COMARC/B | June | 2006 |
This field contains an abbreviated form of the key title, constructed in accordance with rules prepared by the International ISSN Centre and based on ISO 4.
The abbreviated key title without the addition of any qualifying information. Up to 2003 the abbreviated key title included, for generic titles, the name of the issuing body following a space hyphen space (see example 3).
An abbreviated qualifier added to the key title to make it distinctive from an otherwise identical key title (see examples 1, 5). In the abbreviated key title the qualifier is entered in round brackets that are generated automatically.
A qualifier in abbreviated form that makes one abbreviated key title distinctive from the other identical key titles (see example 6). A qualifier is added to the abbreviated key title enclosed in round brackets that are generated automatically.
The abbreviated form of the key title is constructed according to rules presented in the ISSN Manual. Cataloguing Part and based on ISO 4: Information and Documentation – Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles of publications.
530 | KEY TITLE |
531 ⊔⊔ aMedicina. Supl. bB. Aires 531 ⊔⊔ aRockfeller Brothers Fund Annu. rep. 531 ⊔⊔ aAnn. - Univ. Cathol. Louvain *
531 ⊔⊔ aZnan. Tehnol. *
531 ⊔⊔ aIstor. 20. veka b1959 *
530 0⊔ aKulturen život 531 ⊔⊔ aKult. život cSkopje *
530 0⊔ aKulturni život 531 ⊔⊔ aKult. život cBeogr. (Two serials having different key titles. According to the rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles of publication both serials receive the same abbreviated key title. That is why the abbreviated qualifier is entered in subfield c.)