COMARC/A Format for Authorities Data


340 Biography and activity note

This field is used in an authority record to record biographical or historical details and/or activity information about the entity defined in fields 200, 210 or 220.

Subfields & repeatability

340Biography and activity noter
aNote textnr


Indicator values are not defined.


340a Note text

The text of the biographical or activity note.


  1. 102⊔⊔ausa adeu
    200⊔1aArendt bHannah f1906-1975
    340⊔⊔aGerman by birth. Naturalized American in 1951
  2. 120⊔⊔ac ba
    200⊔1aMorris, bJan, f1926-
    340⊔⊔aJames Humphry Morris, 10-2-26; had a sex change operation, took new name "Jan Morris"; intends to complete a trilogy using James Morris, will publish other future books as Jan Morris
    500⊔1aMorris, bJames, f1926-
  3. 100⊔1ba cfre gba
    120⊔⊔ab ba
    200⊔19ita aNiccolini da Sabbio bDomenico cimprimeur-libraire f15..-160.?
    3000⊔aApublié également sous la raison: "Ad signum Seminantis" ("al segno del Seminante") entre 1572 et 1575
    3000⊔aEn 1559-1560 travaille en association avec son frère Cornelio Niccolini da Sabbio
    340⊔⊔aVenezia, 1557-1605? In contrada San Giulian. Al segno del Seminante
    340⊔⊔aDominus illuminatio mea et salus mea, quem timebo? Prudentia negotium non Fortuna ducat. Nisi qui legitime certaverit
  4. *

    200⊔1aAndolšek-Jeras bLidija r00459
    340⊔⊔aRedna članica Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti od leta 1993, tajnica razreda za medicinske vede od leta 1992, članica Evropske akademije znanosti in umetnosti od 1994
  5. *

    200⊔1aDavis bMargaret r06919
    340⊔⊔aAngležinja, ki živi v Sloveniji
  6. *

    200⊔1aOpeka bPedro
    340⊔⊔aRojen v Buenos Airesu, od leta 1976 misijonar na Madagaskarju
    400⊔1aOpeka bPeter
  7. *

    200⊔1aTorkar bIgor
    340⊔⊔aKemik po izobrazbi, pesnik, dramatik, pisatelj, publicist.
    400⊔15f aFakin bBoris
    400⊔15z aTorkar bI.
  8. *

    210029lat aAcademia operosorum cLjubljana
    340⊔⊔aZdružba izobražencev, ustanovljena 1693 v Ljubljani po zgledu rimske Arcadie; delovala do ok. 1725. Obnovljena 1781 z enakim imenom; 1785 končala delo.
    (Record from the General List of Subject Headings (SGC).)