COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


328 Dissertation (thesis) note

This field contains a note indicating that the item is a thesis or dissertation.

Subfields & repeatability

328Dissertation (thesis) noter
aText of notenr
dYear of defencenr
eYear of promotion*nr
fScientific degree*nr
gScientific area*nr


Indicator values are not defined.


328a Text of note

A note relating to a dissertation or thesis. Optionally it includes the degree for which it was presented and the academic institution awarding the degree.

328d Year of defence

A date of dissertation defence (year, also month and day, if available).

328e Year of promotion*

A date of dissertation promotion (year, also month and day, if available).

328f Scientific degree*

A scientific degree received after completing the postgraduate studies for the doctor of philosophy (PhD), e.g. PhD in the mathematical sciences (see examples 2, 3 and 4).

328g Scientific area*

A scientific area relating to the received scientific degree, e.g. biology, sociology (see examples 2, 3 and 4).


105bTEXTUAL MATERIAL, MONOGRAPHIC, Form of contents codes
This field contains a code relating to the form of contents. Dissertations contain the code "m" or "mb31".


  1. *

    2000⊔aOpština između norme i stvarnosti fGordana Siljanovska-Davkova
    328⊔⊔aDokt. disert., Pravna fak., Ljubljana
    (There is no statement in field 200 that a publication is a dissertation; that is why it is quoted in the note.)
  2. *

    2000⊔aNietzsche in ničejanstvo v slovenski literaturi edoktorska disertacija fMatevž Kos
    328⊔⊔aUniv. Ljubljana, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo d20010309 fdr. znanosti gprimerjalna književnost in literarna teorija
    (There is a statement in field 200 that a publication is a dissertation; it should not be quoted in the note.)
  3. *

    328⊔⊔aUniv. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za biologijo d2002 fdr. naravoslovnih znanosti gbiologija
  4. *

    328⊔⊔aUmnoženo za odbranu
    328⊔⊔aArhitektonski fak., Univ. u Beogradu d2004 fdr tehničkih nauka garhitektura i urbanizam