686 Other classification numbers
This field contains a class numbers from classification systems which are not internationally used. The classification system is entered in subfield 2.
Subfields & repeatability
686 | | Other classification numbers | r |
| a | Number | nr |
| 2 | System code | nr |
Indicator values are not defined.
The class number taken from the classification scheme.
A code for the classification scheme used in formulating the number.
For personal names the research area of the author may also be entered in accordance with the research area code list of the Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (see example).
200 | ⊔1 | aRibarič bSamo r08010 |
686 | ⊔⊔ | a303 2MŠZŠ |
| | (The class number from the Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology scheme.) |