRitke je skupno ime za Vido Mokrin-Pauer, Milana Šelja in Barico Smole 500 ⊔1 aSmole bBarica 500 ⊔1 aŠelj bMilan 500 ⊔1 aMokrin-Pauer bVida *
200 ⊔1 aSmole bBarica 500 ⊔0 35523043 aTrio TriRitke *
200 ⊔1 aŠelj bMilan 500 ⊔0 35522531 aTrio TriRitke *
200 ⊔1 aMokrin-Pauer bVida 500 ⊔0 3759651 aTrio TriRitke *
200 ⊔1 aМирковић bМијо 7cb 200 ⊔1 aMirković bMijo 7ba 300 0⊔ aLiterarna dela piše pod pseudonimom 500 ⊔1 3<nnn> 5e 7cb aБалота bМате 500 ⊔1 3<nnn> 5e 7ba aBalota bМаtе *
200 ⊔1 aБалота bМате 7cb 200 ⊔1 aBalota bМаtе 7ba 500 ⊔1 3<nnn> 5f 7cb aМирковић bМијо 500 ⊔1 3<nnn> 5f 7ba aMirković bMijo *
152 ⊔⊔ bsgc 250 ⊔⊔ aKrščanstvo 500 ⊔0 3<nnn> 5z aJezus Kristus 550 0⊔ 3<nnn> 5g aReligije 550 0⊔ 3<nnn> 5z aCerkev 550 0⊔ 3<nnn> 5z aCerkvena zgodovina 550 0⊔ 3<nnn> 5z aKristjani 550 0⊔ 3<nnn> 5z aKrščanski vidik 550 0⊔ 3<nnn> 5z aTeologija (Apart from the broader term Religije, the record for Krščanstvo also contains six related terms, one of which, Jezus Kristus, is a personal name.) *
200 ⊔0 aMarija Luiza cfrancoska cesarica f1791-1847 500 ⊔0 3<nnn> 5xxxe aNapoleon dI cfrancoski cesar f1769-1821 500 ⊔0 3<nnn> 5xxxg aFranc dII cavstrijski cesar f1768-1835 (Record for Marie Louise, who was married to the French Emperor Napoleon I. Her father was the Austrian Emperor Francis II. The relationships between persons are indicated by the codes in subfields 5 in fields 500.)