COMARC/B | June | 2007 |
This field is used to link the supplement being catalogued to the parent of that supplement.
If the indicator 2 is set to "1" – Make a note, a note is to be generated containing corresponding introductory phrase "Supplement to:", a title and an ISSN, if it is available.
In a record for a supplement being catalogued as an independent bibliographic item, the information about parent item is entered in field 422. The relationship is reciprocal to that entered in field 421.
This field contains information about the supplement when the item being catalogued is a parent. |
200 1⊔ esvet je internet e[redna mesečna priloga revijam Stop, Smrklja, Moj mikro, Joker] 422 ⊔1 x0351-8094 (KT=Stop (Ljubljana)) 422 ⊔1 x1318-8038 (KT=Smrklja)) 422 ⊔1 x0352-4833 (KT=Moj mikro (Slovenska izd.)) 422 ⊔1 x1318-461X (KT=Joker (Ljubljana. Tiskana izd.)) (A record for a supplement contains data relating to parent publications entered in field 421.) *
200 1⊔ aPolet emagazin Dela in Slovenskih novic 422 ⊔1 x0354-1088 (KT=Slovenske novice) 422 ⊔1 x0350-7521 (KT=Delo (Ljubljana)) *
200 1⊔ aBalneoclimatologia iSupplement 422 ⊔1 x0350-5952 (KT=Balneoclimatologia) *
200 1⊔ aVreme kompjutera especijalno izdanje nedeljnika Vreme 422 ⊔1 x0353-8028 (KT=Vreme (Beograd))