COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


F Maintaining Bibliographies within the COBISS System

F.8 Bibliographic Records for Performed Works (Events)

Bibliographic records for performed works (events) are created for bibliographies, especially researchers’ bibliographies prepared by their home institutions. As a rule, they are not used for other purposes. The record for the event is created when there is no manifestation of a certain intellectual or artistic work on a physical medium or on Web. When creating bibliographic records for such works, we can use the assistance of the documents which are related to the event and are available during cataloguing.

In the cataloguing process, we should pay attention to the fact that the purpose of the cataloguing is to document the work which is presented by the event. Documents, that are available in cataloguing, are only information sources, but not the subject of the cataloguing.

With a consistent description of performed works (events) it is possible to:

  • clearly distinguish records for performed works from other records;

  • search records for performed works on the basic criteria (author, title, topic, typology of documents, type of record);

  • display records in researchers’ bibliographies.

Records are created only for realized and never for upcoming events.


While creating a record for performed work, we should consider the following:

  1. The record must contain the minimal extent of data necessary for identification of the performed work (event).

  2. Coded data are primarily designed to identify the record and not the work.

  3. Title and the statement of responsibility must identify the performed work (event) and its context in detail.

  4. In formulating title and the statement of responsibility the interpretation and extraction of information from secondary resources can help us.

  5. Notes are intended for the information about resource data and further notes about the event.

  6. A performed work (event) has no public accessible content carrier, so the record does not contain general material designation data, not material specific data and not physical description data.

  7. If documents, related to the performed work (event), are kept in the author’s personal file or in the institution’s archives, we can create a note on the terms of use.

  8. A relator codes, which connects the work to a person or a corporation, are listed, according to data, in the secondary resource.

When selecting works for which records are designed for performed works, we consider the Typology of documents/works for maintaining bibliographies in COBISS system.

The following describes fields of the COMARC/B format in records for performed works. Tips for creating data in the bibliographic record for performed work come out of the applicable cataloguing rules for the book material, from the international standard archival description and from the long cataloguing practice which is formed in the COBISS system during maintaining researcher’s bibliographies.

Records for performed works are created in the input mask N (non-book materials).

Secondary Data Resources

Bibliographic records for the events are created on the secondary resources which predict, summarize or comment the performed work that is the subject of a bibliographic record. Secondary resources include: programs of events, invitations, radio, television, newspaper or web program announcements, reviews and comments in printed or electronic media etc.

0XX Identification Block

In subfield 001b – Type of record the code "u" – events is entered and the code "d" – performed work is entered in subfield 001c – Bibliographic level. In subfield 001t – Typology of documents/works* only typology which starts with the number 3 can be entered.

1XX Coded Information Block

It is required to enter the data about the year of the event in the subfield 100c – Publication date 1 of the record for a performed work (event), because it is needed in the classification of bibliographic items in the personal bibliography.

Subfield 101a – Language of text is added only in a record for the work (event) which was undoubtedly performed in spoken or sung form, in case that a language (also more languages) is known.

Data entry in subfield 102a – Country does not fall within the scope of the recommended fields in the record for a performed work, but for the purpose of events statistics according countries it can be used for entering the code for the location of the event.

Other coded data are not entered.

2XX Descriptive Information Block

Records for performed works contain the title provided by cataloguer on the basis of documents related to the event. The purpose of the title is to identify the work and to indicate the context of the event in which the work is performed. The titles are therefore concise and optionally contain:

  • the theme of the performed work (event) and the type of event,

  • persons or institutions related to the event,

  • the context of the event,

  • time and place of the event.

In principle, the title should be in the language of cataloguing. If the title contains parts of the text, taken from the secondary resource, they can stay in the language of the secondary resource.

In subfield 200a – Title proper the title of the performed work or event is entered, i. e. text that describes its contents best.

If the data in subfield 200a are not sufficient for understanding the context of the performed work, we can enter the data about the type of the event, and also the data on the location and time of the event in subfield 200e – Other title information. The numbers, added by the cataloguer, are Arabic numerals.

For performed works the statement of responsibility is entered within the title and responsibility area, even if they are obtained from secondary resources. The data on persons and institutions, which are primarily related to the performed work, is entered in subfield 200f – First statement of responsibility, if they are not already listed in the title.

The way of specifying other statements of responsibility depend on the type of the performed work. As a rule, more statements of responsibility are specified in the case of music, visual or theatrical events if we found them in the secondary resources. In defining the sequence of responsibility data, the relevant ISBD rules for music and audiovisual resources can help us.

Despite the fact that data from field 200 are usually formed by the cataloguer, they are not specified in square brackets. In records, without physical media, we do not use fields and subfields intended for the data about publishing, distribution, edition or publication date, and also not fields and subfields intended for the description of the physical characteristics of the work.

In the input mask N, within the 2XX block of data, only subfield 200a – Title proper is mandatory.

001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.10
100⊔⊔c2012 hslv lba
2000⊔aKoncert kitaristov Jerka Novaka in Žarka Ignjatovića edvorana GŠ Risto Savin, Žalec, 20. januar 2012
(The record for the artistic performance. The title includes all the information that identifies the event: the type of concert, both musical performers and the place and time of the event.)
001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.10
100⊔⊔c2012 hslv lba
2000⊔aDostojno jest ekoncert pred gostovanjem v Rusiji, dvorana Union, Maribor, 4. marec 2012 fKoncertni zbor Carmina Slovenica gdirigentka Karmina Šilec gtolkala Nino Mureškič
(More persons are associated with the concert. When specifying them, the type of responsibility is also listed.)
001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.12
100⊔⊔c2004 hslv lba
2000⊔a20 let v razvoju knjižničnega informacijskega sistema erazstava v okviru konference COBISS 2004, Kongresni center Habakuk, Maribor, 9.-11. november, in Institut informacijskih znanosti, od 15. novembra do konca decembra 2004 favtorji razstave Breda Emeršič, Andrej Korošec in Marij Bizjak
(The exhibition has no catalog. From the conference program, the title is extracted which contains the theme of the exhibition, the event in which the exhibition is held, and the place and time of the event.)
001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.11
100⊔⊔c2012 hslv lba
2000⊔aDr. Danilo Šuster eportretni intervju v Galeriji portretov znanstvenikov in intelektualcev, oddaja Podobe znanja, Radio Slovenija, Tretji program ARS, 29. 6. 2012, od 16.30 do 17.00
(The record for radio broadcast which is not available on the Web. The title contains data about the title of the specific event and other details of the radio broadcast.)
001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.14
100⊔⊔c2013 hslv lba
2000⊔aColored scalars and Higgs physics electure at Laboratoire de Physique, Théorique d'Orsay, Université Paris-Sud, February 7, 2013 fSvjetlana Fajfer
(The record for the lecture on the foreign university. The title of the lecture, the place and time of the event are specified in the subfield provided for the title.)
001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.15
100⊔⊔c2011 hslv lba
2000⊔aCOBISS.Net: support to knowledge, intercultural dialogue and development of the region for a successful integration into EU epresentation at 40th International ABDOS Conference, Ljubljana, May 30 to June 2, 2011 fMarta Seljak, Pero Šobot
(The record for a non-printed conference contribution. The title of the contribution and other data which identify the conference are specified in the subfield provided for the title.)
3XX Notes Block

Notes contain information about resources which helped us to form the title and other data. They also contain additional information about the context of an event, which are not specified in field 200, due to the principle of conciseness.

A note about secondary resources, which help us to describe the performed work, is entered in field 300. If a manuscript used for the performed work, which is the subject of the record, is available under certain conditions, we can enter a note about that.

The remaining information on the context of the event, beyond the scope of the necessary data for identification of the work is given in repeated field 300 – General note, if necessary. Similarly, in field 323 – Cast note (projected and video material and sound recordings) other featured performers are listed.

Notes about awards, especially in performances and exhibitions are entered in field 334 – Awards note.

If a title contains general terms as: concert, recital, play etc., the details of the content can be entered in field 327 – Contents note.

2000⊔aNagovor Brigite Čanč ob odprtju 15. razstave Mineralni fosili Pohorja in razstave Vizija Pohorja 2013 eKnjižno razstavišče Univerzitetne knjižnice Maribor, 22. maj 2013
300⊔⊔aOpis po vabilu na razstavo
(Note on the resource on the basis of which a record is created.)
2000⊔aKoncert kitaristov Jerka Novaka in Žarka Ignjatovića edvorana GŠ Risto Savin, Žalec, 20. januar 2012
300⊔⊔aOpis po vabilu na razstavo
327010Program: aSuite for two guitars / William Lawes. Les deux amis ; Fantazija za dve kitari op. 41 / Fernando Sor. Afrodita ; Izgubljeni ples / Jerko Novak. Suite italiana / Mario Gangi
(The program of the concert is entered as a note on the content of the event.)
2000⊔aCOBISS.Net: support to knowledge, intercultural dialogue and development of the region for a successful integration into EU epresentation at 40th International ABDOS Conference, Ljubljana, May 30 to June 2, 2011 fMarta Seljak, Pero Šobot
300⊔⊔aOpis po programu konference in dokumentaciji avtorjev
3000⊔aRokopis prispevka lahko posreduje knjižnica Instituta informacijskih znanosti v Mariboru z dovoljenjem avtorjev
(The note contains the conditions of the access to the manuscript, which the authors are willing to provide.)
2000⊔aNina Prešiček et Dejan Prešiček eà la suite du 13ème concours de Musique de Chambre, Paris, le 19 mai 2001 - Concours International d'Interprétation Pierre Lantier
334⊔⊔aTretja nagrada Grand Prix International
(Note on the award. The updated ISO 690 format shows the contents of the field 334.)
6XX Subject Analysis Block

The content of the performed work is thematically defined by the UDC number entered in subfield 675c – UDC access*.

As a rule, subject headings should not be assigned to performed works. Exceptionally, they can be assigned when there is a record for thematically similar work by the same author or in the case of the artistic performance of the work. According to the established practice of the library, subject headings are entered in field 610 or in fields 600609.

2000aIn-vitam epraizvedba dDom španskih borcev, 13. 4.-14. 4. 2010 in Velika dvorana SNG Maribor, 20. 4. 2010 fUrška Pompe gzbor Carmina Slovenica gdirigentka Karmina Šilec
6100⊔aslovenska glasba akoncerti
2000⊔aCOBISS.Net: support to knowledge, intercultural dialogue and development of the region for a successful integration into EU epresentation at 40th International ABDOS Conference, Ljubljana, May 30 to June 2, 2011 fMarta Seljak, Pero Šobot
6100⊔aCOBISS.Net aSICRIS abibliografije raziskovalcev
675⊔⊔a021.64:012 c02 vUDCMRF 2006
(Content description is based on the lecture manuscript.)
7XX Intellectual Responsibility Block

In records for performed works (events) only authors with primary responsibility are most commonly cited. Exceptions are primarily records for artistic performances (musical or theatrical), where data on more types of responsibilities are listed. In creating the responsibility data, we follow the rules on the use of fields 700702 in COMARC/B format and select the more exact relator code.

In subfield 70X3 – Authority record number a number of the corresponding authority record for personal name is entered. In the case of researchers the authority record should also contain a researcher’s code, because a researcher’s code is one of the conditions for maintaining a personal researcher’s bibliography. The role played by a certain person in a performed work (event) is entered in in subfield 70X4 – Relator code. If a secondary data resources enable, the exact code for the type of authorship is entered (for example "545" – musician or "005" – actor or "721" – singer instead of code "590" – performer). The code of the institution is entered in subfield 70X8 – Institution/organization code*.

In subfield 71X – Corporate body name the name of the music or artistic band is entered, which are related to the performed work. In subfield 71X4 – Relator code the exact relator code is entered.

2000aKoncert kitaristov Jerka Novaka in Žarka Ignjatovića edvorana GŠ Risto Savin, Žalec, 20. januar 2012
700⊔1323240291 aNovak bJerko 4545
7011324689251 aIgnjatović bŽarko 727735 4545 83-216.03
2000⊔a20 let v razvoju knjižničnega informacijskega sistema erazstava v okviru konference COBISS 2004, Kongresni center Habakuk, Maribor, 9.-11. november, in Institut informacijskih znanosti, od 15. novembra do konca decembra 2004 favtorji razstave Breda Emeršič, Andrej Korošec in Marij Bizjak
700⊔1336964195 aEmeršič bBreda 740054 4904 84-007
701134813155 aKorošec bAndrej 719457 f1972- 4904 84-007
7011361576035 aBizjak bMarij 4904 84-007
2000⊔aDr. Danilo Šuster eportretni intervju v Galeriji portretov znanstvenikov in intelektualcev, oddaja Podobe znanja, Radio Slovenija, Tretji program ARS, 29. 6. 2012, od 16.30 do 17.00
700⊔133514723 aŠuster bDanilo 711554 4460 83-215.08
2000⊔aDostojno jest ekoncert pred gostovanjem v Rusiji, dvorana Union, Maribor, 4. marec 2012 fKoncertni zbor Carmina Slovenica gdirigentka Karmina Šilec gtolkala Nino Mureškič
702138387683 aŠilec bKarmina 735579 4250 83-216.03
7021314886499 aMureškič bNino 4545
71002aCarmina Slovenica 4590


  1. 001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.10 7ba
    100⊔⊔c2012 hslv lba
    2000⊔aKoncert kitaristov Jerka Novaka in Žarka Ignjatovića edvorana GŠ Risto Savin, Žalec, 20. januar 2012
    300⊔⊔aOpis po koncertnem listu
    327100Program: aSuite for two guitars / William Lawes. Les deux amis ; Fantazija za dve kitari op. 41 / Fernando Sor. Afrodita ; Izgubljeni ples / Jerko Novak. Suite italiana / Mario Gangi
    675⊔⊔a785.6 c785 vUDCMRF 2006
    700⊔1323240291 aNovak bJerko 4545
    7011324689251 aIgnjatović bŽarko 727735 4545 83-216.03
    The ISO 690 entry appears as:

    NOVAK, Jerko (glasbenik), IGNJATOVIĆ, Žarko (glasbenik). Koncert kitaristov Jerka Novaka in Žarka Ignjatovića : dvorana GŠ Risto Savin, Žalec, 20. januar 2012.

  2. 001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.10
    100⊔⊔c2012 hslv lba
    2000⊔aDostojno jest ekoncert pred gostovanjem v Rusiji, dvorana Union, Maribor, 4. marec 2012 fKoncertni zbor Carmina Slovenica gdirigentka Karmina Šilec gtolkala Nino Mureškič
    300⊔⊔aOpis po koncertnem listu
    675⊔⊔a78.087.68 c78.08 vUDCMRF 2006
    702138387683 aŠilec bKarmina 735579 4250 83-216.03
    7021314886499 aMureškič bNino 4545
    71002aCarmina Slovenica 4590
    970⊔⊔aCarmina Slovenica (izvajalec)
    The ISO 690 entry appears as:

    Carmina Slovenica (izvajalec). Dostojno jest : koncert pred gostovanjem v Rusiji, dvorana Union, Maribor, 4. marec 2012.

  3. 001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.12
    100⊔⊔c2004 hslv lba
    2000⊔a20 let v razvoju knjižničnega informacijskega sistema erazstava v okviru konference COBISS 2004, Kongresni center Habakuk, Maribor, 9.-11. november, in Institut informacijskih znanosti, od 15. novembra do konca decembra 2004 lavtorji razstave Breda Emeršič, Andrej Korošec in Marij Bizjak
    300⊔⊔aOpis po programu konference
    700⊔1336964195 aEmeršič bBreda 740054 4904 84-007
    701134813155 aKorošec bAndrej 719457 f1972- 4904 84-007
    7011361576035 aBizjak bMarij 4904 84-007
    The ISO 690 entry appears as:

    EMERŠIČ, Breda (avtor razstave), KOROŠEC, Andrej (avtor razstave), BIZJAK, Marij (avtor razstave). 20 let v razvoju knjižničnega informacijskega sistema : razstava v okviru konference COBISS 2004, Kongresni center Habakuk, Maribor, 9.-11. november, in Institut informacijskih znanosti, od 15. novembra do konca decembra 2004.

  4. 001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.11
    100⊔⊔c2012 hslv lba
    2000⊔aDr. Danilo Šuster eportretni intervju v Galeriji portretov znanstvenikov in intelektualcev, oddaja Podobe znanja, Radio Slovenija, Tretji program ARS, 29. 6. 2012, od 16.30 do 17.00
    700⊔133514723 aŠuster bDanilo 711554 4460 83-215.08
    (Radio broadcasting is not available on the Web.)
    The ISO 690 entry appears as:

    ŠUSTER, Danilo (intervjuvanec). Dr. Danilo Šuster : portretni intervju v Galeriji portretov znanstvenikov in intelektualcev, oddaja Podobe znanja, Radio Slovenija, Tretji program ARS, 29. 6. 2012, od 16.30 do 17.00.

  5. 001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.14
    100⊔⊔c2013 hslv lba
    2000⊔aColored scalars and Higgs physics electure at Laboratoire de Physique, Théorique d'Orsay, Université Paris-Sud, February 7, 2013 fSvjetlana Fajfer
    300⊔⊔aOpis po vabilu in po rokopisu predavanja
    700⊔133988067 aFajfer bSvjetlana 714130 4070 83-111.01 81-001.01.01
    (The record also contains the field 102, because the event statistics by countries is important for the institution.)
    The ISO 690 entry appears as:

    FAJFER, Svjetlana. Colored scalars and Higgs physics : lecture at Laboratoire de Physique, Théorique d'Orsay, Université Paris-Sud, February 7, 2013.

  6. 001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.14
    100⊔⊔c2012 hslv lba
    2000⊔aSlovenska narečja v evropskih globalizacijskih procesih evabljeno predavanje na Univerzi ELTE v Budimpešti, na Inštitutu za slovansko in baltsko filologijo, 22. 3. 2012 fMihaela Koletnik
    300⊔⊔aOpis po vabilu
    700⊔133695715 aKoletnik bMihaela 712507 4070 83-215.04
    The ISO 690 entry appears as:

    KOLETNIK, Mihaela. Slovenska narečja v evropskih globalizacijskih procesih : vabljeno predavanje na Univerzi ELTE v Budimpešti, na Inštitutu za slovansko in baltsko filologijo, 22. 3. 2012.

  7. 001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.15
    100⊔⊔c2012 hslv lba
    2000⊔aCOBISS.Net: support to knowledge, intercultural dialogue and development of the region for a successful integration into EU epresentation at 40th International ABDOS Conference, Ljubljana, May 30 to June 2, 2011 fMarta Seljak, Pero Šobot
    300⊔⊔aOpis po programu konference in dokumentaciji avtorjev
    300⊔⊔aRokopis prispevka lahko posreduje knjižnica Instituta informacijskih znanosti v Mariboru z dovoljenjem avtorjev
    6100⊔aCOBISS.Net aSICRIS abibliografije raziskovalcev
    675⊔⊔a021.64:012 c02 vUDCMRF 2006
    700⊔132862179 aSeljak bMarta 707817 4070 84-007
    701131632611 aŠobot bPero 7000875 4070 84-007
    The ISO 690 entry appears as:

    SELJAK, Marta, ŠOBOT, Pero. COBISS.Net: support to knowledge, intercultural dialogue and development of the region for a successful integration into EU : presentation at 40th International ABDOS Conference, Ljubljana, May 30 to June 2, 2011.

  8. 001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.25
    100⊔⊔c2013 hslv lba
    2001⊔aPravno in alternativno reševanje sporov eokrogla miza na istoimenski konferenci v organizaciji Evropske pravne fakultete iz Nove Gorice, 23.–24. 4. 2013, Brdo pri Kranju fsodelujejo Slobodan Dujić … [et al.]
    300⊔⊔aOpis po povabilu
    300⊔⊔aSodelujejo tudi: Krešo Puharič, Gordana Ristin, Dimitrij Rupel, Ernest Petrič, Miha Pogačnik, Bojan Žalec, Vojko Strahovnik, Jože Dežman, Zvone Vodovnik; moderatorja Peter Jambrek in Barney Jordaan
    675⊔⊔a001.891.32(497.4) c001.891 vUDCMRF 2006
    701135710435 aDujić bSlobodan 4905
    701133201379 aPuharič bKrešimir 709833 4905
    7011312302947 aRistin bGordana 4905
    701132350691 aRupel bDimitrij 704999 4905
    701132013027 aPetrič bErnest 703076 4905
    701133922531 aPogačnik bMiha 713780 f1970- 4905
    701134140131 aŽalec bBojan 715057 4905 83-119
    7011315027811 aStrahovnik bVojko f1978- 726014 4905 83-119
    70113191075 aDežman bJože 735155 4905
    701133071587 aVodovnik bZvone 708987 4905
    701131729635 aJambrek bPeter 701327 4905
    70113234303843 aJordaan bBarney 4905
    901133201379 aPuharič bKrešo 709833
    (From the available resources, it is not clear in which language the participants of the round table were discussed. Therefore, the record does not contain field 101.)
    The ISO 690 entry appears as:

    DUJIĆ, Slobodan (diskutant), PUHARIČ, Krešimir (diskutant), RISTIN, Gordana (diskutant), RUPEL, Dimitrij (diskutant), PETRIČ, Ernest (diskutant), POGAČNIK, Miha (diskutant), ŽALEC, Bojan (diskutant), STRAHOVNIK, Vojko (diskutant), DEŽMAN, Jože (diskutant), VODOVNIK, Zvone (diskutant), JAMBREK, Peter (diskutant), JORDAAN, Barney (diskutant). Pravno in alternativno reševanje sporov : okrogla miza na istoimenski konferenci v organizaciji Evropske pravne fakultete iz Nove Gorice, 23.-24. 4. 2013, Brdo pri Kranju.

  9. 001⊔⊔an bu cd d0 t3.16
    100⊔⊔c2013 hslv lba
    2000⊔aLiquid crystal phase transitions under nanoconfinement and role of nanoparticles eguest lecture at the I-CAMP 2013 Summer School on Liquid Crystals and Inter-Continental Advanced Materials for Photonics Summer School, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 2, 2013 fSamo Kralj
    300⊔⊔aOpis po vabilu
    700⊔133004515 aKralj bSamo 708612 4070 83-217.02
    The ISO 690 entry appears as:

    KRALJ, Samo. Liquid crystal phase transitions under nanoconfinement and role of nanoparticles : guest lecture at the I-CAMP 2013 Summer School on Liquid Crystals and Inter-Continental Advanced Materials for Photonics Summer School, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 2, 2013