COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


330 Summary or abstract

This field contains a summary, abstract or a short description of the item contents.

Subfields & repeatability

330Summary or abstractr
aText of notenr
fAuthor of summary or abstract*r


Indicator values are not defined.


330a Text of note

A note containing summary, abstract or short contents of the item presented in the language coded in subfield 330z – Language*.

330f Author of summary or abstract*

A name of the author of summary or abstract, other than a name of the author of the item being recorded.

330z Language*

A three-character code of the language of a summary or abstract.


This field may contain any kind of summary or abstract, whether informative, indicative, critical. If more than one summary or abstract in different languages is to be recorded, each is entered in a repeated field 330.

The mathematical and other symbols may also be entered, namely in accordance with LaTeX[6] principles. These symbols begin and end with a sign "▫".


This field should be used when references to sections contained within the item are given rather than a summary or abstract.


  1. 330⊔⊔aUses puppet characters to present a lesson on safety. For primary grades.
  2. 330⊔⊔aDefines and illustrates trends of various modernistic art styles in American painting. Explains how these styles are accomplished largely by the use of colour and form, disregarding recognizable subject matter.
  3. *

    330⊔⊔zslv aInformacijski sistem je vez med izvajalnim in upravljalnim sistemom poslovnega sistema. ... Predlagane so nekatere smernice za sprožitev in usklajevanje prizadevanj za racionaliziranje povezav informacijskega sistema delovne organizacije z informacijskimi sistemi v njenem okolju.
    330⊔⊔zeng aThe information system is a link between the operative and managing system within the business system. ... The article suggests some orientations to start and coordinate the endeavours intended to rationalize the connection of the information system of a working organization with other information systems in its environment.
    (Short contents of the item are given both in Slovenian and English.)
  4. *

    330⊔⊔zslv aV članku je dokazano, da se da vsak končen ▫$2$▫-dimenzionalen celični kompleks ▫$K$▫ s ciklično drugo kohomologijo ▫$H^2(K)$▫ krotko vložiti v ▫$RR^4$▫.
    330⊔⊔zeng aWe prove that every finite ▫$2$▫-dimensional cell complex ▫$K$▫ with cyclic second cohomology ▫$H^2(K)$▫ embeds in ▫$\RR^4$▫ tamely.
    (A record displayed in a bibliography: V članku je dokazano, da se da vsak končen ▫$2$▫-dimenzionalen celični kompleks ▫$K$▫ s ciklično drugo kohomologijo ▫$H^2(K)$▫ krotko vložiti v ▫$\mathbb{R}^4$▫. - We prove that every finite ▫$2$▫-dimensional cell complex ▫$K$▫ with cyclic second cohomology ▫$H^2(K)$▫ embeds in ▫$\mathbb{R}^4$▫ tamely.)
  5. *

    330⊔⊔zslv aRazglednica prikazuje zunanjost in notranjost Marijine cerkve v Petrovčah. fBranko Goropevšek
    330⊔⊔zeng aThe postcard shows the exterior and interior of St. Mary's Church in Petrovče. fBranko Goropevšek
    (The author of text in subfield 330ais not the author of the catalogued item.)
  6. *

    330⊔⊔zscr aSavremeni problemi organizacije rada na proizvodnim trakama nužno uključuju i probleme humanizacije koja se zasniva na rezultatima interdisciplinarnih istraživanja odnosa u sistemu Čovek – mašina – okruženje. ...
    330⊔⊔zeng aContemporary problems of organization of work on assembly lines necessarily include the problems of humanization based on the results of multidisciplinary research of relations in the system Man – machine – environment. ...
  7. *

    330⊔⊔zmac aProblemot na graničnite vrednosti na analitičkite funkcii i graničnite vrednosti na analitičkite funkcii vo smisla na distribucii e eden od najistražuvanite problemi vo matematičkata analiza. ...
    330⊔⊔zeng aThe problem of boundary values of analytic functions and boundary values of analytic functions in a distributional sense is one of the most explored problems in mathematical analysis. ...
  8. *

    330⊔⊔zslv aPrikazana je alternativna metoda za določitev σ − ε krivulje na podlagi čistega upogibnega stanja nosilca. Za namen verifikacije so bili na kompozitnem materialu izvedeni štiri točkovni upogibni testi, kjer je bila merjena sila na valjčke ter deformacije preizkušanca s pomočjo metodo korelacije digitalnih slik (DIC). Na podlagi izvedenih meritev je s predstavljeno metodologijo določena σ − ε krivulja v tlačnem in nateznem območju. Pokazano je dobro ujemanje med dobljeno σ − ε krivuljo in σ − ε krivuljo iz nateznega preizkusa.

[6] Reference literature:

1. Marko Razpet: Sedi in piši z LaTeX-om!, Ljubljana,1991

2. Leslie Lamport: LaTeX, a document preparation system, user's guide & reference manual, Reading, Mass. [etc.], 1986

3. Paul W. Abrahams: TEX for the Impatient, Reading, Mass. [etc.], 1990

For assistance in solving mathematical and other symbols in the form recorded in field 200, and according to LaTeX principles in fields 330, 539 and 610, consult employees of the Mathematical Library of Faculty of mathematics and physics of the University of Ljubljana. principles.