COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


022 Government publication number

This field contains the number assigned to one of its own publications or to an item published on its behalf by a government body.

Subfields & repeatability

022Government publication numberr
aCountry codenr
zErroneous numberr


Indicator values are not defined.


022a Country code

The country in which the document is published.

022b Number

The number as assigned by the government body.

022z Erroneous number

A number erroneously assigned to a government publication.


This field is used for numbers on government documents at any level. It may be used for the publications of any level of governmental authority and for international and intergovernmental organizations. In subfield a the country code is entered according to ISO 3166. In the case of international and intergovernmental organizations, subfield a is omitted (see example 4).

The number is entered in the form in which it appears on the document including spaces, hyphens and other punctuation. An erroneous number may be entered in subfield z. When only an erroneous number is known, the field will contain only subfields a and z.


100fGENERAL PROCESSING DATA, Government publication code
This character position indicates whether the item is a government publication and the level of government responsible for it.


  1. 022⊔⊔aZA bRP64/77
    (South African government publication number.)
  2. 022⊔⊔aUS bhE17.302.W58/91
    (United States government publication.)
  3. 022⊔⊔aGB bECC.56/81
    (Publication of Essex County Council, United Kingdom.)
  4. 022⊔⊔bPGI/81/WS/22
    (A UNESCO publication.)
  5. *

    022⊔⊔ausa bI 49.6/2:F 52/8/PACK
    (United States government publication.)
  6. *

    022⊔⊔asvn bRUJV-RP-022
    (A number of Slovenian government publication.)