COMARC/B | June | 2006 |
This field is used to link a continuing resource being catalogued to other continuing resources with which it merged and to an item which was the product of the merger.
If the indicator 2 is set to "1" – Make a note, a note is to be generated containing corresponding introductory phrase "Merged with:" followed by a list of titles and ISSNs from all fields 447, except the last one. A note is continued with a phrase "to form: " and with a title and an ISSN from the last field 447.
Field 447 is repeated for each of continuing resources that was merged with the continuing resource being described. In the last field 447 the continuing resource is entered which is the product of the merger.
100 ⊔⊔ bb 200 1⊔ aGeografski zbornik dActa geographica 447 ⊔1 x0351-1731 (KT=Geographica Slovenica) 447 ⊔1 x1581-6613 (KT=Acta geographica Slovenica) (The serial "Geografski zbornik" was merged with the serial "Geographica Slovenica" to form the new publication "Acta geographica Slovenica".) *
100 ⊔⊔ bb 200 1⊔ 447 ⊔1 x1408-0915 (KT=Poslovna informatika (Ljubljana)) 447 ⊔1 x1580-5212 (KT=I&T (Ljubljana)) (A note is generated: "Merged with: Poslovna informatika (Ljubljana) = ISSN 1408-0915; to form: I&T (Ljubljana) = ISSN 1580-5212".) *
100 ⊔⊔ bb 200 1⊔ aBulletin de l'Observatoire astronomique de Belgrade 447 ⊔1 x0350-3283 (KT=Publications of the Department of Astronomy) 447 ⊔1 aBulletin astronomique de Belgrade x0354-2955 *
100 ⊔⊔ bb 200 1⊔ aBilten dokumentacije hSerija E2.3: iDrumski saobraćaj. Gradski saobraćaj 447 ⊔1 x0351-2606 (KT=Bilten dokumentacije. Serija E2.1: Železnički saobraćaj (1980)) 447 ⊔1 x0351-2614 (KT=Bilten dokumentacije. Serija E2.2: Pomorski saobraćaj. Rečni i jezerski saobraćaj. Vazdušni saobraćaj (1980)) 447 ⊔1 x0351-7586 (KT=Bilten dokumentacije – Jugoslovenski centar za tehničku i naučnu dokumentaciju. Serija E2) (The succession of fields 447 is important because only the last field 447 is designated for the publication which is the product of the merger.)