COMARC/B | February | 2021 |
Field 960 contains a variant form of the subject heading for a personal name entered in field 600.
960 | Personal name used as subject (variant form)* | r | |
a | Entry element | nr | |
b | Part of name (not entry element) | nr | |
c | Additions to name (not dates) | r | |
d | Roman numerals | nr | |
f | Dates | nr | |
x | Topical subdivision | r | |
y | Geographical subdivision | r | |
w | Form subdivision | r | |
z | Chronological subdivision | r | |
2 | System code | nr | |
6 | Linking data | nr |
1 | Name display indicator | |
⊔ | No value | |
0 | Not displayed** | |
1 | Displayed in catalogues** | |
2 | Displayed in bibliographies** | |
3 | Displayed in catalogues and bibliographies** | |
2 | Form of name indicator | |
0 | Personal name or name and surname - etymological form | |
1 | Personal name or name and surname - phonetic form | |
2 | Personal name or name and surname - pseudonym | |
3 | Surname and name - etymological form | |
4 | Surname and name - phonetic form | |
5 | Surname and name - pseudonym | |
6 | Double surname | |
8 | Initials | |
9 | Other |
The second indicator specifies whether the name is entered in direct order (only a forename or a forename and a surname) or under surname (a surname and a forename), and the type of the variant name entered in field 960.
This field is used for entering variant forms of those subject headings that are not linked to authority records. Enter the forms that differ from the form in field 600. The search is simultaneously performed through fields 600 and 960.
The subfield 6 – Linking data must always be filled in, since it is used to link all forms of a subject heading (see examples 1, 2). Field 600 is linked to a corresponding field 960 by entering the same number (01–99) in subfield 6 of both fields. If more than one field 960 corresponds to a field 600, enter the same number in subfield 6 of all corresponding 960 fields.
200 0⊔ aSveta brata Ciril in Metod, slovanska apostola fspisal Matija Majar Ziljski 600 ⊔0 aCyrillus csvetnik f826-869 wBiografije 2NUK 601 600 ⊔0 aMethodius csvetnik f815-885 wBiografije 2NUK 602 960 ⊔9 aCiril csvetnik 601 960 ⊔9 aMetod csvetnik 602 *
200 1⊔ aŽivot Konštantína Cyrila a Život Metoda fpodĺa staroslovienskeho textu a iných prekladov spracoval Štefan Vragaš g[ilustrácie Stano Dusík gúvod Anton Bagin] 600 ⊔0 aCyrillus f826-869 wBiografije 601 600 ⊔0 aMethodius f815-885 wBiografije 602 960 ⊔9 aCiril csv. f826-869 601 960 ⊔9 aKyrillos csv. f826-869 601 960 ⊔9 aĆirilo csv. f826-869 601 960 ⊔9 aMetod csv. f815-885 602 960 ⊔9 aMethodios csv. f815-885 602 960 ⊔9 aMetodije csv. f815-885 602