COMARC/A | March | 2018 |
This field contains the access point for an authorized form of family name that is related to the access point in field 2XX.
Subfields a, c and f are described at field 220, and subfields 3, 5 and 9 in the Control Subfields chapter.
This field contains a family name formulated in accordance with the national descriptive cataloguing rules or subject system and related to the access point in field 2XX.
220 ⊔⊔ aDuecker family 520 ⊔⊔ aDruecker family *
200 ⊔0 aMarija Luiza cfrancoska cesarica f1791-1847 500 ⊔0 3<nnn> 5xxxe aNapoleon dI cfrancoski cesar f1769-1821 500 ⊔0 3<nnn> 5xxxeg aFranc dII cavstrijski cesar f1768-1835 520 ⊔0 3<nnn> 5xxxl aHabsburžani cvladarska rodbina (Record for Marie Louise of the Habsburg family, who was married to the French Emperor Napoleon I. Her father was the Austrian Emperor Francis II.)