COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


206 Cartographic materials – mathematical data

This field contains statements of scale, projections, coordinates and equinox of a cartographic item. It corresponds to mathematical data in ISBD(CM). A subfield is mandatory for cartographic item.

Subfields & repeatability

206Cartographic materials – mathematical datar
aMathematical datanr


Indicator values are not defined.


206a Mathematical data

The text of the statements of scale, projection, coordinates, equinoxes and epochs including ISBD(CM) punctuation.


This field is not divided into other subfields, since it is not meant for searching but for displaying records according to ISBD. The instructions for data structure along with the specified punctuation are presented in the ISBD(CM). In a field all prescribed punctuation between data is to be entered explicitly. All statements in field 206 must correspond to the coded data in fields 120, 122 and 123 (see examples 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).


This field contains a code for map projection.
This field contains the date to which the item applies. It includes the data which is found in the statement of equinox in records relating to celestial charts.
This field contains a code for scale and coordinates.


  1. 206⊔⊔aScale 1:250 000. Vertical scale 1:125 000 ; Universal Transverse Mercator proj. (W 124°-W 122°/N 58°-N 57°)
    (A relief map with horizontal scale of 1 : 250 000 and vertical scale of 1 : 125 000 with Mercator's projection; it covers a part of Canada between 124° and 122° of westernmost longitude and 58° and 57° of northernmost latitude.)
  2. 206⊔⊔a(RA 16 hr. 30 min. to 19 hr. 30 min./Decl. -16° to -49°; eq. 1950, epoch 1948)
    (A celestial chart with right ascension from 16 hr and 30 min to 19 hr and 30 min, declination from -16° to -49°, equinox 1950, epoch 1948.)
  3. *

    120⊔⊔ab by cy da dg faa ebi
    1231⊔aa b25000
    2001⊔aDržavna topografska karta Republike Slovenije 1:25.000 bKartografsko gradivo
    206⊔⊔a1:25.000 ; Gauß-Krügerjeva proj.
    (A topographic map of Slovenia with a linear scale of 1 : 25000 and Gauß-Krüger projection. The data on a projection in subfield 120e and a scale in subfield 123b must correspond to the data in subfield 206a. If a scale is quoted in a title, it also must be entered in field 206.)
  4. *

    1234⊔aa b4000
    206⊔⊔a[Ca 1:4.000]
    (When a scale is not stated on the publication, it can be calculated by a cataloguer and enclosed in square brackets. Value "4" of the indicator in field 123 indicates an approximate scale.)
  5. *

    1232⊔aa b40000 b13000 b7500
    206⊔⊔a1:40.000, 1:13.000, 1:7.500
    (An atlas with three different scales. Value "2" of the indicator in field 123 indicates multiple scales. In field 123 the scales' values are entered.)
  6. *

    1232⊔aa b300000 b650000 b12500 b930000
    206⊔⊔a[Različna merila]
    (An atlas with more than three different scales. In stead of a scale statement, there is a corresponding phrase in field 206 entered in the language used by the institution preparing the record. In field 123 the scales' values are entered.)
  7. *

    1233⊔aa b27000 b36000
    206⊔⊔a1:27.000-1:36.000 ; Hyperboloid proj.
    (A map with different scales. In fields 206 and 123 the range of scales is entered.)
  8. *

    1231⊔aa b1000000
    (A map with the scale of 1 : 1.000.000. The information on scale entered in subfields 123b and 206a must correspond to each other.)