COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


100 General processing data

This field contains coded data applicable to records of materials in any media.

Subfields & repeatability

100General processing datanr
bType of publication datenr
cPublication date 1nr
dPublication date 2nr
eTarget audience codenr
fGovernment publication codenr
gModified record codenr
hLanguage of cataloguingnr
iTransliteration codenr
lScript of title propernr


Indicator values are not defined.


100b Type of publication date

A code indicates the type of date entered in subfield c – Publication date 1 and subfield d – Publication date 2. The following codes are entered:

acurrently published continuing resource

Subfield c contains the beginning year of publication, and subfield d "9999" (see examples 1, 17). If the beginning year is uncertain, any unknown digit may contain "?" (see example 2).

bcontinuing resource no longer being published

Subfield c contains the beginning year of publication, and subfield d the year publication ceased (see examples 3, 18). If the final year is uncertain, any unknown digit may contain "?".

ccontinuing resource of unknown status

It is not known whether publication is continuing or not. This code is mostly used for retrospective cataloguing, when it is not known whether publication ceased finally or just temporary.

Subfield c contains the beginning year of publication, and subfield d contains "????" (see examples 4, 19). If the beginning year is uncertain, in subfield c any unknown digit may contain "?".

dmonograph complete when issued, or issued within one calendar year

A publication in one volume/part or in a number of volumes/parts all published at one time or with the same date of publication, i.e. published within the same calendar year.

Subfield c contains the date of publication, a subfield d is not entered (see example 5), with exception of the incorrect publication date printed on the publication. It that case, the correct publication date should be determined and entered in subfield c; the incorrect publication date should be entered in subfield d (see example 21).

The code is also used when only an uncertain publication date is known (see example 5). If a publication was published over a span of years, the code "f" is used.

ereproduction of a document

The item being catalogued is a reproduction, i.e. a reprint, facsimile, reissue, etc. but not a new edition. If the reproduction is of a continuing resource, or if either the original of the reproduction was published over a span of years, the beginning year of reproduction and publication are used.

Subfield c contains the date of the reproduction, and the subfield d contains the date of publication of the original (see example 7). If either date is uncertain, any digit may be replaced by "?".

fmonograph, date of publication uncertain

In subfields c and d the estimated period is entered: subfield c contains the earliest possible date of publication, and subfield d the latest possible date of publication (see examples 8, 20).

gmonograph whose publication continues for more than one year

A multi-volume monograph whose volumes were published (or being published) for more than a year.

Subfield c contains the beginning year of publication, and subfield d contains the date of final publication (see example 10). If either date is uncertain, any digit may be replaced "?" (see example 11). If publication is still in progress "9999" is entered in subfield d, if only the first volume was published (see example 9), i.e. the publication date of as yet last volume.

hmonograph with both actual and copyright date

The item's date of publication differs from the copyright date quoted in the item, or the date of publication is unknown.

Subfield c contains the date of publication, and subfield d the copyright date (see example 12). If only the copyright date is known, it is entered in subfield c but not d (see example 13).

imonograph with both release/issue date and production date

It is used for film, music etc. when there is a gap between the production/recording of an item and its distribution/release.

Subfield c contains the release/issue date, and subfield d the production date (see example 14).

jmonograph with detailed date of publication

It is used when it is considered important to record a month (and possibly day) of publication.

Subfield c contains the year of publication, and subfield d the detailed date in the form MMDD (month, day) (see examples 15, 16).

linclusive dates of collection

Subfield c may contain the earliest possible year of material within the artificial collection. If the earliest year is uncertain, any digit may be replaced by "?".

Subfield d may contain the latest possible year of material within the artificial collection. If the collection items were created within a calendar year, that date is entered both in subfield c and d. If the latest year is uncertain, any digit may be replaced by "?".

The codes "a", "b" and "c" are used only in records for continuing resources, the code "l" is used in collections and the codes "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j" are used in all other records, also in records for finite integrating resources.

100c Publication date 1

It is a proper year of publication entered – regarding to subfield b contents.

In the case of continuing resources the publication date 1 corresponds to the first year entered in subfield 207a – Dates and volume designation, but it can be different from the year entered in subfield 210d – Date of publication, distribution, etc.

In the case of publication years put together (e.g. 1980/81) in serials only the first year is entered in this subfield.

100d Publication date 2

It is a proper year of publication entered – regarding to subfield b contents.

100e Target audience code

A code is used for target audience the publication was intended for.

ajuvenile, general (use instead of b, c, d or e)

The code is used instead of the codes"b", "c", "d" or "e", when these codes have not been used or can not been used.

bpre-primary, ages 0-5
cprimary, ages 5-10
dchildren, ages 9-14
eyoung adult, ages 14-20
kadult, serious
madult, general
100f Government publication code

A code indicates whether the record is for a government publication or not and the level of government issuing or financing the publication. Academic institutions are not to be regarded as government agencies.


Sovereign states and territories with some measure of self-government, e.g. having their own legislature.


An administrative subdivision at one level below the federal or national level, having some measure of self-government and legislative control, though with no responsibility for external affairs, e.g. provinces of Canada, Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany.


A middle-level administrative subdivision, generally any legislature, e.g. departments in France, counties in the United Kingdom (see example 1).

dlocal (municipal, etc.)

An administrative unit at the lowest level of jurisdiction e.g. a city, town or village.

elocally competent body covering multiple areas

Any administrative unit below the national level combining or crossing more than one jurisdiction, e.g. a joint computer unit which is shared by number of municipal authorities or a transport authority that crosses several municipalities.


International organisations and their agencies, e.g. those entities which are capable of making treaties with sovereign states such as the International Monetary Fund or the United Nations.

ggovernment in exile or clandestine

A non-official government such as the government of France in exile from 1941-1944.

hlevel not determined

Used when record is for government publication but the level of government can not be determined.

ynot a government publication
zother government level

Used for a government publication at a particular level of government but this level does not fit into any of categories "a" to "g".

100g Modified record code

This code indicates whether the character set available within the system is sufficient to transcribe the data as found on the item. If due to limitations of the machine character set certain characters had to be transliterated or transcribed, the record is considered modified.

A record would not be considered modified if the title page can not be transcribed because it contains symbols or pictures which obviously would be found in no other character set.

0unmodified record
1modified record
100h Language of cataloguing

This code is assigned automatically and it indicates the language used in cataloguing by a library (see examples 1, 3). Data is mandatory.

100i Transliteration code

This code indicates the type of transliteration used.

aISO transliteration scheme
bother transliterations

The code is used to indicate the transliteration according to PPIAK, including the transliteration for Cyrillic script. The code is used only when a library has the whole records displayed in Latin script.

b1COBISS Cyrillic script transliteration**

Before the software supported entry of Cyrillic script, the code was used in records that were entered and saved entirely in Latin script but were at the same time adjusted for displaying in Cyrillic script.

b2COBISS transliteration for all scripts**

The code appears in old records created by libraries which used to display records in Cyrillic, Old Cyrillic and Greek script.

cmultiple transliterations
yno transliteration scheme used
100l Script of title proper

This code indicates the script of the title proper. It refers to the script on the source item, not to the character set of the record.

caCyrillic - script unspecified
cbCyrillic – Serbian*
ccCyrillic – Macedonian*
daJapanese - script unspecified
dbJapanese - kanji
dcJapanese - kana
ocCyrillic – old*


210dPUBLICATION, DISTRIBUTION, ETC., Date of publication, distribution, etc.
Date of publication is also entered in subfield 210d.


Examples 1 and 3 are complete examples for the field 100. The other examples only illustrate the use of different codes for date of publication.

  1. 100⊔⊔ba c1959 d9999 em fc heng lba
    (A serial was first published in 1959 and is still being published. The target audience are adults. The publication is the annual report published by the Hampshire County Council. The record is unmodified, the language of cataloguing is English and the title is in Latin script.)
  2. 100⊔⊔ba c192? d9999
    (A serial was first published between 1922 and 1925 and is still being published.)
  3. 100⊔⊔bb c1810 d1860 hfre lba
    (A serial began in 1810 and finished in 1860. The record is unmodified, the language of cataloguing is French and the title is in Latin script.)
  4. 100⊔⊔bc c1980 d????
    (A serial began in 1980; but issues are no longer arriving and the publisher can not be traced.)
  5. 100⊔⊔bd c1750
    (The item actually or probably published in 1750. The date in subfield 210d may be recorded variously as: 1750 for the date stated in the prescribed data source, [1750] for the date stated in the non-prescribed data source or for the determined date of publication, [1750?] for the uncertain date of publication.)
  6. 100⊔⊔bd c1972
    (A monograph was published in three volumes in 1972.)
  7. 100⊔⊔be c1968 d1952
    (A document originally published in 1952 was reprinted in 1968.)
  8. 100⊔⊔bf c1962 d1966
    (A monograph has no date of publication but its contents reveal it was published no earlier than 1962 and it was acquired in 1966. It is assumed it was published between 1962 and 1966.)
  9. 100⊔⊔bg c1983 d9999
    (A monograph is to be published in 5 volumes, the first in 1983 and the rest at future dates. The record is an open-ended record since the bibliographic details of the as yet unpublished volumes are not known.)
  10. 100⊔⊔bg c1975 d1976
    (A monograph was published in 3 volumes in 1975 and 1976.)
  11. 100⊔⊔bg c1962 d196?
    (A monograph began publication in 1962. The date of the final volume is uncertain, but is believed to be 1968 or 1969.)
  12. 100⊔⊔bh c1985 d1983
    (A document published in 1985, has 1983 as copyright date.)
  13. 100⊔⊔bh c1972
    (Only copyright date is known.)
  14. 100⊔⊔bi c1950 d1943
    (A film made in 1943 but not released until 1950.)
  15. 100⊔⊔bj c1985 d0412
    (A technical report published 12. April 1985.)
  16. 100⊔⊔bj c1985 d11??
    (A report published in November 1985. The day of publication is not known or is considered unimportant.)
  17. *

    100⊔⊔ba c1904 d9999
    (A serial was first published in 1904 and is still being published.)
  18. *

    100⊔⊔bb c1950 d1952
    2001⊔aLjudska tehnika
    (A serial was published between 1950 and 1952.)
  19. *

    100⊔⊔bc c1990 d????
    (A serial was first published in 1990. It is not known if it was still being published.)
  20. *

    100⊔⊔bf c1890 d1900
    2000⊔aEarly Australian voyages fby John Pinkerton
    (A monograph was published between 1890 and 1900. The exact year of publication is not known.)
  21. *

    100⊔⊔bd c1991 d1919
    (The incorrect date is printed on the publication. The item is actually published in 1991, and the year 1919 is printed on the na publication.)