COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


338 Funding information note

This field contains information about the contract, grant, and project numbers when the work results from a funded project. Information concerning the sponsor or funding agency may also be included.

Subfields & repeatability

338Funding information noter
aText of unstructured notenr
bFunding organizationr
dProject numbernr
fProject namenr
gProject acronymnr


1Not defined
2Field structure

Indicator specifies whether or not the field is structured. Indicator value blank specifies that all information is recorded in a single subfield a. Indicator value "1" specifies that information is recorded as necessary in subfields other than subfield a.


338a Text of unstructured note

It is used only for the complete text of an unstructured note. Subfield a should be present if indicator 2 is blank.

338b Funding organization

Information concerning the sponsors or funding agencies.

338c Program

The name refers to a specific program. Determined by the sponsor or funding agency.

338d Project number

A unique identifier in the scope of funding organization (e.g. grant agreement number).

338e Jurisdiction

The name of government or other formally constituted legal body (e.g. EU for European Union).

338f Project name

The full form of the project name.

338g Project acronym

The project acronym.


Notes are entered in subfield a or in subfields b to g. On display, the data from subfields b to g is separated with a comma, and in front of a subfield b an introductory note is added automatically. If a note formed in this way is appropriate, the preference should be given to the structured input. Otherwise the complete note should be entered in subfield a.


  1. 2001⊔aSvet tišine eškola gestovnog govora eZaječar od 1. 8. – 30. 10. 2004. f[organizator] Međuopštinska organizacija gluvih i nagluvih Zaječara
    338⊔⊔aProjekat finasiran iz programa Self Help and Advocacy for Rights and Equal opportunities South East Europe (Share-SEE)
    (Unstructured note about the grant for the project Svet tišine.)
  2. 2001⊔aNew library services at western Balkan universities efinal report
    338⊔1bFinancijer: EC cTempus d2009-4930
    (The structured note refers to the funding organization, the program and the grant agreement number. The above listed example is taken from the UNIMARC. Within the COBISS systems an introductory note should not be entered.)
  3. 2000⊔aHuman-machine interfacing by decoding surface electromyogram fDario Farina, Aleš Holobar
    338⊔1bFinancer: EC cFP7 d267888 eEU fDecoding the Neural Code of Human Movements for a New Generation of Man-machine Interfaces gDEMOVE
    (Structured note with the name and acronym of the project.)
  4. *

    2000aSurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) analysis of organic colourants utilising a new UV-photoreduced substrate fKlara Retko, Polonca Ropret and Romana Cerc Korošec
    338⊔1bARRS cProgrami dP1-0134 eSI fKemija za trajnostni razvoj
    (Structured note on the research program Kemija za trajnostni razvoj, funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. From the data contained by the field a note is generated Financer: ARRS, Programi, P1-0134, SI, Kemija za trajnostni razvoj. An introductory note "Financer: " is added automatically which means that it should not be entered in subfield b manually.)
  5. *

    2001⊔aProjekcija vodnih količin za namakanje v Sloveniji ezaključno poročilo fMatjaž Glavan ... [et al.]
    338⊔1bARRS cCiljni projekti dV4-1066 eSI
  6. *

    2001⊔aHepatitis C virus infection among pregnant women in Slovenia bElektronski vir estudy on 31,849 samples obtained in four screening rounds during 1999, 2003, 2009 and 2013 fB Kopilović ... [et al.]
    338⊔1bARRS cCiljni projekti dV3-1502 eSI fNacionalna raziskava življenjskega sloga, stališč, zdravja in spolnosti II
  7. *

    2000⊔aAnalysis of the slider force calibration procedure for the British Pendulum Skid Resistance Tester fMiha Hiti and Vilma Ducman
    338⊔1bEC cFP7 dRCN96092 eEU fDevelopment of a high grip designing tool gULTRAGRIP
    (The Project Development of a high grip designing tool, funded within the European program FP7.)