COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


225 Series

This field contains the title of the series along with any other title information and statements of responsibility relating to the title including any of the preceding repeated in other languages in the form and sequence in which they appear on the item being catalogued. It corresponds to the ISBD Series Area.

Subfields & repeatability

aSeries titlenr
dParallel series titler
eOther title informationr
fStatement of responsibilityr
hNumber of partr
iName of partr
vVolume designationr
xISSN of seriesr
zLanguage of parallel titler


1Form of title indicator
0Not the same as the established form
1No established form
2Same as the established form
2Not defined

This indicator specifies whether the series statement is the same as the access point form. In the COBISS system the access point forms for series are not defined yet, that is why the value of the indicator is always "1" (see examples 6-15).


225a Series title

The title of the series in the form in which it appears on the item being recorded.

225d Parallel series title

The title of the series in another language and/or script relating to the series title appearing in subfield a (see example 14). Repeatable for each additional parallel series title (see example 2).

225e Other title information

Subtitles and other title information that appear on the item subordinate to the series in subfield a or d (see examples 3, 6) or to the name of a part in subfield i. Repeatable for each segment of other title information and for parallel other title information (see example 7).

225f Statement of responsibility

The statement of responsibility for a title appearing in subfield a or d (see examples 4, 11) or for a numbered or named part within the series appearing in subfield h or i. Repeatable for additional statements of responsibility and for parallel statements of responsibility.

225h Number of part

The section or part number of the series entered in subfield a (see examples 9, 13). Repeatable for each subsection or lower level division or for a parallel part number (see example 2).

225i Name of part

The section or part name of the series entered in subfield a (see examples 9, 10, 13). Repeatable for each lower level of subseries or for a parallel subseries name (see examples 2, 5).

225v Volume designation

The number of the item being recorded within the series entered in field 225, and any term used in the item to designate it, which may be in abbreviated form.

225x ISSN of series

The ISSN of the series or subseries. The term ISSN is omitted and should be generated on output (see examples 8, 9, 10, 12, 15).

225z Language of parallel title

Coded information of the language of a parallel title that appears in subfield d. If subfield d is repeated, this subfield is also repeated the languages identified reflecting title order of the parallel titles (see example 2). This subfield always comes last in the field.


Data in the field should be entered in the form and sequence as specified in ISBD for Series Area. Subfield z is not an ISBD data element. Punctuation at subfield boundaries should not be entered in the field because it should be generated on output, except for parallel data entered in subfields 225e, f, h and i. The series statement is displayed in round brackets. The correspondence between subfields and ISBD specifications is illustrated below.

aSeries title6.1New area
dParallel series title6.2=
eOther title information6.3:
fStatement of responsibility6.4/
hNumber of part6.1.
iName of part6.1, (if after 225h, else .)
vVolume designation6.6;
xISSN of series6.5,
Parallel data

Parallel data appearing on the item, i. e. data repeated in another language and/or script, is denoted in ISBD by the use of equals sign followed by a space "= ". The subfield identifier in 225d will generate "= " automatically (see examples 2, 14), and at the start of any other subfield it must be entered explicitly (see examples 5, 7).

Subfield content

This field is used only for the series and subseries belonging to the item whose title is entered in field 200 . If the record is for the item which is a serial, field 225 is used only if that serial belongs to a series (see example 12).

When the title or numbering of a series begins with a term with no filing value, a term followed by a space is given between two signs NSB/NSE "≠". So a phrase (e.g. "series", "vol.", "nr.", etc.) has no filing value in searching (see examples 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15).

Field 225 is repeatable when the item belongs to more than one series (see examples 1, 11).


The ISSN of a series title entered in field 200 is entered in field 011. Subfield 225x relates only to the ISSN of a serial title entered in subfield 225a or i (see examples 8, 9, 10, 12).
Names, relating to the series, should be entered in block 7XX.


  1. 2252⊔aInternational series in the science of the solide state vvol. 10
    2251⊔aPergamon international library
    (The item belongs to two series. The title of the first series is the same as the established form, and the other title has no established form.)
  2. 2252⊔aEuropäische Hochschulschriften hReihe I iDeutsche Literatur und Germanistik vBd. 298 dPublications universitaires européennes hSérie I iLangue et littérature allemandes vvol. 298 dEuropean university papers hSeries I iGerman language and literature vvol. 298 zfre zeng
    (The item is vol. 298 of a subseries with parallel information in three languages. The title is the same as the establish form. The language codes entered in subfields z should be entered in sequence in which parallel titles appear.)
    The ISBD entry appears as:

    (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe I, Deutsche Literatur und Germanistik ; Bd. 298 = Publications universitaires européennes. Série I, Langue et littérature allemandes ; vol. 298 = European university papers. Series I, German language and literature ; vol. 298)

  3. 2252⊔aExperimental biology and medicine emonographs on interdisciplinary topics vvol. 6
    (The item is vol. 6 of a series with other title information.)
  4. 2252⊔aAbhandlungen der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse fAkademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur vJahrg. 1976, Nr. 3
    (The item belongs to a numbered series. It is also a statement of responsibility for a serial entered.)
  5. 2250⊔aWorld films iFrance today i= La France aujourd'hui
    (The item belongs to a subseries containing a parallel title.)
  6. *

    2251⊔a≠Knjižnica ≠Kondor eizbrana dela iz domače in svetovne književnosti v≠zv. ≠306
    (The item is vol. 306 in a series containing other title information. Terms "knjižnica" and "zv." have no filing value. Value of the indicator is "1".)
  7. *

    2251⊔aSLOBOX eslovenščina v paketu e= ≠das ≠Slowenisch-Lern-Paket e= ≠lo ≠sloveno in cofanetto e= ≠the ≠Slovene learning parcel v2.1.1
    (The item belongs to a series containing parallel title information. In front of parallel data elements in repeated subfields an equals sign followed by a space "= " is entered.)
  8. *

    2251⊔a≠Zbirka ≠Čas in ljudje x1408-8568 v≠knj. ≠1
    (The item belongs to a numbered series with ISSN. The term ISSN is omitted and should be generated on output. Terms "series" and "vol." have no filing value.)
  9. *

    2251⊔aRezultati raziskovanj fStatistični urad Republike Slovenije x0352-0226 v≠št. ≠667 h1 iStatistika nacionalnih računov
    (The item belongs to a series with ISSN and also to a subseries without ISSN.)
    The ISBD entry appears as:

    (Rezultati raziskovanj / Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, ISSN 0352-0226 ; št. 667. 1, Statistika nacionalnih računov)

  10. *

    2251⊔aMedicinski razgledi iSupplement x0353-3484 v≠letn. ≠40, 3
    (The item belongs to a series with a collective and dependent title; that is why the ISSN of a collective title is omitted. It can be entered in notes area.)
  11. *

    2251⊔aPoezije fFrance Prešeren v3
    2251⊔a≠Zbirka ≠Prešeren v zvočnih knjigah
    (When the item belongs to two different series, the numbered series is entered fist and than the unnumbered one. The term "zbirka" has no filing value.)
  12. *

    001⊔⊔ac ba cs
    2001⊔aSpecialne knjižnice
    2251⊔aSlovenske knjižnice v številkah x1580-0032
    (A serial belongs to a series with ISSN.)
  13. *

    2251⊔a≠Knjižnica ≠Cerkvenega glasbenika h≠Zbirka ≠3 iCerkvena zborovska pesmarica v≠zv. ≠2
    (The item belongs to a numbered subseries. Terms "knjižnica", "zbirka" and "zv." have no filing value.)
  14. *

    2251⊔aǂБиблиотека ǂВуковник dVukovnik library
    (The item belongs to a series with parallel title. The series title is in Cyrillic, and the parallel title is in Latin script. Cyrillic is the output script, which is marked by the code entered in subfield 0017. The term "biblioteka" has no filing value.)
  15. *

    2251⊔a≠Eko-biblioteka ≠Biznis i okolina x1512-729X v≠br. ≠4
    (The item belongs to the numbered series with ISSN. Terms "Eko-biblioteka" and "br." have no filing value.)