COMARC/B | June | 2006 |
100 | General processing data |
101 | Language of the item |
102 | Country of publication or production |
105 | Textual material, monographic |
106 | Textual material – physical attributes |
110 | Continuing resources |
115 | Visual projections, videorecordings and motion pictures |
116 | Graphics |
117 | Three-dimensional artefacts and realia |
120 | Cartographic materials – general |
121 | Cartographic materials – physical attributes |
122 | Time period of item content |
123 | Cartographic materials – scale and coordinates |
124 | Cartographic materials – specific material designstion |
125 | Sound recordings and printed music |
126 | Sound recordings – physical attributes |
127 | Duration of sound recordings and printed music |
128 | Musical performances and scores |
130 | Microforms – physical attributes |
135 | Electronic resources |
140 | Antiquarian – general |
141 | Antiquarian – copy specific attributes |
In the UNIMARC format some fields from the block 1XX are not divided into more subfields, so the codes are entered in previously defined places within subfield a. In the COMARC format such fields are divided into more subfields.