Bibliographies - FAQ

Personal Bibliographies

  • How to enter or edit data for personal bibliographies? Answer

    Personal bibliographies allow you to create different bibliography reports for authors whose data has been entered to the CONOR.SI authority database and whose bibliographic units have been entered to the shared COBIB.SI bibliographic database.

    Data is entered to the COBIB.SI bibliographic database and to the CONOR.SI authority database by qualified librarians in libraries and specialised information centres that are full members of the COBISS.SI system

    As a rule, authors can choose a library or specialised information centre that will manage their personal bibliography. Usually, records for bibliographic units are entered and edited by the library at the institution where the author is employed. If the institution does not have a library, authors can choose a library that specializes in their field of research. In the library, authors will receive specific instructions on what they must provide so that their personal bibliography can be updated.

    Bibliographies via SICRIS can be created for researchers and experts who are registered with the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) as researchers and have their researcher’s code, provided that their bibliographic units are included in the COBISS.SI system. As an exception, IZUM can grant a registration code to researchers (e.g. to Slovenian researchers who work abroad) in the form 4xxxx. An individual unit from the COBIB.SI database can be placed to personal bibliography correctly if the record contains, in addition to basic bibliographic data (author, title, publication year, publisher, etc.), also the type according to the typology of documents/works and the researcher’s code (which must be entered to the CONOR.SI authority database).

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  • How do I obtain a researcher’s code? Answer

    As a rule, the researcher’s code is given to a researcher by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) when they fulfil the conditions for entry into the ARRS databases. One of the conditions is that a researcher is employed in an organization that is registered under ARRS as a research and development actor ( A request for entry into the ARRS register of researchers must be sent to ARRS on the appropriate form. After the researcher has been entered into the ARRS databases, the data will be automatically transferred to the SICRIS information system (three times a week).

    Data on the researcher who wishes to be presented in the SICRIS information system but does not fulfil the conditions for entry into the ARRS databases (e.g. a Slovenian researcher abroad) can be entered into the SICRIS system directly if they have obtained at least a university degree (under the “pre-Bologna” programme) or a second-cycle Bologna Master’s degree and their bibliography demonstrates their involvement in research. The request for entry into SICRIS must be sent electronically and in writing to IZUM using the form SICRIS-RR-1/2. The assigned registration code has the form 4xxxx. If a researcher plans to register with ARRS in the near future, we recommend that they do not fill out the form as their data will be automatically transferred to the SICRIS information system once they are registered with ARRS.

    Until recently, IZUM assigned registration codes also in the form 9xxxx, which was intended exclusively for the purpose of managing personal bibliographies in the COBISS system and not for the presentation in the SICRIS system. The registration code in the form 9xxxx was granted also to non-researchers. Since September 2014 (Bibliographies, V5), a personal bibliography can be displayed directly on the basis of the CONOR.SI authority database. For this reason the researcher’s code and registration code are no longer necessary for displaying personal bibliography reports via COBISS. The registration code can be granted by IZUM only under special circumstances (e.g. due to the entry of editorials into the retrospective CORES.SI database of serials, which is still based on the researcher’s code). A request including justification for the registration code to be granted must be sent to and must contain the author’s name and surname, year of birth and field of research.

    The assigned code must be entered to the authority record for the author in the CONOR.SI database in order for the bibliography report, based on any code, to work. This is done by the library that updates and edits the author’s bibliography. After the author’s authority record has been automatically synchronised with the relevant bibliographic records in the COBIB.SI bibliographic database, a bibliography can be displayed based on the assigned researcher’s code.

    Researchers who were previously given the registration code but later obtained the official researcher’s code by registering with ARRS must inform the library that manages their bibliography to change their authority record in the CONOR.SI authority database accordingly. A written notification must also be sent to IZUM to the following e-mail address:, so that their registration code, upon their request, will be blocked.

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Bibliographies of Serials

  • What are the features of the display under the Bibliographies of Serials link? Answer

    The Bibliographies of Serials enable bibliographic units, classified by typology, to be displayed from the COBIB.SI shared bibliographic database.
    The display of bibliographic units from COBIB.SI for a particular serial publication is possible only on the basis of the international standard serial number (ISSN) that you have to enter in the appropriate checkbox (if, for example, you enter the number 0352-1982, which is the ISSN of the journal named Arhitektov bilten (Architect's Bulletin), the display will include all catalogued contributions from this journal).

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  • Is it possible to display the bibliography of any serial publication? Answer

    No, you can only display the bibliography of the serial the contributions of which have bibliographic records in the COBIB.SI shared bibliographic database.

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  • I want to display the bibliography of a journal but I am not familiar with its ISSN. Where can I find this ISSN? Answer

    The ISSN can be found in the COBIB.SI shared bibliographic database (e.g. enter the title of the journal in the field).

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Research performance evaluation

  • I need an explanation regarding the A3 score – funding other than that provided by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS). Who can I contact? Answer

    The data for the calculation of the A3 score is obtained from ARRS who sends the data to IZUM before new data for the call for proposals is prepared and published. In the SICRIS system, this data is displayed but does not depend on researchers’ bibliographic units.

    For more information, please contact ARRS.

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  • What is taken into account when determining the A'', A' and A1/2 scores? Answer

    The elements taken into account when determining the A'' quantitative score (exceptional achievements), the A' quantitative score (high-quality achievements) and the A1/2 quantitative score (important achievements) are described in Article 42 of the ARRS’s Rules on the Procedures of the (co)financing and Monitoring of Research Activities Implementation.

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  • What does the item Upoštevano število točk (Number of points taken into account) include? Answer

    The item Upoštevano število točk (Number of points taken into account) includes bibliographic units that meet the conditions set out in Article 36 and Attachments to ARRS’s Rules on the Procedures of the (co)financing and Monitoring of Research Activities Implementation.

    Applying the formula, the number of points taken into account is written as:

    Number of points taken into account = ∑Z + min (15/85 ∑Z, ∑S)

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  • Where can I find the criteria according to which a certain bibliographic unit is placed by ARRS either under a scientific or an expert work? Answer
  • Where can I find the list of foreign bibliographic databases (e.g. SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI etc.) or journals which, according to the ARRS methodology, fall under the categorisation of scientific publications? Answer
  • How often and on what basis are updated the Foreign bibliographic databases lists and the list of journals which are not included in the foreign bibliographic databases but fall under the categorisation of scientific publications? Answer

    The list of foreign databases is updated regularly on the basis of information provided, as a rule, by Central specialised information centres (CSICs) once they determine that a certain journal has been newly listed under one of the relevant foreign databases.

    A list of journals that are not included in the foreign bibliographic databases, but fall under the categorisation of scientific publications, is updated on the basis of decisions taken at scientific council meetings for individual disciplines at ARRS. The initiative for a journal to be included on the list may be introduced by individuals, in which case it should be addressed to CSICs.

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  • The journal with impact factor (IF) where I published my article is listed under different categories in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database. Which category is to be considered in the evaluation of the article? Answer

    If a journal is listed under different categories, the category that brings the highest number of points to the article is to be considered.

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Data intended for the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) calls for proposals

  • Based on what data and how often do you prepare data for the ARRS calls for proposals? Answer

    Data for the ARRS calls for proposals is prepared several times a year at the request of ARRS. This data, which is prepared on the basis of researchers' bibliographic units in the COBIB.SI shared bibliographic database and the ARRS's Rules, must include the period and the current state of COBIB.SI as per day defined by ARRS.

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  • Who do I need to notify that I am entitled to extend the period for the preparation of data for the ARRS calls for proposals? Answer

    If for individual calls of proposals the preparing of researchers data requires more time than usual, the initiative must be made by ARRS. For more information on this, please contact ARRS.

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  • Why the data displayed in the Evaluation of bibliographic indicators of research performance according to the ARRS methodology differs from that displayed in Data intended for the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) calls for proposals? Answer

    The difference results from the fact that in the first document only the current state of COBIB.SI and the selected parameters are taken into account, whereas in the second document, data is displayed only for the period defined by ARRS and on the basis of the current state of COBIB.SI on a particular day.

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  • What are the basic conditions for citations from the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases to appear in my bibliography? Answer

    For the citations to be displayed in the bibliography, the following basic conditions must be met:

    • the cited article must be in the COBIB.SI shared bibliographic database (i.e. in the researcher's personal bibliography);
    • both articles, the citing one and the cited one, must have a "full record" either in WoS (e.g. SCI, SSCI, A&HCI) or in Scopus databases;
    • for the cited article, there must be a link between its bibliographic record in COBIB.SI and its record in WoS or Scopus.

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  • What does it mean if an article has a "full record"? Answer

    An article has a "full record" in WoS or Scopus if it is included, along with its typical information (title, author(s), journal, year, etc.), in one of the WoS (e.g. SCI, SSCI, A&HCI) or Scopus databases and if it can be found in these databases on the basis of this data. The condition for this is that such an article is published in the journal that is indexed by one of the WoS or Scopus databases.

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  • How do you define the number of pure citations? Answer

    The number of pure citations is the number of citations without self-citations. A pure citation is defined as the citation in which none of the authors cites himself/herself. If this is not the case, the citation is considered a self-citation for all authors cited in the article. Pure citations are defined in the COBIB.SI shared bibliographic database and not in the WoS or Scopus databases. The citations are defined on the basis of records for the articles in COBIB.SI that are linked to the relevant records in WoS or Scopus, whereby identification numbers of authors from the CONOR.SI authority database of personal names are taken into account.


    A self-citation is created if there is at least one author who is the same author in the cited article and in the article citing the first article. If in both articles, the citing one and the cited one, at least one identical identification number from the CONOR.SI database of personal names appears, it is considered that the article citing the first article is a self-citation for all authors of the article.


    Authors A, B and C published an article X. The article X was later on cited in other four articles where the following authors were listed:

    first article – authors A, B and C
    second article – authors A and B
    third article – authors C, D and E
    four article – authors D in E

    The citations in the first three articles are considered as self-citations for the authors of the article X. The citation in the fourth article is a pure citation, because the article was not written by authors A, B and C. The article X will have 4 citations, i.e. 3 self-citations and 1 pure citation in any bibliography ( personal bibliography, research group bibliography and organisation bibliography).

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  • Who do I need to notify if the record for my article in COBIB.SI has not yet been linked automatically to the corresponding record in WoS or Scopus? Answer

    Send a message to with the article COBISS.SI-ID and the corresponding data from WoS or Scopus.

    One of the more significant details that could have an impact on the successful establishment of a link between the records COBIB.SI–WoS and/or COBIB.SI–Scopus is the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). If your article has a digital object identifier, please alert your librarian to enter it to the bibliographic record in COBIB.SI (subfield 017a).

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  • Some data on articles/citations/references in WoS or Scopus are wrong. Where do I send a request for correction? Answer

    If you find an error in one of the records in WoS, send a request for correction via the link Thomson Reuters website z izbiro povezave Request a data change in our databases.

    If you find an error in one of the records in Scopus, send a request for correction via the Scopus website.

    If in doubt, send a message to and we will forward your request to the appropriate service.

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  • What is the reason that the article has fewer citations in my bibliography than in WoS and/or Scopus? Answer

    Usually, the main reason is the time-delay factor.

    For articles with full records in WoS, another reason might be that only the citations from the articles published in journals that are indexed by SCI, SSCI and A&HCI are taken into account in the bibliography. The citations from the articles that appear, for example, in CPCI-S, SPCI-SSH, BKCI-S and BKCI-SSH (before 2011) are not taken into account.

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  • What does the date, listed in the bibliography for each bibliographic unit (e.g. article) right after the link to Scopus mean? Answer

    The date, listed for each bibliographic unit in the bibliography next to the link to Scopus (or WoS) is the last date on which the data on citations in our database was updated based on the data, obtained from the Scopus database. If a bibliographic unit does not have any citations in Scopus yet, this date represents the date on which the link between the records in COBIB.SI and Scopus was established. If the software does not detect any new citations in Scopus during the process of checking/updating citations, the date will not change in our database. By clicking on the link to Scopus you can view the citations of this bibliographic unit in Scopus online. Because the citation data in our databases is updated with a delay, the number of citations in our database and in Scopus may not always match. A delay of up to one month can occur for an article, if the article was cited in Scopus shortly after it was checked/updated in our database.

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