COMARC/A Format for Authorities Data


300 Information note

This field is used in an authority or a reference record to assist in explaining the relationship between the 2XX access point and other entities (see examples 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7). This field is also used to provide information which helps to identify an access point (see example 3).

Subfields & repeatability

300Information noter
aNote textnr


1The type of note
0note concerns non-subject use of access point
1note concerns subject use of access point
2Not defined


300a Note text

An information note in the language of cataloguing.


  1. 200⊔1aØrn, bB.
    3000⊔aJoint pseudonymofMette Bader, Hans Jørn Christensen, Jørgen Døør and others.
    500⊔15f aBader, bMette
    500⊔15f aChristensen, bHans Jørn
    500⊔15f aDøør, bJørgen, f1933-


    200⊔1aBader, bMette
    500⊔15l aØrn, bB.


    200⊔1aChristensen, bHans Jørn
    500⊔15l aØrn, bB.


    200⊔1aDøør, bJørgen, f1933-
    500⊔15l aØrn, bB.
  2. 21001aOntario. bOffice of Arbitration
    3000⊔aReplaced Ontario Labour-Management Arbitration Commission on Sept. 1, 1979.
    510025a aOntario Labour-Management Arbitration Commission


    21002aOntario Labour-Management Arbitration Commission
    3000⊔aReplaced by Ontario. Office of Arbitration on Sept. 1, 1979.
    510015b aOntario. bOffice of Arbitration
  3. 21001aCanada. bRoyal Commission on Banking Finance
    3000⊔aEstablished Oct. 18, 1961. Final report submitted Feb. 4, 1964. Chairman: Dana Harris Porter.
    (Example of a note without references.)
  4. *

    200⊔1aPaganel bJožef
    3000⊔aJožef Paganel je skupni psevdonim Emila Filipčiča in Branka Gradišnika
    500⊔15f aFilipčič bEmil
    500⊔15f aGradišnik bBranko
  5. *

    200⊔1aCevc bEmilijan r02122
    3000⊔aPsevdonimi pri leposlovju in prevodih
    400⊔15e aRošte bVlado
    400⊔15e aSkržolec bJanez
    400⊔15e aZakalar bJoža
    400⊔15e aKosem bPeter
  6. *

    250⊔⊔aKmečka vojna (1524-1525)
    3001⊔aKmečki upor v srednji in južni Nemčiji 1524-1525 proti zbiranju moči v rokah deželnih gospodov; največja ljudska vstaja v nemški zgodovini nasploh.
  7. *

    250⊔⊔aPotočka zijalka (Slovenija : arheološko najdišče)
    3001⊔aJama na Olševi, Slovenija; arheološko najdišče iz mlajšega paleolitika; med letoma 1928-1935 ga je raziskoval Srečko Brodar.