COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


423 Issued with

This field is used to link the item being catalogued to another bibliographic item that is issued with.

Subfields & repeatability

423Issued withr
1Tag numberr


1Not defined
2Name display indicator
0No added entry
1Added entry

The value of the second indicator determines the creation of added entries in systems, in which they make catalogue slips. An added entry is generated if the indicator is set to "1".


4231 Tag number

A field 423 is an embedded field. In subfield 1 the field designation of the embedded field is entered together with belonging indicators.


Field 423 is used for entering data relating to contained and added works which are already catalogued in subfield 200c – Title proper by another author or in field 327 – Contents note. The data are entered in field 423 for searching needs.

In embedded field 423 the other field is embedded the way that in subfield 1 the tag number is entered of the field going to be embedded together with belonging indicators. The field is properly embedded when all five characters are entered, namely three characters for tag number and two characters for the indicator 1 and 2 (a space is entered when indicator is not defined). Subfields that follow belong to the field being embedded.

In field 423 subfields 200abehi, 500abhi and fields 503, 510, 700, 701, 702, 710, 711, 712, 900, 901, 902, 910, 911 and 912 may be embedded, which contain data entered according to the principles valid for data entry in these fields (the sequence of data is also important). Fields, being embedded in field 423, are treated equal in searching and indexing to the other regularly fields.


  1. *

    2000⊔aŽverce iz hoste bZvočni posnetek fTomo Kočar g[avtor in izvajalec glasbe Mijo Popovič grežija Franci Rainer, Tomo Kočar]
    327100Vsebina: aVeveričja zabava aZajček išče sanje aKralj živali aMiškov novi dom
    423⊔012000⊔ aVeveričja zabava aZajček išče sanje aKralj živali aMiškov novi dom 1700⊔1 aKočar bTomo 4070
    700⊔135172579 aKočar bTomo 4070 4300
    (When works by the same author are being embedded, they are all entered in one field 423, namely in a repeated subfield a of the embedded field 200.)
  2. *

    2001⊔aTeorije igre pri Johanu Huizingi, Rogerju Cailloisu in Eugenu Finku fizbor in spremna beseda Janez Strehovec g[prevod Seta Knop, Suzana Koncut, Jaša Drnovšek]
    327120Vsebina: aO izvoru kulture v igri / Johan Huizinga aIgre in ljudje / Roger Caillois aIgra kot simbol sveta / Eugen Fink
    423⊔012000⊔ aO izvoru kulture v igri 150000 aHomo ludens 1700⊔1 aHuizinga bJohan 4070
    423⊔012000⊔ aIgre in ljudje 150000 a≠Les ≠jeux et les hommes 1700⊔1 aCaillois bRoger 4070
    423⊔012000⊔ aIgra kot simbol sveta 150000 aSpiel als Weltsymbol 1700⊔1 aFink bEugen 4070
    (Field 423 is repeated when works by different authors are being embedded.)
  3. *

    2000⊔aDuhovne osnove života fVladimir Solovjov cSpasenje i stvaralaštvo fNikolaj Berđajev gpreveli s ruskog [oba dela] Marija Marković, Branislav Marković
    423⊔112000⊔ aSpasenje i stvaralaštvo 1700⊔1 aBerđajev bNikolaj Aleksandrovič 4070 170201 aMarković bMarija 4730 170201 aMarković bBranislav 4730
    ( The record was created in a system, in which they still make catalogue slips. For the needs of added entry, the data relating to works by subsequent author is entered in field 423 with the indicator set to "1", however the data relating to authors from field 423 is not repeated in fields 7XX.)
  4. *

    2000⊔aZakoni o privatizaciji f[odgovorni urednik Svetlana Stojković]
    327100Sadržaj: aZakon o privatizaciji aZakon o Agenciji za privatizaciju aZakon o Akcijskom fondu
    423⊔112000⊔ aZakon o privatizaciji aZakon o Agenciji za privatizaciju aZakon o Akcijskom fondu 15031⊔ aZakoni 171001 aSrbija
    (The record was created in a system, in which they still make catalogue slips. The book contains three acts, and their titles are not displayed on the cover. For the needs of added entry, they are entered in field 423 with the indicator set to "1".)
  5. *

    2001⊔aIzbrani romani [27] f[izbral in skrajšal] Reader's Digest
    327120Vsebina: aOsumljenec = Suspect / Robert Crais ; prevedla Mojca Vodušek aObljuba = Promise / Ann Weisgarber ; prevedla Darja Divjak aPod tvojo kožo = Under your skin / Sabine Durrant ; prevedla Andreja Potočnik aMorilci na sledi = Those who wish me dead / Michael Koryta ; prevedla Maja Šukarov
    423⊔012000⊔ aOsumljenec 150000 aSuspect 1700⊔1 aCrais bRobert 4070 1702⊔1 170201 aVodušek bMojca f1952- 4730
    423⊔012000⊔ aObljuba 150000 aPromise 1700⊔1 aWeisgarber bAnn 4070 1702⊔1 aDivjak bDarja 4730
    423⊔012000⊔ aPod tvojo kožo 150000 aUnder your skin 1700⊔1 aDurrant bSabine 4070 1702⊔1 aPotočnik bAndrea 4730
    423⊔012000⊔ aMorilci na sledi 150000 aThose who wish me dead 1700⊔1 aKoryta bMichael 4070 1702⊔1 aŠukarov bMaja 4730