COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


520 Former title

This field contains an earlier title of an integrating resource when title proper in already existing record should be replaced with the new one.

Subfields & repeatability

520Former titler
aFormer title propernr
eOther title informationr
hNumber of partnr
iName of partnr
jVolumes or dates of former titlenr


1Note display indicator
0Do not make a note
1Make a note
2Not defined

If indicator 1 is set to "1" – Title is significant, a note is to be generated containing an introductory phrase "Former title: " and data from field 520.


520a Former title proper

The former title proper of an integrating resource.

520e Other title information

Subtitles and other title information that appear subordinate to the title proper of the former title in subfield a.

520h Number of part

The number of a part relating to the title proper in subfield a.

520i Name of part

The name of a part relating to the title proper in subfield a.

520j Volumes or dates of former title

The numbering of the span of volumes in the period when the integrating resource used to have a former title. In absence of numbering, dates are entered. Both may be entered.


This field is used when the title of an integrating resource has been changed. New title is entered in field 200, and the former title is being transferred in field 520. New record should be created only in case of merging of two or more integrating resources, or in case of splitting into two or more integrating resources.

Field should be repeated for each former title.


These linking fields are used for the earlier titles of the continuing resource when each former title of the continuing resource is a separate bibliographic entity being catalogued in a separate record.


  1. *

    2001⊔aUrad Republike Slovenije za meroslovje bElektronski vir
    5201⊔aUrad Republike Slovenije za standardizacijo in meroslovje
    (The web site of the Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, former Standards and Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia.)