COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


482 Bound with

Field contains a description of the item that is bound first in an "artificial" collection, i.e. not found with the other items as issued. It is generally used for older monographic publications (antiquarian).

Subfields & repeatability

482Bound withr
0Call number to which field applies*nr
1Tag numberr
5Institution to which field appliesnr
9Inventory number to which field applies*nr


1Not defined
2Note display indicator
0Do not make a note
1Make a note

If the indicator 2 is set to "1" – Make a note, a note is to be generated containing corresponding introductory phrase "Bound with:" and the data from field 482.


4821 Tag number

Field 482 is an embedded field. In subfield 1 the field designation of the embedded field is entered together with belonging indicators.


In a record for the bound-with item, the data relating to the main item are entered in field 482.

In embedded field 482 the other field is embedded the way that in subfield 1 the tag number is entered of the field going to be embedded together with belonging indicators. The field is properly embedded when all five characters are entered, namely three characters for tag number and two characters for the indicator 1 and 2 (a space is entered when indicator is not defined). Subfields that follow belong to the field being embedded.

Fields 200, 205 and 210 may be embedded in field 481. When field 200 is being embedded in field 482, field 200 may also contain subfields 0, 5 and 9. The name of the institution to which field 200 applies is entered in subfield 5 in coded form. Since there are no internationally accepted codes, the national institution codes for Slovenian libraries are entered. If an institution has more than one copy the call number of a copy to which field applies is entered in subfield 0, and in subfield 9 the inventory number to which field applies is entered as a linkage with holdings data. Data entry is optionally for subfield 0 and 9.


This field contains a note relating to the copy in hand for monographic publications.
This field is used to link the main item with its bound-with items.


  1. 2001⊔aCommentatio de titulo hereditarii Austriae imperatoris ... a nobili Hungaro
    210⊔⊔aPestini c[s. n.] d1810
    482⊔112000⊔ aAssertiones ex universa theologia, quas ... fmense Junio publice propugnandas suscepit Marcellus Daniel ... 5CiZaNSB 0R IIF-8° - 1597 1210⊔⊔ a[S. l. cs. n. ds. a.]
    2001⊔aQuis nunc aggressor est? Au Austria, au Gallia?
    210⊔⊔a[S. l. cs. n.] d1805
    482⊔112000⊔ aAssertiones ex universa theologia, quas ... fmense Junio publice propugnandas suscepit Marcellus Daniel ... 5CiZaNSB 0R IIF-8° - 1597 1210⊔⊔ a[S. l. cs. n. ds. a.]
    2001⊔aInstitutio grammatophylacii publici pro instituto diplomatico-historico inclyti regni Hungariae... fGeorg. Kovachich, Senquiciensis
    210⊔⊔aPestini cTypis M. Trattner d[s. a.]
    482⊔112000⊔ aAssertiones ex universa theologia, quas... fmense Junio publice propugnandas suscepit Marcellus Daniel ... 5CiZaNSB 0R IIF-8° - 1597 1210⊔⊔ a[S. l. cs. n. ds. a.]
    (Three records for three bound-with items; there is a field 482 in each of them with embedded fields containing data about the main item.)
  2. *

    2000⊔aTa vesseli dan ali: Matizhek se sheni
    210⊔⊔aStiskana v' Lublani v' lejti 1790 cper Ignazi od Kleinmayerja d[1790]
    482⊔112000⊔ aShupanova Mizka 550001 0R 10214 903002684 1210⊔⊔ a[V' Lublani] cstiskana per Joan. Frideriku Egerju, d[1790]
  3. *

    2000⊔aPesmi za skupščine III. reda bGlasbeni tisk fvglasbil Hugolin Sattner
    210⊔⊔aV Ljubljani c≠založil ≠III. red d1926
    482⊔112000⊔ aCvetje z vrtov sv. Frančiška 550001 051756 1210⊔⊔ aLjubljana d1926
    (A record contains printed music which is bound to the book "Cvetje z vrtov sv. Frančiška".)

[8] Example is prepared by the National and University Library, Ljubljana.