COMARC/A Format for Authorities Data


950 Unlinked related access point*

This field contains a link to a related access point, for which an authority record has not been created yet. The field is intended for later automatic establishing of links between authority records, once they are created.

Subfields & repeatability

950Unlinked related access point*r
aAccess pointnr
2System codenr
3Record numbernr
5Relationship controlnr


Indicator values are not defined.


950a Access point

Use this subfield to enter the complete access point and all punctuation marks between individual pieces of data.

9502 System code

This code denotes the subject system that the access point belongs to.

9503 Record number

This subfield contains the identification number of an authority record from a foreign list.

9505 Relationship control

This code denotes the relationship between the related access point in field 950 and the authorized access point in field 2XX.


The field 950 is only used in records in the General List of Subject Headings (SGC) authority database. The field is filled out when an authority record should be linked via a 5XX field to an authority record for a related term, but that is not possible because the latter record does not yet exist in the base. Therefore, enter the data on the related term to field 950 instead of filling out the 5XX field for the related term.

If possible, use the corresponding access point from the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) list or from the Répertoire d'autorité-matière encyclopédique et alphabétique unifié (RAMEAU) list as the link. Enter the access point to subfield a, the LCSH or RAMEAU system code to subfield 2, and the LCSH or RAMEAU record identification number to subfield 3. If neither LCSH nor RAMEAU contain the corresponding record for the related term, enter the access point written in Slovenian and created according to SGC rules to subfield 2, and leave subfield 3 empty.


  1. *

    250⊔⊔aGlinaste ploščice
    950⊔⊔2lc 3sh 85131815 5g aTablets (Paleography)
    (The General List of Subject Headings (SGC) database does not yet contain the corresponding broader term for the term Glinaste ploščice. Therefore, you cannot enter the broader term to field 550. Use field 950 to enter the data on the broader term that can be found in LCSH.)
  2. *

    250⊔⊔aZdrava prehrana
    950⊔⊔2ram 3FRBNF11937798 5z aDiététique
    (The General List of Subject Headings (SGC) database does not yet contain a record for the related term Dietetika. Therefore, you cannot enter field 550. Use field 950 to enter the data on the related term that can be found in RAMEAU.)