COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


327 Contents note

This field contains a note describing the contents of the item.

Subfields & repeatability

327Contents notenr
0Introductory phrasenr
aText of noter


1Completeness indicator
0Contents note is not complete
1Contents note is complete
2Structure indicator*
0Repeated subfields a are separated by a semi-colon
1Repeated subfields a are separated by a new line
2Repeated subfields a are separated by a point

If the indicator 2 is set to "1", every repeated subfield 327a is displayed on output in a new line (see example 3, 8 and also examples in Appendix D).


3270 Introductory phrase

A word or phrase introducing contents (e.g.: "Contents:", "Includes also:", "Contents on title page:" etc.).

327a Text of note

The data relating to the contents of the item (usually title or titles of contained works). Data should be entered in subfield 327a using the prescribed punctuation for corresponding elements of the bibliographic description.


Indicator 2 determines which punctuation mark will be used in displays between individual subfields a. Value "1" is used for monographic resources in more (separated) parts if the parts have a relatively unimportant title (see examples 3, 8).

For other resources, value "0" is used when dealing with works of one author (see examples 1, 2, 5, 7), and value "2" when dealing with works of different authors or anonymous works (see examples 4, 6, 9, 10). In former, each title is recorded in repeated subfields a, and in latter, the combined data on the works of an individual author is recorded in repeated subfields a.

For searching needs, the information about contained or added works should be also entered in field 423 – Issued with.


  1. *

    327100Vsebina: aZalezujoč Godota aKlementov padec aDedalus
  2. *

    327100Vsebina na nasl. str.: aMehanika aToplota
  3. *

    327010Dosedanja vsebina: a1: A-Ca. - 1987. - XVII, 421 str. - 30.000 izv. a2: Ce-Ed. - 1988. - XV, 416 str. - 31.000 izv. a3: ...
  4. *

    327120Vsebuje tudi: aZatrjevanja usmerjajo energijo / Maruschi Magyarosy in Volker Z. Karrer aZa konec še očiščevalni obred / Stephan Kugel
  5. *

    327100Sadržaj: aJakov grli trnje aMedalja aRat i mir u Grudi aLjute trave aDogađaji u magarčevoj sjenci aMotel za ljudine aGrickanje duše
  6. *

    327120Sodržina: aNemušt jazik / Blaže Minevski aErazmo Roterdamski / Danilo Kocevski aKuka / Jadranka Vladova aTreta majka / Petar Petreski
  7. *

    327100Sadržaj s nasl. str.: aZakon o lokalnoj samoupravi aZakon o izboru predsjednika opštine
  8. *

    327010Dosadašnji sadržaj: aKnj. 1: A-Bogoljub. - 1959. -LFCXV CR, 694 str. - Tiraž 10.500. aKnj. 2: Bogoljub-Vražogrnci. - 1962. -LFXIICR, 800 str. - Tiraž 10.500. aKnj. 3: ...
  9. *

    327120Sadrži i: aImperativ misije / Aleksandar Šmeman aPravoslavna crkva i misija : prošlost i perspektive našeg doba / Jovan Majendorf aPravoslavlje i misija / arhimandrit Anastasije Janulatos
  10. *

    327120Vsebina: aSunčevo zračenje ; Trajanje insolacije ; Naoblaka / Ivan Penzar aTemperatura zraka ; Značajne meteorološke pojave / Branka Penzar aKratak prikaz klime Zagreba / Berislav Makjanić
    (When dealing with works of different authors and one of the authors has several works, enter the titles of this author in one subfield 327a, and separate the titles with semicolons.)