COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data




300General note
301Note pertaining to identification number
304Note pertaining to title and statement of responsibility**
305Note pertaining to edition and bibliographic history**
306Note pertaining to publication, distribution, etc.**
311Note pertaining to linking field
314Note pertaining to intellectual responsibility
316Note relating to the copy in hand
317Provenance note
318Action note
320Internal bibliographies/indexes/summaries note
321External indexes/abstracts/references note
322Credits note (projected and video material and sound recordings)
323Cast note (projected and video material and sound recordings)
324Original version note
325Reproduction note
326Frequency statement note
327Contents note
328Dissertation (thesis) note
330Summary or abstract
333Users note
334Awards note
336Type of electronic resource note
337System requirements note
338Funding information note

The block 3XX corresponds to the seventh area of the ISBD bibliographic description. This block contains notes – free text statements qualifying and amplifying the description and access points and dealing with any aspect of the physical make-up of the item or its contents.

Certain types of notes may follow ISBD rules for content and form, including punctuation. Notes are in the language of the bibliographical agency. Standard preliminary phrases and abbreviations are used.

If a note belongs to more than one category represented by fields 301 to 318, then the tag earlier in numerical order other than 300 should be used as a general rule. Notes relating to fields 320 onwards should be entered in those specific fields and not in earlier fields. If two notes belong to the same category they should be contained in separate occurrences of the required field.

A note may be generated from data in other fields, e.g. 4XX linking fields. If such a note is to be generated, it is not entered in a 3XX field.