COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


110 Continuing resources

This field contains coded data relating to continuing resources including monographic series catalogued as series rather than as individual monographs.

Subfields & repeatability

110Continuing resourcesnr
aType of continuing resource designatornr
bFrequency of issuenr
dType of material codenr
tImpact factor**nr


Indicator values are not defined.


110a Type of continuing resource designator

A type of continuing resource in which the parts (called issues) are generally characterised by variety of contents and contributors, both within the issue and from one issue to another. Periodicals can be print or digital. They include journals, magazines, print directories and newsletters.

This code indicates a broad category of periodicals and can be used if a more specific code is not required. Otherwise, prefer codes for the specific types of periodicals.

bmonographic series

A type of continuing resource characterised by each part having a distinctive title and often individual authorship in addition to the series having a constant title. Each part will usually contain only a single work or a closely related group of works. Systematic or sequential numbering of parts is a common but not invariable further characteristic.


A type of periodical characterised by the fact that it contains topical information and addresses the general public. It is published frequently (daily, weekly, biweekly), and is usually printed in columns down each page (see examples 3, 4). Examples: Delo, Večer, Slovenske novice, Politika, etc. This code is also used for both factory and school newspapers and information bulletins of some organisations and societies.


An itemized listing of information for the identification or location of persons, objects, organisations, or places, arranged alphabetically, chronologically, or in other systematic order, and updated over time. Directories can be print or digital.

If more specific codes are not required, you can use code "a" for a print directory and code "g" for a digital directory.

eupdating loose-leaf

An integrating resource that consists of a base volume(s) updated by separate pages which are inserted, removed, and/or substituted (see example 6).


A collection of logically interrelated data stored together in one or more computerised files, usually created and managed by a database management system and accessed via a search interface (see examples 5, 7).

If a more specific code is not required, you can use code "g".

gupdating website

A collection of web pages and related content that is changing or customizing to give someone the most recent information (see example 8).

Use this code if more specific codes are not required. Otherwise, prefer codes for the specific types of updating websites ("f", "h", "d" (for digital directory), "i").


Online periodical appearing on a web page that may contain web links and/or comments on a particular topic or subject (broad or narrow in scope), often in the form of short articles arranged in reverse chronological order, the most recently added piece of information appearing first.

Blog content may be written or collected by the site owner or contributed by users (see example 9).

If more specific codes are not required, code "g" can be used.


An archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the intellectual output of an institution or a group of institutions, particularly scholarly or research. It can also be a collection of materials on a specific subject, or from a specific community. It includes materials such as e-prints, technical reports, theses and dissertations, datasets, and teaching and learning materials.


A periodical addressing readers interested in a specific subject or profession. Often includes original research and current developments (see example 1).


A periodical addressing non-scientific, non-professional general interest topics (see examples 2, 10).


A short periodical that can be issued by an organization, generally to its members, or to a specific audience to give current information about a topic or sphere of activity.

This code is also used for factory and school newspapers and information bulletins of some organisations and societies (see example 11).

ymagazine** (see m)

Code is cancelled. Use code "m" instead.


Code is used for continuing resources that cannot be assigned other codes.

110b Frequency of issue

A code indicates the frequency of a serial or the update of an integrating resource.

bsemiweekly (twice a week)
dbiweekly (every two weeks)
esemimonthly (twice a month)
gbimonthly (every two months)
ithree times a year
jsemiannual (twice a year)
lbiennial (every two years)
mtriennial (every three years)
nthree times a week
othree times a month
pcontinuously updated

A code indicates that an integrating resource is updated more times a day.

yundetermined (occasionally, etc.)

A frequency statement note must be entered in field 326.

110c Regularity

A code indicates the regularity of issue of a serial or the update of an integrating resource.

110d Type of material code

A code indicates whether a continuing resource, as a whole, is one of certain frequently used types of reference materials. The category most prominent in the item should be selected.


The continuing resource consists of a bibliography, e.g. national bibliography.


A list of bibliographic items in a collection or exhibition or available from a particular agency such as a publisher or bookshop, e.g. a publisher's catalogue in serial form.


E.g. a continuing resource index to a continuing resource.

dabstract or summary

Includes descriptive, indicative and informative abstracts.


Continuing resource consisting of an alphabetical listing of words with a short description of their meaning and usage or with equivalents in other language.


Continuing resource listing names or terms in a given subject with an extensive description usually alphabetically arranged.


Ordered list of persons, corporate bodies or places with information about each.


Continuing resource designed to present a body of reference matter intended to be revised at annual intervals, or reporting or reviewing the year's book of the main events of the year in a particular field of interest.


Numerical facts on a subject systematically collected and usually arranged in tabular form, e.g. statistical reports.


Book reviews and/or reviews of moving pictures, etc.

llaws and legislation

Documents including texts of laws.

mlaw reports and digests

Regular reviews of legal proceedings.

nlegal articles

Articles in a journal dealing with general legal topics.

olegal cases and case notes

Reports and discussions on legal cases.


Used when continuing resource consists of individual biography, collective biographies or contains biographical information, e.g. "who's who".

rliterature surveys/reviews

Narrative surveys, often critical, of activity in a specific field.

tcartoons or comic strips

Continuing resources published as cartoons for children or adults.

zother kinds of contents
110t Impact factor**

A subfield has been used for the coordination of foreign serials acquisition (later also a field 959 – Serials – retrospective). The JCR (Journal Citation Reports) database, that is available via COBISS+, is now used for that purpose.


001cRECORD LABEL, Bibliographic level
A subfield c designates whether the item is a serial or an integrating resource; in that case a field 110 will be present in the record.
A field contains a note indicating the frequency with which a serial is issued or the update of an integrating resource.


  1. *

    110⊔⊔aa bc ca
    2001⊔aNature einternational weekly journal of science
    (Peer-reviewed scientific journal issued regularly every week. Code "a" in subfield 110a designates it as a periodical, but a more specific code "j" – journal can also be used.)
  2. *

    110⊔⊔aa bc cy
    2001⊔aTim esport magazin
    (Tim magazine issued weekly but irregularly. In subfield 110a, the more specific code "m" – magazine can be used.)
  3. *

    110⊔⊔ac ba ca
    (Dnevnik newspaper issued daily and regularly.)
  4. *

    110⊔⊔ac bc ca
    2001⊔aNedeljski dnevnik
    (Issued weekly.)
  5. *

    110⊔⊔af bk ca
    2001⊔aJournal citation reports on CD-ROM bElektronski vir
    (Journal citation reports database issued annually on CD-ROMs that are numbered with a year.)
  6. *

    110⊔⊔ae by
    2001⊔aCOMARC/B format eformat za bibliografske podatke epriročnik za uporabnike f[izdal] Institut informacijskih znanosti
    (Code "e" in subfield 110a designates an integrating resource – the COMARC/B manual the content of which is updated by separate pages.)
  7. *

    110⊔⊔af bp
    2001⊔aVzajemna bibliografsko-kataložna baza podatkov COBIB bElektronski vir
    (COBIB database that is regulary updated.)
  8. *

    110⊔⊔ag by
    2001⊔aInstitut informacijskih znanosti bElektronski vir eIZUM
    (A record for a website.)
  9. *

    110⊔⊔ah by
    2001⊔aDamijan blog
    (A record for an economics blog.)
  10. *

    110⊔⊔am bf ca
    2001⊔aNational geographic
    (National Geographic is a magazine about animals, plants, and peoples of the world. It is intended for the general public and includes articles that can be based on scientific research but which are written in a non-technical style, are not peer-reviewed and do not contain citations.)
  11. *

    110⊔⊔an bk
    2001⊔aPlaninski odmevi
    (Newsletter of the Alpine club Fram containing short articles and information about the club.)