COMARC/B | June | 1998 |
This field contains, in access point form, a place of publication, production etc. This field may include the name of a country, state or province, county and/or city.
The content of this field may be in hierarchical form, e.g. country, state and city; or it may be in non-hierarchical form, e.g. city alone, depending on cataloguing practise.
620 ⊔⊔ aUnited States bAlabama dMontgomery (An item published in the city of Montgomery, Alabama. The field is in hierarchical form.) *
620 ⊔⊔ dRoma (An item published in Rome. The field is in non-hierarchical form.) *
620 ⊔⊔ aUnited States bVirginia cPrince William County dHaymarket (An item published in Haymarket, Virginia. The field is in hierarchical form. County is also recorded.) *
620 ⊔⊔ aSlovenija dLjubljana (An item published in Ljubljana. The field is in hierarchical form.)