COMARC/A Format for Authorities Data


160 Geographic area code

This field contains geographic area codes for geographic areas associated with the authorized access point in field 2XX.

Subfields & repeatability

160Geographic area codenr
aGeographic area coder
bLocal geographic area code*r


Indicator values are not defined.


160a Geographic area code

The code indicates a geographic area.

160b Local geographic area code*

The code indicates a narrower geographic area within an individual country in the COBISS system or in the border areas of their neighbouring countries.


The code contains seven characters (letters and hyphens) and enables a breakdown of geographic and political entities.

The global code list of geographic areas is used for coding (Appendix B.1 with the alphabetic list of names or Appendix B.2 with the alphabetic list of codes). In subfield a, the codes from the MARC code list for geographic areas (see Appendix D of the UNIMARC Manual: Bibliographic Format) are entered. In subfield b, the codes from the local code list used in individual COBISS systems are entered.


  1. 160⊔⊔an-cn---
    250⊔⊔aCanadian Grand Prix Race
    (Example from a foreign system.)
  2. 160⊔⊔aa-----
    215⊔⊔aAmazon River
    (Example from a foreign system.)
  3. *

    215⊔⊔aDunaj (Avstrija)
  4. *

  5. *

    160⊔⊔aea----- ae-xv--- ae-au---
    215⊔⊔aKaravanke (Slovenija in Avstrija : gorovje)
    (Because there is no uniform code for this geographic area, a combination of several geographic area codes must be used.)
  6. *

    160⊔⊔ae-xv--- ae-xv-ok
    215⊔⊔aViadukt Črni Kal (Slovenija)
    (The name of the object is given in the form of a geographic name. Because the object is located in Slovenia, it has been assigned the code for Slovenia and an additional code from the local code list for the geographic area where the place and the object are located.)
  7. *

    160⊔⊔ae-xv--- ae-xv-jv ae-xv-os
    215⊔⊔aDolenjska (Slovenija)
    (Because there is no uniform code for this Slovenian geographic area in the local code list, a combination of several local geographic area codes must be used.)