COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


C Search Indexes


Most fields and subfields are being indexed to the basic index. For coded subfields the code solutions are usually being indexed (not codes).

It is possible to search through the complete basic index without using a search prefix or with the search prefix KW=. Search prefixes are created for subfields presenting the best the content of the indexed document. These subfields are mostly used for search. Using these prefixes the search can be limited only to the certain subfields.

Basic index - bibliographic information
/AUAuthor - personword200f, 700abcdf-702abcdf, 900abcdf-904abcdf
/CBAuthor - corporate bodyword710abgh-712abgh, 910abgh-912abgh, 916abgh
/CPCorporate placeword710ce-712ce, 910ce-912ce, 916ce
/GMGeneral material designationword200b, 539b
/NMName of manufacturerword210gh
/NTNotesword300a, 301a, 317a, 321ax, 323a-325a, 328adefg, 338abcdefg
/PMPlace of manufactureword210ef
/PPPlace of publicationword210ab, 620abcd
/PYPublication yearword100cd, 210dh
/TITitleword200acdehi, 327a, 501ae, 503a, 510aehi, 512ae, 513aehi, 514ae, 515a, 516ae-518ae, 520aehi, 530ab, 531abc, 532a, 540a, 541a, 996h, 997h
/TOOriginal titleword500ahi



If the introductory phrase in subfield 996h or 997h is equal to "ISBN ", the contents of subfield is not indexed in indexes /TI and TI=, but the ISBN preceded by that sequence of signs is indexed in index BN=.

Basic index - subject analysis
/CHChronological term as subjectword608a, 968a
/CSCorporate body name as subjectword601abc, 961abc
/DUUncontrolled subject termsword610a
/DWForm subdivisionword600w-609w, 960w-969w
/DXTopical subdivisionword600x-609x, 960x-969x
/DYGeographical subdivisionword600y-609y, 960y-969y
/DZChronological subdivisionword600z-609z, 960z-969z
/FNFamily name as subjectword602af, 962af
/FSForm heading as subjectword609a, 969a
/GCSGC subject headingsword60X
/GEKeywords - NUKword627a
/GNGeographical name as subjectword607a, 967a
/PNPersonal name as subjectword600abcdf, 960abcdf
/SUSubject termsword600-610, 960-969
/TNTopical name as subjectword606a, 966a
/TSTitle as subjectword605ahiklnq, 965ahiklnq



With the /GC suffix the search is limited to those 60X fields that contain the "sgc" code in subfield 2 .

/CS, /DW, /DX, /DY, /DZ, /FN, /FS, /GC, /GN, /PN, /SU, /TN, /TS

You can also find records with SGC subject headings if you search by non-preferred terms from the 4XX and 7XX fields in the SGC authority records that are not included in bibliographic records.


Additional indexes - record data
CR=Record creator/Record downloaded from COBISS.Netphrase
CY=Record downloaded from COBIBphrase
DM=Date of creation/download from COBIB or from COBISS.Netphrase
DR=Date of last updatephrase
ID=Record identification
LN=Local numberphrase
RE=Last record editorphrase



While creating a new record, the creation date of a record is indexed, and while downloading a record from the shared cataloguing database or from COBISS.Net network into the local database, the downloading date of a record is indexed. The date is indexed as yyyymmdd.


The date is indexed as yyyymmdd.

Additional indexes - bibliographic information
AU=Author - personphrase700abcdf-702abcdf, 900abcdf-904abcdf
CB=Author - corporate bodyphrase710ab-712ab, 910ab-912ab, 916ab
CP=Corporate placephrase710ce-712ce, 910ce-912ce, 916ce
GM=General material designationphrase200b, 539b
HE=Author - uniform personal headingphrase700abcdf-702abcdf
IS=Volume numberword215h
NM=Name of manufacturerphrase210g
P2=End datephrase100d
PM=Place of manufacturephrase210e
PP=Place of publicationphrase210a, 620abcd
PY=Publication yearphrase100cd
SO=Source namephrase200ai
TI=Titlephrase200acdehi, 501a, 503a, 510ai, 512ae, 513ai, 514ae, 515a, 516ae-518ae, 520aehi, 530a, 531ab, 532a, 540a, 541a, 996h, 997h
TO=Original titlephrase500ahi


AU=, HE=

Subfields a, b, c, d and f of the separate field are indexed as one phrase in the form a, b d, c, f. It is therefore recommended to truncate the search term with an "*" while searching by prefix AU= or HE=.


If the code "b" is entered in subfield 100b, subfield 100d is indexed in index P2=.


Subfields within field 620 are indexed as a phrase the way that subfields a, b and c are added to subfield d. Subfields are divided by a sign "/".


If the code in subfield 100b is equal to "b" or "j", only the year in 100c is indexed. If the code in 100b is equal to "f", "g" or "l",, then all years in the period between the year specified in 100c and the year specified in 100d are indexed. If 100d = "9999", only the year in 100c is indexed.


In records for serials subfields 200ai are being indexed as one phrase, as follow: a. i. It is recommanded to limit the search phrase using the asterisk when searching with the SO= prefix.


Subfields 531ab are indexed as one phrase in the form a b. With reference to the indexing of subfield 996/997h see description of basic index /TI.

Additional indexes - identification data
AR=Authority record numberphrase6003-6093, 7003-7023, 7103-7123
BI=Record marksword and phrase830a, 992bx, 993abc...
BN=ISBNphrase010az, 996h, 997h
CX=ISSN of seriesphrase225x
NB=National bibliography numberphrase020ab
NP=Other identification marksword and phrase001e, 012a, 013az, 016az, 017az, 022a, 071a, 856g
OI=Legal deposit numberphrase021b
OR=Replacement record IDword001x
SC=Cancelled ISSNphrase011myz
SF=Unverified ISSNphrase011f
SN=ISSN - articlephrase011as



Subfields 830a and 992b are indexed by words, subfield 992x and all subfields of the field 993 by phrase.


The content is indexed without hyphens. If a ten-digit number (ten digits without hyphens) is entered in subfield 010a, a corresponding 13-digit number is generated automatically and also added to the index. If the first five signs in subfield 996h or 997h are equal to "ISBN", the ISBN number preceded by these signs is indexed in index BN=; otherwise, subfields 996h or 997h are indexed in indexes /TI and TI=.


HI= is used to search for records below the highest level (subordinate records); under HI=, you must enter the identification number of the record at the highest level (host item record).


The contents of subfields 020a and 020b, which are separated by a space, is indexed as one phrase. Subfield b is additionally indexed, and also autonomously.


Subfields 001e, 013az, 016az, 017az, 022a and 856g are indexed by phrase, subfield 012a by words, and subfield 071a by words and phrase.

The contents of subfields 013a and 013z is indexed either with hyphens or without them. If subfield 013a or 013z contains a 10-digit number (ten digits without hyphens), the corresponding 13-digit number is calculated and added to the index.

Additional indexes - subject analysis
CH=Chronological term as subjectphrase608a, 968a
CS=Corporate body name as subjectphrase601ab, 961ab
DU=Uncontrolled subject termsphrase610a
DW=Form subdivisionphrase600w-609w, 960w-969w
DX=Topical subdivisionphrase600x-609x, 960x-969x
DY=Geographical subdivisionphrase600y-609y, 960y-969y
DZ=Chronological subdivisionphrase600z-609z, 960z-969z
FN=Family name as subjectphrase602a, 962a
FS=Form heading as subjectphrase609a, 969a
GC=SGC subject headingsphrase60X
GE=Keywords - NUKphrase627a
GN=Geographical name as subjectphrase607a, 967a
OC=Other class numbersphrase686a2
PN=Personal name as subjectphrase600abcdf, 960abcdf
SU=All subject termsphrase600-610, 960-969
TN=Topical name as subjectphrase606a, 966a
TS=Title as subjectphrase605ai, 965ai


CS=, DW=, DX=, DY=, DZ=, FN=, FS=, GC=, GN=, PN=, SU=, TN=, TS=

You can also find records with SGC subject headings if you search by non-preferred terms from the 4XX and 7XX fields in the SGC authority records that are not included in bibliographic records.


With GC= only those 60X fields are indexed that contain the "sgc" code in subfield 2. Subfields of an individual field are indexed as one phrase and in the same order in which they appear in the database. It is therefore advisable to truncate the search term with the "*" character when searching.


The first word from subfield 6862 and the contents of subfield 686a are indexed as one phrase; the space is added in between. If no subfield 6862 is entered, only the contents of subfield 686a is indexed, preceded by "---".


With reference to the indexing of fields 600 and 960 see description of indexes AU= and HE=.

Additional indexes - coded data
AC=Relator codephrase7004-7024, 7104-7124, 9104-9124
AS=Researcher codephrase7007-7027
CC=Contents codephrase105bc, 110d, 140d
CO=Country/locality of publicationphrase102ab
DT=Bibliographic levelphrase001c
EA=E-accessphrase0172, 856u
FC=Institution/organization codephrase7008-7028, 7108-7128
FQ=Frequency of issuephrase110b
FR=Form of releasephrase001b, 115agk, 116ag, 117a, 124b, 126a, 128a, 135ab
GP=Government publication codephrase100f
IC=Illustration codephrase105a, 140a
LA=Language of textphrase101a
LC=Literature codephrase105fg, 140ef
LO=Language of original workphrase101c
MC=Microforms - codesphrase130a
RS=Record statusphrase001a, 998e
RT=Type of recordphrase001b
SS=Continuing resource statusphrase100b
TA=Target audience codephrase100e
TD=Typology of documents/worksphrase001t
TY=Type of continuing resource designatorphrase110a
UC=UDC accessphrase675c
UG=UDC groupphrase675b
US=UDC statisticsphrase675s



Instead of Boolean operator AND, search prefixes AU=, AC=, FC= and AS= may also be combined with (W). In that case, search prefixes may follow in the succession as shown above. If one of the prefixes AC= or FC= is omitted, then the operator (2W) is used. The results of such a search are records that contain the requested data only in the same field 7XX.


  • AU=Kos, Vinko* (W) AC=730

    You are looking for records where Vinko Kos is stated as a translator.

  • AU=Rozman, Ivan* (W) AC=991 (W) FC=3-2*

    You are looking for records where Ivan Rozman is stated as the mentor on one of the faculties of the University of Maribor.

  • AU=Rozman, Ivan* (2W) FC=3-2*

    You are looking for records where Ivan Rozman is stated as the author on one of the faculties of the University of Maribor.

  • AC=991 (2W) AS=08067

    You are looking for records where the researcher with the code 08067 is stated as the mentor.

The Boolean operator AND is not always precise at such a search.


  • AU=Gradišnik, Branko* AND AC=730

    The books by the author Branko Gradišnik and the books by other authors translated by Branko Gradišnik would be found.


All codes from subfield 001c except codes "m" and "a" are indexed.


With the search request EA=1, you limit your search to records for resources with e-access only (there is subfield 0172 with the value "doi" or subfield 856u with the value of indicator 2 being "0" – Resource or "1" – Version of resource).


The index FR= (form) includes the code for the type of record (001b) and the code indicating the separate type of non-book materials:

  • Subfield 115g (Form of release – visual projection, motion picture): the contents of subfield is preceded by the codes "g" (code for projected, film and video materials in 001b) and "a" (code for film in 115a) or "b" (code for projected materials in 115a).


    • FR=gac

      Retrieving film cassettes.

    • FR=ga*

      Retrieving films.

  • Subfield 115k (form of release – videorecording): the contents of subfield is preceded by the codes "g" (code for projected, film and video materials in 001b) and "c" (the code for videorecording in 115a).


    • FR=gcc

      Retrieving videorecordings on videocassette.

    • FR=gc*

      Retrieving videorecordings.

  • Subfield 116a (graphics – specific material designation): the contents of subfield is preceded by the code "k" (code for graphics in 001b).


    • FR=ke

      Retrieving photonegatives (code "e").

  • Subfield 116g (graphics – functional designation): the contents of subfield is preceded by the code "k" (code for graphics in 001b).


    • FR=kae

      Retrieving postcards (code "ae").

  • Subfield 117a (three-dimensional artefacts and realia – specific material designation): the contents of the subfield is preceded by the code "r" (code for three-dimensional artefacts and realia in 001b).


    • FR=raq

      Retrieving toys (code "aq").

  • Subfield 124b (cartographic materials – form of cartographic item): the contents of the subfield is preceded by the code "e" (code for printed cartographic materials in 001b).


    • FR=ed

      Retrieving maps (code "d").

  • Subfield 126a (sound recordings – form of release): the contents of the subfield is preceded by the code "i" (code for sound recordings – non-musical performance in 001b) or "j" (code for sound recordings – musical performance in 001b).


    • FR=ja

      Retrieving musical performances on discs (code "a").

  • Subfield 128a (form of composition): the contents of the subfield is preceded by the code from subfields 001b, "c" (printed music scores), "d" (manuscript music scores) or "j" (sound recordings – musical performance).


    • FR=cmr

      Retrieving marches – printed music scores.

    • FR=jmr

      Retrieving marches – sound recordings.

  • Subfield 135a (electronic resources – type): the contents of the subfield are preceded by the code "l" (electronic resources) from subfield 001b and the letter "t" (type).


    • FR=ltd

      Retrieving text electronic resources.

  • Subfield 135b (electronic resources): the contents of the subfield is preceded by the code "l" (electronic resources) from subfield 001b.


    • FR=li

      Retrieving online electronic resources.


Subfield 130a (microforms – specific material designation) is indexed in the additional index MC=.


  • MC=e

    Retrieving microfiches.


Subfield 001a is indexed in index RS=, if code "i", "p", "r" or "d" is entered.


  • RS=p

    Retrieving CIP records.

Subfield 998e (acquisition indicator) is also indexed in the additional index RS=. Prefixes SI=, RS= and AM= may be connected by the operator (W). In that case prefixes should appear as shown above. If prefix RS= is omitted, then the operator (2W) is used. The results of such a search are records that contain the requested data only in the same field 998. That is of special interest for the institution that report for other institutions.


  • RS=o

    Retrieving currently subscribed to serials. For search, the code of the libraries that do not report for other institutions is of no importance.

  • SI=50003 (W) RS=o (W) AM=a

    Retrieving currently subscribed to serials with the type of acquisition being purchased by the Central Medical Library (CMK) with library code 50003. The command is of use only in the CMK local database.

  • SI=50202 (W) RS=93

    Retrieving desiderata for 1993 in the institution with library code 50202. The command is of use only in the local database of the institution that reports for this institution.

  • SI=50001 (2W) AM=a

    Retrieving with the acquisition type being purchased by NUK (National and University Library, library code 50001).


Subfield 001b is indexed in the index RT=, if code "a" is not entered.


  • RT=c

    Retrieving printed music scores.

Use the /BMA prefix to limit your search to records with code "a" entered into subfield 001b and no data entered into subfield 130a.

There is also negation of the previous, /NBM, which limits your search to non-book material only.


  • AU=Cankar, Ivan*/BMA


suffixmeaningsubfieldsprimer iskanja
/ARTComponent parts (articles...)001c = "a"korosk*(2n)Sloven*/ART
/BMABook material001b = "a" and 130a does not existcankar/BMA
/MONMonographs001c = "m"sveto pismo/MON
/NBMNon-book materialCB=the beatles/NBM
/NOARTAll material except component partsvisual basic/NOART
/NOMONAll material except monographsAU=cankar, ivan/NOMON
/NOSERAll material except serialsbyte/NOSER
/SERSerials001c = "s"management/SER
/CIRCyrillic script100l = "c*" or 100l = "oc"sveto pismo/CIR
/LATLatin script100l = "ba"sveto pismo/LAT
/letoYear of publication100cd, 210dhinternat* law/2001

Fields that are embedded within fields of the 4XX block are indexed as autonomous fields.