COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


251 Organization and arrangement of materials

This field contains information about the organization and arrangement of materials in the collection as well as position of the item in the hierarchy of archival description.

Subfields & repeatability

251Organization and arrangement of materialsr


Indicator values are not defined.


251a Organization

Manner in which the materials being described have been subdivided into smaller items, such as how the record groups are divided into series, and series into subseries.

251b Arrangement

Terms used to describe the pattern of arrangement of materials within an item (such as alphabetical, chronological, etc.).

251c Level

Term used to identify hierarchical position of the described materials in the whole hierarchy of description.


001dRECORD LABEL, Hierarchical level code
The code indicates if a record is hierarchically related to other records and also shows its position within the hierarchy.


  1. 2001⊔aНиколай II, император. 1868-1918 j1860-1991
    251⊔⊔a2 описи cФонд
    (Collection of records of Nikolay II, Emperor of Russia. Arranged in two series.)
  2. *

    2001⊔aZapuščina Božidarja Borka j1918-1978
    251⊔⊔cFond aZapuščina je urejena v 10 skupin
    2001⊔aKorespondenca j1918-1978
    251⊔⊔cSkupina bPisma so urejena po abecedi pošiljateljev
    (The legacy collection of Božidar Borko is described in a collective record. The whole fond is divided into 10 series that are described in detail in separate records. One of the series is Božidar Borko's correspondence. In field 251 of the correspondence record, we indicate that the correspondence is arranged alphabetically according to the sender.)