COMARC/B Format for Bibliographic Data


334 Awards note

This field contains information about awards or recognitions connected with the item being recorded.

Subfields & repeatability

334Awards noter
aText of notenr
bName of awardnr
cYear of awardnr
dCountry of awardnr


Indicator values are not defined.


334a Text of note

A note relating to award or recognition in form of free text. This subfield may be used when the data is not separated into specific subfields b, c or d.

334b Name of award

The name of the award.

334c Year of award

The date of the granting of the award (year, but month and day can also be added).

334d Country of award

A three-character code for the country, in which the award was granted. The ISO 3166 standard is used for entering codes.


Notes are entered either in subfield a or in subfields b, c, or d.


  1. 334⊔⊔aAcademy Award for Best Picture, 1987
    334⊔⊔bAcademy Award for Best Picture c1987 dusa
  2. 334⊔⊔aBooker Prize, 1980
    334⊔⊔bBooker Prize c1980 dgbr
  3. 334⊔⊔aPrix Louis Delluc, 1984
    334⊔⊔bPrix Louis Delluc c1984 dfra
  4. 334⊔⊔aCésar 1984 du meilleur film de l'année
  5. *

    334⊔⊔aNagrada Radijskega odra iz Trsta
    (A free text about the award is entered in the note.)
  6. *

    334⊔⊔bRožančeva nagrada c2021
    (Award data is entered into specific subfields.)