COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


F Maintaining Bibliographies within the COBISS System

F.1 General

The regulations for evaluation criteria relating to the quality of the scientific work and also relating to the registering and trapping the results of the scientific work (Ur. List RS, nr. 65/94) and Instructions for maintaining bibliographies within the COBISS system by the Ministry of science and technology (November 21, 1995), together with the unsuitability and obsolescence of some previous solutions have updated the way bibliographies was maintained within the COBISS system.

The organization of data entry into the local databases and the COBIB database was first to reorganize. The print-outs from the local databases and also from the COBIB shared database will be enabled.

New typology of documents/works was included in the form of a global code list prepared according to the code list used by the Ministry of science and technology. With introduction of new typology the division of materials on publications and semi-publications has been cancelled and the three basic types of documents/works have been introduced: articles and component parts, monographs and other completed works, performed and other (in libraries) inaccessible works. The fourth category of the results of the scientific work is a secondary authorship, e.g. editorship.

Further, there is also the researchers' global code list included according to the official register by the Ministry of science and technology and the global code list of the institutions/organizations that enables connection to the official code list of the research organizations and research groups from the register of the Ministry of science and technology.

Documents representing the results of the scientific work are catalogued within the COBISS system the same way as the other documents. Anyway, the additional data should be entered like: typology of documents/works, researcher code, institution/organization code. It is also necessary to pay special attention to the data consistency within a record.

Instructions for cataloguing documents/works are defined by the cataloguing rules that are valid within the COBISS system and also by the formats COMARC/B for bibliographic data and COMARC/H for holdings data.

In the Appendix F2 all specificities are shown that are present while entering separate fields and subfields that should be regarded in the case of records that are relevant for trapping the results of the scientific work.

The retrospective entering of data relating to the serials that are recorded in the special reference database within the COBISS system is presented in the Appendix F3.

The way of connecting articles and component parts to the host item (serials, completed publications: monographs, proceedings, special issues) is presented in the Appendix F4.

The way of presenting the results of the scientific work with help of the COBISS system is presented in the Appendix F5.

Definitions and recommendations for entering data relating to the typology of documents/works are presented in the Appendix F6.

The way of determining the code list of the institutions/organizations, together with the code list, is presented in the Appendix F7.