COMARC/A | June | 2021 |
This field contains the variant access point for a form, genre or physical characteristics referred from.
Subfield a is described at field 280, subfields x, y and z in the Subdivisions chapter, and subfields 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9 in the Control Subfields chapter.
The access point in field 480 is a variant or non-preferred form of the access point in the 2XX field, formulated in accordance with the subject system.
152 ⊔⊔ brbpap 280 ⊔⊔ aMarbled papers 480 ⊔⊔ aMarble papers (The term Marbled papers is used in preference to Marble papers by the Paper Terms: a Thesaurus for Use in Rare Book and Special Collections Cataloguing.) 152 ⊔⊔ bgsafd 280 ⊔⊔ aErotic stories 480 ⊔⊔ aAdult fiction (The Guidelines on subject access to individual works of fiction, drama, etc. prefer Erotic stories to Adult Fiction.) *
152 ⊔⊔ bsgc 280 ⊔⊔ aFilmoteke 450 ⊔⊔ 2lc 3sh 85088046 5n 8eng aMotion picture film collections 450 ⊔⊔ 2ram 3FRBNF11945398 5n 8fre aCinématheques 480 ⊔⊔ aFilmske zbirke 480 ⊔⊔ aZbirke filmskega gradiva 480 ⊔⊔ aZbirke filmov *
152 ⊔⊔ bsgc 280 ⊔⊔ aGorniški filmi 450 ⊔⊔ 2lc 3sh 2005008146 5n 8eng aMountain films 480 ⊔⊔ aAlpinistični filmi 480 ⊔⊔ aPlaninski filmi *
152 ⊔⊔ bsgc 280 ⊔⊔ aBlues 450 ⊔⊔ 2lc 3sh 85015115 5n 8eng aBlues (Music) 450 ⊔⊔ 2ram 3FRBNF11975253 5n 8fre aBlues 450 ⊔⊔ 2sears 3SSEA82001316 5n 8eng aBlues music 480 ⊔⊔ aBluesovske pesmi 480 ⊔⊔ aBlues glasba 480 ⊔⊔ aBluz *
001 ⊔⊔ an by cl 152 ⊔⊔ bsgc 280 ⊔⊔ aKnjiževnost z20. stoletje 310 1⊔ aRabi kombinacijo bKnjiževnost a+ b1900-1999 450 ⊔⊔ 2ram 3FRBNF11939464 5n 8fre aLittérature z20e siècle 450 ⊔⊔ 2lc 3sh 85077559 5n 8eng aLiterature, Modern z20th century 480 ⊔⊔ aSodobna književnost z20. stoletje 480 ⊔⊔ aModerna književnost z20. stoletje 480 ⊔⊔ aKnjiževnost 20. stoletja (Reference record from the General List of Subject Headings (SGC).)