COMARC/A | March | 2018 |
This field contains the citations for consulted reference sources in which no information about the access point was found.
815 | Source data not found | nr | |
a | Citation | r |
This field is not mandatory, but it is recommended that sources are cited wherever possible.
200 ⊔1 aJones, bA. Wesley 815 ⊔⊔ aDir. Amer. schol., 1974; aNational faculty dir., 1979; aAmer. men/women sci., soc. and beh. sci., 1978; aWWA., 1978-79 *
200 ⊔1 aZupančič bTončka 810 ⊔⊔ aTehnika in delo. Učbenik za 5. razred / Tončka Zupančič. - 2001 815 ⊔⊔ aSBL, PSBL *
152 ⊔⊔ bsgc 250 ⊔⊔ aFragmentacija pomnilnika (računalništvo) 815 ⊔⊔ aISLOVAR : slovar informatike: aLeksikon računalništva in informatike, 2002