COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


488 Other related work

This field is used to link the resource being catalogued to another resource when the specific relationship is not provided in other 4XX fields.

Subfields & repeatability

488Other related workr
aTitle proper/Key titler
1Tag numberr

Subfields a and x are used for continuing resources and subfield 1 is used for monographs.


1Not defined
2Note display indicator
0Do not make a note
1Make a note

The indicator 2 is usually set to "0" since it is unlikely that field 488 would be used to generate a note.


488a Title proper/Key title

A title of a continuing resource.

488x ISSN

An ISSN of a continuing resource.

4881 Tag number

Subfield 1 is used for entering the tag number and indicators of the embedded field, followed by the subfields of the embedded field.


The resource being catalogued is in another way connected to the resource entered in field 488.

For continuing resources, fill in subfields a and x, and for monographs, fill in subfield 1, in which other fields are embedded. In subfield 1 first enter the tag number of the embedded field along with its indicators. A correctly embedded field must always contain all five characters, i.e. three characters for the tag number and two characters for the first and second indicator (if an indicator is not defined, a space is entered). This is followed by the subfields of the embedded field.

In monographs, field 488 is used for non-book material, e.g. in records for videorecordings when you want to enable searching by the author and title of the literary work the videorecording is based on (see examples 3, 4, 5, 6). Subfields 200abehi and 500abhi, and fields 503, 510, 700, 701, 702, 710, 711, 712, 900, 901, 902, 910, 911 and 912 can be embedded into the field. Follow the rules for the specific fields when entering data in them (the sequence of data is also important). Fields embedded in field 488 are treated equally in searching and indexing as regular fields.


Since field 488 is unlikely to be used to generate a note, the relationship between bibliographic resources is usually explained in field 311.


  1. *

    2001⊔aČasopis za kritiko znanosti
    488⊔0x1580-481X (KT=Oikos (Ljubljana))
    488⊔0aPolitikon : posebne izdaje [Časopisa za kritiko znanosti] x1580-480
  2. *

    2001⊔aSuper kukičanje
    311⊔⊔aPosebno izdanje publikacije Naša praktika u kući = ISSN 1450-9334
    488⊔0a1450-9334 (KT=Naša praktika u kući)
  3. *

    2001⊔aWuthering heights bVideoposnetek dViharni vrh fdirected by Andrea Arnold gscreenplay by Andrea Arnold, Olivia Hetreed gscreen story by Olivia Hetreed gbased on the novel by Emily Brontë gdirector of photography Robbie Ryan
    311⊔⊔aPo istoimenskem romanu Emily Brontë
    488⊔012000⊔ aWuthering heights 1700⊔1 aBrontë bEmily f1818-1848 4070
  4. *

    2001⊔aŠanghaj bVideoposnetek dShanghai gypsy fscenarist in režiser, written and directed by Marko Naberšnik gliterarna predloga, based on the novel by Feri Lainšček gdirektor fotografije in snemalec, director of photography Miloš Srdić gskladatelj, composer Saša Lošić
    311⊔⊔aPo romanu Ferija Lainščka Nedotakljivi
    488⊔012000⊔ aNedotakljivi 1700⊔1 aLainšček bFeri 4070
    (The information on the literary work the videorecording is based on is entered in field 488. Since field 200 ronly contains the author of the novel but not its title, enter both pieces of information in field 311.)
  5. *

    2001⊔aČudežna mreža bVideoposnetek dCharlotte's web fstory by Earl Hamner, jr. gmusic and lyrics by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman gdirected by Charles A. Nichols & Iwao Takamoto
    311⊔⊔aPo istoimenski knjigi Elwyna Brooksa Whitea
    488⊔012000⊔ aCharlotte's web 1700⊔1 aWhite bElwyn Brooks f1899-1985 4070
    (As the author and title of the literary work the videorecording is based on are not visible from field 200, both pieces of information are again explained in field 311.)
  6. *

    2001⊔aRudar bVideoposnetek epo resnični zgodbi fscenarij in režija Hanna Slak gdirektor fotografije Matthias Pilz gglasba Amélie Legrand gpo knjigi Mehmedalije Alića "Nihče"
    488⊔012000⊔ aNihče 1700⊔1 aAlić bMehmedalija 4070
    (Since the author and title of the literary work the videorecording is based on are visible from field 200, there is no need for a note in field 311.)