COMARC/A Format for Authorities Data


120 Coded data for personal name

This field contains coded data relating to personal names. Field is mandatory.

Subfields & repeatability

120Coded data for personal namenr
aGender of entitynr
bDifferentiated or undifferentiated personal namenr


Indicator values are not defined.


120a Gender of entity

A code indicates the gender of the entity identified in field 200.


The entity has changed gender (see examples 2, 8).


The gender of the entity cannot be determined (see examples 3, 7).

120b Differentiated or undifferentiated personal name

A code indicates whether the name in field 200 relates to one or more entities.

adifferentiated personal name

The authority record identifies a single identity, because if more entities have the same name, the entity in field 200 is distinguished from other entities of the same name by the addition of qualifying data, e.g.: dates of birth or death, title of nobility, honorifics and terms of address, descriptive epithets, etc. (see examples 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8).

bundifferentiated personal name

The authority record may identify several identities because the entity in field 200 cannot be distinguished from other entities of the same name (see examples 3, 6).


  1. 100⊔⊔ba ceng gba
    120⊔⊔aa ba
    200⊔1aChristie, bAgatha, f1890-1976
    (The entity is female and the name is differentiated by the addition of dates of birth and death.)
  2. 100⊔⊔ba ceng gba
    120⊔⊔ab ba
    200⊔1aMorris, bJames, f1926-
    500⊔1aMorris, bJan, f1926-
    810⊔⊔aHis Coast to coast, 1956.


    100⊔⊔ba ceng gba
    120⊔⊔ac ba
    200⊔1aMorris, bJan, f1926-
    340⊔⊔aJames Humphry Morris, 10-2-26; had a sex change operation, took new name "Jan Morris"; intends to complete a trilogy using James Morris, will publish other future books as Jan Morris
    500⊔1aMorris, bJames, f1926-
    810⊔⊔aA Machynlleth triad, 1995 bt.p. (Jan Morris)
  3. 100⊔⊔ba ceng gba
    120⊔⊔au bb
    200⊔1aSmith, bJ.
    810⊔⊔aAuthor of The art of poster making
    810⊔⊔aThe art of poster making, 1989: bt.p. (J. Smith)
    810⊔⊔aAuthor of Peter's pip
    810⊔⊔aPeter's pip, 1986: bt.p. (J. Smith) [Another author?]
    (The gender is unknown because it cannot be determined from the name entered in field 200; the access point in field 200 is undifferentiated because no distinguishing data is available.)
  4. 100⊔⊔ba ceng gba
    120⊔⊔ab ba
    200⊔1aAntonius, bMarcus, cOrator, f143-87 b.C.


    100⊔⊔ba ceng gba
    120⊔⊔ab ba
    200⊔1aAntonius, bMarcus, cTriumvir, f82-30 b.C.
    (Two authors of the same name have been differentiated by the addition of descriptive epithets and dates of birth and death.)
  5. *

    120⊔⊔ab ba
    200⊔1aChen bShi Ning r11697
    (The entity is male and the record relates only to one identity.)
  6. *

    120⊔⊔ab bb
    200⊔1aBajželj bJanez
    810⊔⊔aMehanski filtri : diplomsko delo. – 1959. bJanez Bajželj
    810⊔⊔aKodiranje slike z vodno označbo : diplomsko delo. - 2000. bJanez Bajželj
    810⊔⊔aModel za utvrđivanje tokova daljinskih putnika / Mirko Čičak, Dragomir Mandić, Janez Bajželj. V: Železnice. - ISSN 0350-5138. - 45 (1989), 6, str. 661-680. bJanez Bajželj
    (The record relates to several males that cannot be differentiated.)
  7. *

    120⊔⊔au ba
    200⊔1aSalom bLala r09314
    (The record relates to one identity with unknown gender, because it could not be determined only by the name.)
  8. *

    120⊔⊔ac ba
    200⊔1aBornstein bKate
    340⊔⊔aRojena kot Albert Herman Bornstein (sprememba spola)
    (The record for the person that has changed gender.)