COMARC/B | December | 2024 |
This field contains a variant heading, i.e. variant or unadopted form of the corporate body name entered in field 712.
912 | Corporate body name – secondary intellectual responsibility (variant heading)* | r | |
a | Entry element | nr | |
b | Subdivision | r | |
c | Addition to name or qualifier | r | |
d | Number of meeting | nr | |
e | Location of meeting | r | |
f | Date of meeting | nr | |
g | Inverted element | nr | |
h | Part of name (not entry or inverted element) | nr | |
s | Script | nr | |
3 | Authority record number | nr | |
5 | Relationship control | nr | |
6 | Linking data | nr | |
9 | Language | nr |
1 | Corporate body type | |
0 | Corporate name | |
1 | Meeting | |
2 | Form of name indicator | |
0 | Name in inverted form | |
1 | Name entered under place or jurisdiction | |
2 | Name entered under name in direct order |
A two-digit number (01–99) should be entered to connect fields 712 with the corresponding field 912 (see example 2).
For other subfields the instructions described at field 910 are applied (see field 910).
Subfield 9126 for linking data is used only when the corporate body is not linked to the authority record through subfield 3. If there are more variant headings, field 912 should be repeated (see example 2).
200 0⊔ aIzvlečki referatov dAbstract volume f12. slovensko posvetovanje o varstvu rastlin z mednarodno udeležbo f= 12th Slovenian Conference on Plant Protection with International Participation, 3.-4. marec 2015, Ptuj, Slovenija g[organizator Društvo za varstvo rastlin Slovenije g= organizer Plant Protection Society of Slovenia gurednik Stanislav Trdan] 710 12 3289130083 aSlovensko posvetovanje o varstvu rastlin z mednarodno udeležbo d12 f2015 ePtuj 712 02 3287009635 aDruštvo za varstvo rastlin Slovenije 910 12 3289130083 aSlovenian Conference on Plant Protection with International Participation d12 f2015 ePtuj 912 02 3287009635 aPlant Protection Society of Slovenia *
200 0⊔ aVizije prostorskega razvoja ezelena tirna infrastruktura f27. Sedlarjevo srečanje g[organiziralo] DUPPS, Društvo urbanistov in prostorskih planerjev Slovenije g= [organized by] TSPAS, Town and Spatial Planning Association of Slovenia g[glavni urednik Boštjan Kerbler] 710 12 aSedlarjevo srečanje d27 f2016 eLjubljana 712 02 aDruštvo urbanistov in prostorskih planerjev Slovenije 601 912 02 aSpatial Planning Association of Slovenia 601 912 02 aDUPPS 601 912 02 aTSPAS 601 (Field 712 is linked to the corresponding fields 912 through subfield 6, because there is no record for Društvo urbanistov in prostorskih planerjev Slovenije in the authority database.)