COMARC/B | December | 2020 |
This field contains any other variant title not defined in fields 510–516 or 518, e.g. binder's title, half title, slip case title, box title, partial title, subordinate title, etc.
1 | Title significance indicator | |
0 | Title is not significant | |
1 | Title is significant | |
2 | Not defined |
The value of the first indicator determines the creation of added entries in systems, in which they make catalogue slips. If the value of the indicator is set to "1", an added entry for the variant title is generated.
Subtitles and other title information that appear alongside the variant title in subfield a.
517 1⊔ aScotland 300 ⊔⊔ aKnjigoveški naslov: Scotland (Since the cataloguing agency requires an added variant title entry, the value of the indicator is set to "1".) 517 1⊔ aGregorian chants from Hungary 300 ⊔⊔ aNaslov na kaseti: Gregorian chants from Hungary (The title proper on the title page of a cased item is Magyar Gregorianum.) 200 1⊔ aComputing engineering index 300 ⊔⊔ aZnan tudi kot: COMPENDEX 517 1⊔ aCOMPENDEX (An index also known under an acronym.) *
200 1⊔ aŠolski slikovni angleško-slovenski slovar 300 ⊔⊔ aNasl. v kolofonu: PONS šolski slikovni angleško-slovenski slovar 517 0⊔ aPONS šolski slikovni angleško-slovenski slovar (A dictionary also known under a publisher's name.) *
200 0⊔ a(Samo)percepcije mladih v polju političnega eizzivi za državljanstvo fMajda Hrženjak, Mojca Pajnik 320 ⊔⊔ aIzvleček ; Sintesi: (Auto)percezione dei giovani nel campo politico : sfide per la cittadinanza ; Summary: (Self)perception of the young in the political field : challenges for citizenship 517 0⊔ a(Auto)percezione dei giovani nel campo politico esfide per la cittadinanza 517 0⊔ a(Self)perception of the young in the political field echallenges for citizenship (Since the field 320 contains the title and subtitle of abstracts in Italian and English, both are also entered in the repeatable field 517.)